Dick Cottle
Fellow Award, 2006
The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
Yinyu Ye
Fellow Award, 2006
The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
Yinyu Ye
Farkas Prize of the INFORMS Optimization Society, 2006
Kathy Eisenhardt
National Science Foundation Grant #0621777, 2006
Title: How Firms Manage Technology Collaborations
Energy Modeling Forum (John Weyant and Hillard Huntington)
The United States Association for Energy Economics (USAEE) Adelman-Frankel Award
Kathy Eisenhardt
Eugene L. Grant Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, 2006
Science Watch ranks Kathy Eisenhardt sixth most-cited author in Economics & Business, 1995-2005
Bob Sutton (with Fabrizio Ferraro and Jeffrey Pfeffer)
Best Paper 2006 , Academy of Management Review
Stephen Barley, Kathleen Eisenhardt, Robert Sutton and Kim Elsbach
Academy of Management Journal’s Editorial Board in 2006 voted articles by Stephen Barley, Kathleen Eisenhardt, Robert Sutton and Kim Elsbach among the 10 Most Interesting Empirical Papers in Management Published in the Last 100 Years.
Chris Bingham and Kathy Eisenhardt
Finalist, Carolyn Dexter All-Academy Award for Best Paper on International Business, 2006
Riitta Katila and Eric Chen
Selected as one of the OMT Division’s Best Papers. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2006
Title: Never Too Early, Never Too Late: Effects of Search Timing on Product Innovation