MLA Community

John Trumbull, Declaration of Independence, 1819

"The diversity of students is fascinating -- where else could you have artists, lawyers, activists, teachers, psychologists, and engineers all in one room discussing Beowulf and Marx?"

-Xiao-Wei Wang, MLA 2010

MLA students bring diverse cultures, professions, and interests to the classroom. They are lawyers, teachers, CEOs, full-time parents, journalists, physicians, retirees, and more. Our students range in age and experience from recent college graduates to retirees. Together they form a dedicated and dynamic cohort of students who bring a lifetime of experience and expertise in to the classroom.

The reasons for participating in the MLA Program are as numerous as our students. For most students, the pursuit of the MLA degree is an end in itself; for some, it is a means of furthering or extending a career; for others, it is the beginning of an academic career. Whatever their motivations, students agree that no matter what they do, after the MLA Program, they do it better, more thoughtfully, and with more confidence.



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Changing the Formula

MLA graduate David Blazevich recounts an ‘a-ha’ moment from the program.