
Font selection is one key element in the creation of effective communications and marketing. Typography should enhance the overall design, photography, and editorial writing to help describe and define our brand. We follow most of the Stanford University font recommendations.

Two fonts are recommended for use in Stanford Medicine communication: "Source Sans Pro" and "Crimson Text."  Our website standards use "Source Sans Pro" with featured text presented in "Fjord One."

Source Sans Pro

Source Sans Pro should be used in unit signatures alongside the Stanford Medicine logo and can also be used as a primary sans-serif font in your print and online communications.

Fjord One

Fjord One is used as an accent font for headings and quotes.

Crimson Text

Crimson Text (also referred to sometimes as just “Crimson”) is a companion serif font for use in both print communications.



Stanford Font Guidelines

Overview of font recommendations.

Questions regarding Stanford Medicine branding should be directed to the Dean’s Office.  For questions about the Stanford University logo, please contact the Office of Business Affairs.