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News from PEEC

Google test drives automated vehicle

BECC 2015: Will automated, shared, electric vehicles help or hurt environment?

Zipping around in driverless, electric cars operated by Uber-like companies and not owning a car sounds great to many, but is that future green?

California energy efficiency savings

BECC 2015: Time for California to move beyond pilot projects in energy efficiency

California utilities must expand successful energy-efficiency pilot projects to all relevant customers and work with utilities in other states.

Mary Evelyn Tucker of Yale

BECC 2015: Emerging alliance of religion and ecology seen as essential to saving Earth

Religious leaders around the world are reviving the tradition of environmental stewardship among their followers, Yale’s Mary Evelyn Tucker said.

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PEEC in the News

LED light DOE

Surprise (Or Not): Saving Energy Saves Energy

What do you say to those who claim that saving energy is a waste of time because of the rebound effect? NRDC’s David Goldstein and Sierra Martinez explain research that shows saving energy does in fact save energy.
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Eletric Grid Image

California's landmark renewable energy bill signed into law

In a milestone for reducing pollution and fossil fuel use, Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a bill that requires 50 percent of California's electricity to come from renewable sources like solar and wind by 2030.
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Transportation Seminar Image
  • Sustainable Mobility Seminar
    Jan 22 - Mar 18, 2016
    Stanford, CA
  • The Sustainable Mobility Seminar (formerly Sustainable Transportation Seminar) is designed to foster a community of faculty, researchers and students around the theme of sustainable transportation policy, systems and solutions.
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SVES 2015 logo
  • Silicon Valley Energy Summit
    Save the Date!
    June 3, 2016

    Stanford, CA
  • The Silicon Valley Energy Summit explores best practices, upcoming technologies, government regulation and energy policy. Convened by Stanford University's Precourt Energy Efficiency Center, SVES traditionally benefits more than 500 investors, facilities managers, regulators, researchers and others dealing with energy economics and environmental impacts.
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  • Behavior, Energy & Climate Conference
    Save the Date!
    Oct 19-22, 2016

    Baltimore, MD
  • A conference focused on understanding the behavior and decision-making of individuals and organizations and on using that knowledge to accelerate our transition to an energy-efficient and low-carbon future.
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