Clerkship Descriptions
A current list of Clerkships is available in theĀ School of Medicine Course Catalog.
Find the clerkships you are interested in. Write down their clerkship ID numbers. A clerkship ID number looks like this: "ANES 300C" or "MED 306A". The letter suffix following each clerkship number is used to denote the hospital designation as follows:
A = Stanford University Medical Center
B = Palo Alto Veterans Administration Medical Center
C = Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
D = Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Santa Clara
A call code is listed for each clerkship to indicate how often call and weekend work is required. Call codes are listed in the clerkship descriptions, and translate as follows:
0 = No call, no weekends
1 = No call, but rounds on weekends
2 = Other, see comment for explanation
3 = Call every third night
4 = Call every fourth night
5 = Call every fifth night