
G.R.I.D. lab will be closed October 5, 2015 for software upgrades; disks will be erased.

Last revision September 15, 2015

The Mitchell A59 G.R.I.D. computer lab is maintained for individual research and creation of presentations such as posters. The lab will be closed on October 5 to do a major upgrade of the operating systems and applications.

The major impetus is that the current Mac OS X 10.9 system on the dual-boot iMac computers will no longer correctly connect to the campus authentication systems. No one has been able to login to Mac OS X on the G.R.I.D. computers since July. We need to make a fresh installation of Mac OS X 10.10 to solve this problem. The Windows partition will remain at Windows 7 Enterprise.

The single computer "Mauro" was removed from the lab on September 15 to be used to build the new system image. It will be returned on October 5 when the other computers are upgraded.

All user files created on the local computer disks will be erased!

Most installed applications will be upgraded to the latest versions.

If you want to save any files you made on the local hard disks on the G.R.I.D. lab computers, copy them elsewhere before October 5. The local disks will be completely erased as part of the upgrade.

Will G.R.I.D. lab disk erasure affect files you made in the lab?

  • If you are a regular graduate student, staff, or faculty member in Earth Sciences with a home share on the School file server, and you save all files to the Desktop or Documents folder, then you are not affected. Those folders are redirected to your home share on, where they are safe and backed up. However, your custom application settings (such as browser home page) will be reset to the defaults.

  • If you are a regular graduate student, staff, or faculty member in Earth Sciences but save files in other folders (not Desktop or Documents), or on the Scratch disk, then those files are on the local disk and will be erased.

  • If you are an undergraduate student or guest user, you do not have a home share on the server, so all your files are saved on the local disks of the G.R.I.D. lab computers and they will be erased.

G.R.I.D. lab door code has been changed!

September 14, 2015

Every year or two, the code to open the door to the G.R.I.D. lab is changed as a security measure. Codes like this tend to get passed around and soon many people who are not authorized users get the code.

The new code is available to anyone in Earth Sciences by selecting the Door Code link in the "Quick Links" section of this website. Only SUNet IDs of people associated with the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences will be given access to that page.

COMSOL application removed from G.R.I.D. lab computers

March 23, 2015

The COMSOL application has been installed on the Mitchell A59 G.R.I.D. lab computers for many years. It was using the teaching lab license installed for the Mitchell A65 teaching lab.

COMSOL was made available at reasonable cost for lab use due to a special Stanford site-license. The COMSOL corporation decided not to renew this site-license and our previous license expired on March 15, 2015. Their new pricing scheme is dramatically more expensive and simply unaffordable for the lab budget. COMSOL has been removed from the lab computers.

Go to the Archived Announcements page to see older announcements.