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Continuing Studies' spring quarter courses announced

STANFORD -- University employees can spend spring quarter studying dances of Latin America, mythic and scientific cosmology, David Hume, the Old Testament or Federico Fellini through the Continuing Studies Program.

All regular Stanford employees (50 percent time or more) are eligible to receive up to $140 per quarter to be applied toward course tuition. Therefore, Stanford employees pay only the $25 registration fee for a single one-unit course.

Except where noted, the classes meet from 7 to 8:50 p.m. one night a week on campus. Registration began on Feb. 27, and most spring quarter classes begin the week of April 3. (More complete course descriptions are available on-line through the PRISM training schedule and Portfolio.)

Dances from Mexico, Cuba, Brazil, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Chile and Peru will be taught for both movement and cultural understanding by Susan Cashion, senior lecturer in the Dance Division, on Wednesdays, beginning May 10.

The whole universe is the subject of Mythic and Scientific Cosmology. Lawrence Colin, consulting professor of electrical engineering, will explore theories about its origin, constitution, evolution, large-scale structure and future on Wednesdays, beginning May 10.

Fellini: Grimaces and Grace will focus on the Italian director's early work and will follow his development. This course, taught by Leda Mussio, senior lecturer emerita in French and Italian, will meet Wednesdays, beginning April 5.

John Perry, professor of philosophy, will examine the work of David Hume (1711-1776), one of history's greatest philosophers, on Tuesdays, beginning April 4.

Mark Mancall, professor of history, will examine the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) as a document of social, political, institutional, economic and cultural history. This course meets Tuesdays, beginning April 4.

Other spring offerings:

Ancient Classical Mystery Cults, the latest course from Patrick Hunt, lecturer in classics, will meet Thursdays, beginning April 6, and will explore a fascinating side of religious life in the Greco-Roman world.

Students in Archaeological Field Methods will excavate at a site on campus where both a prehistoric Ohlone/Costanoan village and the remnants of a historic home are hidden beneath the surface. This outdoor class, taught by Laura Jones, campus archaeologist, will meet Saturday mornings beginning April 8.

French Painting in the Romantic Era is devoted to the work of the great French painters of the early and mid-19th century. Taught by Josine Eikelenboom Smits, acting instructor of art, this course will meet Thursdays, beginning April 6.

Christopher Canellos, lecturer in the Graduate School of Business, will repeat his popular course Personal Financial Planning on Mondays, beginning April 3.

Working with the Japanese introduces Japanese organizational structures, socio-cultural concepts and negotiating techniques. This course, taught by Richard Dasher, associate director of the U.S.-Japan Technology Management Center, will meet Thursdays, beginning April 6.

Also on Thursdays, beginning April 6, Evangelia Prionas, lecturer in linguistics, will introduce students to the language and culture of contemporary Greece in Modern Greek Language and Culture.

Antony Raubitschek, professor emeritus of classics, continues his series of courses at the Palo Alto Senior Center with Socrates: The First Psychologist. This course will meet Tuesdays at 4 p.m. beginning April 4.

In An Introduction to Acting: From Shakespeare to Mamet, Winter Mead, guest lecturer in drama, will focus on text analysis, monologues, scene work and audition strategies, drawing from Macbeth, Waiting for Godot and Pinter's Betrayal. This course will meet Mondays, beginning April 3.

The American Wilderness will explore cultural concepts of the American wilderness in literature from Romanticism and Realism to Modernism. Taught by Donald Bacon, visiting scholar in English, this course will meet at the Stratford in San Mateo on Thursdays, beginning April 6.

Linda Paulson, assistant dean for the Master of Liberal Arts Program and lecturer in English, will teach From the Enlightenment to Modernism: The Novel and the Visual Arts every Monday, beginning April 3. In this course, students will consider five major British novelists, along with the representative art of their European contemporaries.

In Shakespeare's Tragedies, Helen Brooks, senior lecturer in English, will set four of Shakespeare's most compelling tragedies within their rich cultural and intellectual milieu. This course will meet Thursdays, beginning April 6.

David Biespiel, Wallace Stegner Fellow in poetry, will offer the spring Poetry Workshop on Tuesdays, beginning April 4 for aspiring poets.

Students will examine women's lives in the context of their communities - the family and the economy, churches and politics in Remembering the Ladies: Women in Early American History. This course, taught by Edith Gelles, affiliated scholar with the Institute for Research on Women and Gender, will meet Thursdays, beginning April 6.

The concepts of "civilization" and "society" will be studied in Civilization and Its Malcontents: Critiques of Society and the Individual from Montesquieu to Freud on Wednesdays, beginning April 5, with Lisa Cody, visiting assistant professor in history.

A History of South Africa will introduce South Africa's multi-ethnic society with all its tensions and divisions. This course, taught by Peter Duignan, senior fellow, Hoover Institution, will meet Mondays, beginning April 3.

The Nature of Language will survey issues in modern linguistics, with particular attention to the question of what language can tell us about the organization and functioning of the human mind. Taught by Tom Wasow, professor of linguistics and philosophy, this course meets Mondays, beginning April 3.

What to do in the middle of nowhere when something goes wrong, and you can't dial 911? Find out in Wilderness Medicine, taught by Marc Nelson, clinical associate professor of surgery, on Wednesdays, beginning April 5.

The Singing Voice: Art and Science will cover topics related to the human voice in art and entertainment. Perry Cook, technical director/senior research associate, Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, will teach this course on Wednesdays, beginning April 5.

Grover Sales continues his popular courses on American jazz with Jazz Singers. Every Monday, beginning April 3, this multimedia overview will use slides, rare recordings and personal interviews to trace the development of jazz and blues singers.

Memorial Church's organ loft will be the classroom for The Organ Works of Bach, meeting every Tuesday, beginning April 4, with Robert Bates, the church organist.

Students in British Politics will examine the British political system and the legacy of the Thatcher years. This course, taught by Gerald Dorfman, senior Hoover fellow, will meet Mondays beginning April 3.

The Ethics of Development in a Global Environment seminar series continues on Wednesdays, beginning April 5. This series, led by Bruce Lusignan, associate professor of electrical engineering, will focus spring quarter on "Wealth, Freedom and Health."

Psychology of Peak Performance for Individuals with Jeffrey Wildfogel, consulting professor of psychology, will be offered again on Wednesdays, beginning April 5.

Carl Jung and Analytic Psychology will focus on the person of Jung, his seminal philosophical perspectives and their impact upon modern thought and life. This course will meet every Tuesday, beginning April 4, with Douglas Daher, psychologist, Counseling and Psychological Services.

Innovative Architecture, a lecture series featuring four architectural designers and theorists whose contributions have been unusually provocative, will meet Tuesdays, beginning April 4. This course was organized by Patti Walters, visiting lecturer in the Program in Urban Studies

All regular Stanford University employees (50 percent time or more), are eligible to receive up to $140 per quarter to be applied toward course tuition. Spouses of eligible employees and spouses of Stanford students will receive a 20 percent discount on tuition. Tuition is $125 per unit, except for the limited enrollment workshops, which are $135 per unit. In addition, there is a $25 registration fee.

Continuing Studies classes are open to students who have a high school diploma or its equivalent. For information on registration, or to receive a free catalog, call 725-2650.



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