Process Similarities and Differences with the Tenure Review

Promotion to Professor in the University Tenure Line

Process similarities with the tenure review include:

  • The review is initiated via an email from the Vice Dean to the candidate describing the criteria and process for the review.
  • Approximately six months are allowed from initiation to completion of the review by the department and School.  University review is usually completed within two to three months.
  • The faculty member provides his or her curriculum vitae and Candidate’s Statement and may suggest referees (with the final list to be determined by the department chair) and trainees to be solicited.
  • Evaluations are collected on teaching (broadly defined) and, if applicable, clinical activities.

Process differences with the tenure review include:

  • Fewer external referee letters are required (5-8 as opposed to 8-12).
  • Named comparison peers are not required (although they may be used in some cases, if appropriate).
  • Fewer trainee letters are required (3-5 as opposed to 5-10).
  • The promotion file is not reviewed by the Advisory Board (an elected standing committee of the Academic Senate drawn from the University’s seven schools); final approval comes from the President after review and recommendation by the Provost.  The rest of the process is similar to the tenure review (i.e., departmental committee(s), Vice Dean, School Appointments and Promotions Committee and the Dean).