Scholarly Concentration: Informatics & Data-Driven Medicine


Daniel L. Rubin, MD, MS

Objectives and Goals

Informatics & Data-Driven Medicine (IDDM) is a foundation area within the Scholarly Concentration program that explores the new transformative paradigm called BIG DATA that is revolutionizing medicine. The proliferation of huge databases of clinical, imaging, and molecular data are driving new biomedical discoveries and informing and enabling precision medical care. The IDDM Scholarly Concentration will provide students insights into this important emerging area of medicine, and introducing fundamental topics such as information management, computational methods of structuring and analyzing biomedical data, and large-scale data analysis along the biomedical research pipeline, from the analysis and interpretation of new biological datasets to the integration and management of this information in the context of clinical care.


Students who pursue Informatics & Data-Driven Medicine in conjunction with an application area, such as Immunology, are required to complete 6 units including:

Biomedin 205: Precision Practice with Big Data
(1 unit – may be repeated once for total of 2 units)

The other 2-4 core IDDM units can be selected from any of the classes which the biomedical informatics graduate students take to fulfill their degree requirements.

Students interested in completing all 12 units in IDDM can select from the classes which the biomedical informatics graduate students take to fulfill their degree requirements. Students are encouraged to devise a course plan to present to the director.

Scholarly Concentrations & the MD Program

The Scholarly Concentration (SC) program is a required, structured program of study in the Medical Student Curriculum that promotes in-depth learning and scholarship. The SC's provide medical students with faculty-mentored scholarly experiences in areas of individual interest combined with structured coursework to support this scholarship.