Laser- and Electric Field-Tissue Interactions Lab
The Laser and Electric Field-Tissue Interactions Lab (Room 125 in HEPL) is equipped with electronics, microscopes, lasers, flash lamps, imaging devices and photodetectors. In this laboratory we study mechanisms of the electric field-tissue interactions, including mechanisms of ablation and formation of collateral damage on tissue and cellular level. We also develop microsurgical devices such as Pulsed Electon Avalanche Knife and Microjet.
Animal Surgery Suite
The Animal Surgery Suite (Room S016 in Grant Bldg) is equipped with Ophthalmic surgical microscope with fluorescence accessories, surgical tools, Argon, Krypton, and diode lasers, vitrectome, lens fragmenter, phacoemulsifier, endoscope and experimental surgical devices.
Tissue Imaging and Spectroscopy Lab
The Tissue Imaging and Spectroscopy Lab (Room S030 in Grant Bldg) is equipped with Argon, Krypton, and diode lasers, fundus camera, surgical microscope, spectrometer, goniometer, ERG equipment.
Tissue Engineering Lab
The Tissue Engineering Lab (Room S018 and S014 in Grant Bldg) is equipped with inverted fluorescent microscope, confocal microscope, CCD and video cameras, micro- manipulation equipment.
Histology Lab
The Histology Lab (Rooms S014) is equipped with optical microscopes, histological instuments, microtome, Scanning and Transmission Electon microscopes.
Tissue Culture and Sample Preparation Lab
The Tissue Culture and Sample Preparation Lab (Room 123 in HEPL) is equipped with microscopes, incubators, refrigerators, hood, centifuges, scales and other pertinent devices and materials.