MTC is counting down the days to Monday, May 23, 2016 — the agency’s first day at the new regional government center at 375 Beale in San Francisco.
News and Stories
MTC Gives Green Light to Major Bike Share Expansion
Bike sharing will expand tenfold in the Bay Area under a plan approved unanimously by the MTC Commission today.
New Bay Area Bike Share Proposal Expands Across Five Bay Area Cities
Youth for the Environment and Sustainability (YES) Conference Returns to the San Francisco Bay Area; Youth Leaders, Teachers and Advisors Invited to Speak
OAKLAND, CA — Middle- and high-school students from across the region will gather to take action on environmental sustainability issues at the second Youth for the Environment and
Students Invited to Attend and Present at Youth for the Environment and Sustainability (YES) Conference
UPDATE February 4, 2015…There’s still room at the YES Conference – Youth for the Environment and Sustainability — set for this Saturday, February 7, at MTC’s Oakland offices, sta
Walnut Creek to Host Free Electric Vehicle Test-Drive Event
OAKLAND, CA — Visitors to the Walnut Creek Farmers’ Market on Sunday, Oct. 26, can test-drive some of the newest models of electric cars on North Locust Street.
Assemblymember Jim Frazier Joins Bay Area BikeMobile in Antioch
OAKLAND, CA — On Thursday, October 23, the Antioch High School Bike Club (ABC) and Street Smarts 511 will host Assemblymember Jim Frazier (D – Oakley) and the Bay Area BikeMobile a
Family Biking Workshops Draw Crowds for Rides and Free Fix-Ups
It was a Tuesday evening, but it looked like a lively weekend afternoon at East Palo Alto’s Joel Davis Park.
Marin to Host Free Electric Vehicle Test-Drive Event
OAKLAND, CA — The “Experience Electric – The Better Ride” campaign will offer free test drives of some of the newest electric cars on Saturday, Oct. 11, from 12 noon to 5 p.m.
"Experience Electric" in Cupertino, September 20, 2014
The Experience Electric campaign, sponsored by MTC together with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and a consortium of electric
Initial Study/Negative Declaration for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Regulation 14, Mobile Source Emission Reduction Measures Rule 1 - Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program
BAAQMD Regulation 14, Rule 1: Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program
Climate Change in the Classroom
Free teacher workshops, sponsored by MTC and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, have been underway to train teachers on how to teach about climate change.