Acquisition & Reconstruction Methods
In addition to numerous specific application areas, our group spends considerable time developing new MRI techniques that can be applied broadly. These include RF pulse design, MRI pulse sequences, reconstruction algorithms and image analysis tools, as well as "packages" that combine some of these elements.
Relevant Publications
Imaging of Metabolic Activity in Osteoarthritis with PET/MRI
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic, degenerative disease of the joint that is characterized by degeneration affecting all tissues in the joint.
Faster MRI Near Metal Using Subsampling
Faster MRI near metal is enabled by subsampling and tightening the field of view to fit the shape of distorted slices.
MRI with Compressed Sensing and Variable View Sharing
A new sampling pattern enables retrospective selection of frame rates in MRI to allow for different spatiotemporal resoluiton tradeoffs and protocol optimization for different imaging applications.
Imaging and T2 Relaxometry of Short-T2 Connective Tissues in the Knee using Ultrashort Echo-Time Double-Echo Steady-State (UTEDESS)
Osteoarthritis is a whole-joint disease, however, it is currently challenging to image several tissues in the joint such as the menisci, tendons, and ligaments.
2D Multi-Spectral Imaging For Fast MRI Near Metal
This approach offers a fast (tens of seconds per slice) approach to MRI near metal while correcting much of the signal loss, distortion and abnormally bright signal that can occur near implanted metal.
Rapid 3D MRI of Breast Perfusion
Breast cancer is most often detected on MRI using contrast-enhanced imaging.
A Simple Analytic Method for Estimating T2 in the Knee from DESS
MRI measurements of the relaxation time T2 can help estimate the progression of diseases such as osteoarthritis and its associated tissue deterioration. The Double-Echo Steady-State (DESS) sequence is often used for radiographic images of the knee.
Improved Field Mapping Near Metal
Reducing the noise and distortion in magnetic field maps near metal implants allows for better visualization of the anatomy near the implant.
Metallic Implant Estimation Using Susceptibility Mapping
Magnetic field patterns can be used to identify the location and shape of metal devices and render them on images.
Estimation of Multiple Tissue Parameters Using the DESS Sequence
The Double-Echo Steady-State (DESS) sequence, which produces undistorted, SNR-efficient 3D scans, can provide estimates of multiple tissue parameters.