Protect Our Climate | Fund + Invest | Our Work | Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Protect Our Climate

Cleaner air is not just a good idea, it’s the law.

San Francisco Bay looking south from Coyote Hills Regional Park
San Francisco Bay looking south from Coyote Hills Regional Park
Peter Beeler

State law requires the Bay Area to cut per capita carbon dioxide, or CO2, emissions from cars and light trucks.

By the year 2020 we must cut to 7 percent below 2005 levels, and by 2035 to 15 percent below the 2005 benchmark.

Investment Plan Charts Course to Exceed State Targets

Plan Bay Area, the region's long-range plan for transportation investment and land-use priorities through the year 2040, invests $630 million over the next 25 years for an ambitious Climate Initiatives Program to help our region not just meet these targets, but exceed them — with an 18 percent reduction in per capita CO2 emissions by 2040.


MTC works closely with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, the Association of Bay Area Governments, the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, and other public and private partners to advance this program.

Can we grow and protect our environment? Find out how we measure our impact on the climate in Vital Signs.