Complementary to the Presidential Lecture Series and to its central mission, four different symposia will explore the present and future relations between the Humanities/Arts and other sectors on the academic map of knowledge. In trying to address this very global agenda, each of the four symposia will focus on a very specific topic. The symposia will also try to engage the Humanities and Arts in new conversations with some of the traditional Stanford areas of strength such as Athletics, Engineering and Science, Business, and Law.
More detailed information will be posted to this page as it becomes available.
Cosmologies and World Views
Humanities and Sciences.
February 19-20, 1999.
Limits of Performance
Humanities, Medicine, and Athletics.
May 7-8, 1999.
Humanities and Social Sciences.
November 5-6, 1999.
Special Effects
Humanities and Engineering.
February 12-13, 2000.