Faculty Choice

Faculty Choice provides a forum for the exchange of ideas among Center curators, Stanford University faculty, the university community, and the general public. Individual faculty members are invited to select a work or works of art from the Center’s collections, identify the visual and conceptual ideas that have drawn his or her interest, and conceive a project or program in any format to engage museum visitors in the inquiry. The Faculty Choice series is supported by the Barbara Silverman Fund.

Projects may be expressed in one or more ways, such as writing didactic material or a small publication, presenting a lecture, or creating a performance piece or another work of art.

Past Faculty Choices have included:

  • Robert Gregg, Religious Studies: "When John Met Mary"
  • Charles Junkerman, Continuing Studies Program: "100 Stones/100 Days"
  • Jan Krawitz, Documentary Film/Communication: "Robert Frank: Photographer and Filmmaker"
  • Carolyn Lougee Chappell, Department of History: "Royal Wives in Jeopardy: Artful Depictions from the Age of Revolution"
  • Amy Ladd, Orthopaedic Surgery: "Motion Stands Still"
  • John Hennessy, President of Stanford University: "Figurative Paintings at the Cantor Arts Center"
  • Michael Shanks, Classics: "Behind the Locked Door"
  • Janice Ross, Dance Division, Drama Department: "People–Various"
  • Audrey Shafer, School of Medicine: "Ekphrasis: Writing in Response to Art"
  • John Tinker, Program in Writing and Rhetoric: "Invention and Eloquence"
  • Peggy Phelan, Drama Department: "The Eloquence of Hands: Performance and Portraiture"
  • Mark Applebaum, Music Department: "The Metaphysics of Notation"
  • Mark Feldman, Program in Writing and Rhetoric: "Out of the Wild"

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