Stanford University general computing resources

Last revision September 23, 2005

The university maintains numerous computing resources at a central level, accessible to all faculty, staff, and students. These resources are in addition to those provided by the School of Earth Sciences.

Two organizations provide central computing resources. Information Technology Systems and Services (ITSS) is the main administrative unit supporting computing infrastructure on campus, including the campus computer network, servers, and administrative application programs. Academic Information Resources (AIR), a division of the Stanford Libraries, provides additional computing clusters and equipment in the libraries and supports use of technology in instruction.

Here are some links to help get you started exploring these other resources around the university.

  • AIR and ITSS have cooperated to create a single web site to serve as a directory to all information about centrally organized computing resources on campus:

  • AIR also publishes a quarterly compendium of news about computing at Stanford. Find the latest issue of Speaking of Computers online at

  • The Software Licensing office in ITSS negotiates site licenses and license discount agreements for Stanford with major software vendors. See which software you can get for free or low cost on their web site at

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