Message From
Director of SPRC

Welcome to the website of the Wellness Living Laboratory (WELL).  WELL is a cutting-edge effort to define, redefine, expand, and materialize wellness.

Medicine has long focused on how to diagnose and treat disease, but what people are mostly interested in is health and, beyond simple health, the fulfillment of wellness.

Wellness has been difficult to define to-date because it encompasses all these delicate and exciting experiences that make a life worth living, filled with physical and intellectual achievement.

Stanford Prevention Research Center

Applying the Science of Health and Wellbeing

WELL science focuses on transforming health through a paradigm shift in the design, implementation, conduct, and interpretation of the science of healthy living.

WELL seeks to understand, validate and accelerate progress made in successful lifestyle behavior change and amplify both the magnitude of the behavior change and the magnitude of the health impacts.

Traditionally, lifestyle behavior research is either observational epidemiology with large and diverse sample sizes and long durations demonstrating association (rather than cause and effect), or intervention trials demonstrating cause and effect over relatively short periods of time with small select population subgroups.

WELL proposes to fuse these complementary approaches into one, new, powerful scientific approach using the following components:

  • WELL REGISTRY: Beginning with two pilot sites, Santa Clara and China, and expanding globally, WELL will develop a registry of thousands of participants to participate in lifestyle intervention trial options for extended durations.


  • LIFESTYLE INTERVENTIONS: The world-renowned multidisciplinary faculty of the Stanford Prevention Research Center and their colleagues, in collaboration with “citizen scientists”, will develop and test novel and adaptive interventions designed to promote  health and wellbeing for individuals and communities.


  • BIOBANK: biobank focused on wellness outcomes and improvement.


WELL shifts the emphasis in health oriented research to “health outcomes” rather than “absence of disease outcomes”.

With our three-pronged approach (observation, intervention and biology), WELL seeks to scientifically determine the interaction of relevant evidence-based wellness domains to establish best wellness practices to improve health and quality of life among all segments of populations positively impacting individuals, communities and policies.