U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs
OJP Blog

Office of Justice Programs Welcomes Attorney General Loretta Lynch

Monday, April 27, 2015
By Karol Mason, Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs

During her testimony before the Senate in January, Loretta Lynch listed her top three priorities should she be confirmed as Attorney General: “to ensure the safety of our citizens, to protect the most vulnerable among us from crime and abuse, and to strengthen the vital relationships between America’s brave law enforcement officers and the communities they are entrusted to serve.” With the Senate’s vote Thursday, I am proud to join my OJP colleagues in welcoming her to Washington and eager to help her meet the important goals she has outlined.

Under her leadership, public safety in America’s communities will remain job number one for OJP. We will continue building the capacity of the criminal justice system to protect people from harm and meet the needs of victims, and the work we have begun to tighten the bonds of trust between citizens and law enforcement will gain new urgency under an Attorney General whose commitment to fairness and justice matches that of the Attorney General she has replaced.

During Attorney General Holder’s tenure, OJP played a pivotal role in advancing our nation toward more effective criminal and juvenile justice policies and practices. Our march to a safer, more just, and more compassionate America will continue under the leadership of Attorney General Lynch. I look forward to the great things we will accomplish in the months and years ahead.

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