Timing of the Promotion Review
Promotion to Professor in the University Tenure Line
- There is no formal timeline for promotion from tenured Associate Professor to Professor. Candidates should be brought forward for consideration when there is evidence that they have compiled a significant record of accomplishment since the time of the tenure review and that criteria for the higher rank have been met.
- A survey of approximately 50 UTL full professors who were promoted to that rank revealed that 56% were promoted in greater than four but fewer than eight years.
- Candidates for promotion have the responsibility of designing and pursuing a schedule of research that results in impact in advance of the review.
- Similarly, the faculty member’s career should be managed so that teaching and, if applicable, clinical care records are robust and ready to be evaluated by the time that the promotion package is submitted.
- Generally, by the time materials have been submitted for the review, the candidate’s dossier should predominantly reflect a record of realized accomplishment (which confirms distinction/recognition and impact in the field) rather than work that has been submitted or accepted but not yet published.
- Submitted or “in preparation” works may be included on the curriculum vitae as evidence of ongoing work in progress.
- Progress toward promotion – and timing – should be discussed during the annual counseling meeting with the department chair or division chief.