
Jennifer Widom is the Fletcher Jones Professor and Chair of the Computer Science Department at Stanford University. She received her Bachelor's degree from the Indiana University School of Music in 1982 and her Computer Science Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1987. She was a Research Staff Member at the IBM Almaden Research Center before joining the Stanford faculty in 1993. Her research interests span many aspects of nontraditional data management. She is an ACM Fellow and a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the American Academy of Arts & Sciences; she received the ACM SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award in 2007 and was a Guggenheim Fellow in 2000; she has served on a variety of program committees, advisory boards, and editorial boards.

Academic Appointments

Honors & Awards

  • Member, National Academy of Engineering
  • Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • Fellow, Guggenheim Foundation
  • Fellow, ACM
  • Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award, ACM SIGMOD

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Member, National Academy of Engineering (2013 - Present)
  • Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2013 - Present)

Professional Education

  • PhD, Cornell University, Computer Science (1987)
  • BS, Indiana University, Music (1982)

2015-16 Courses

All Publications

  • The Beckman Report on Database Research SIGMOD RECORD Abadi, D., Agrawal, R., Ailamaki, A., Balazinska, M., Bernstein, P. A., Carey, M. J., Chaudhuri, S., Dean, J., Doan, A., Franklin, M. J., Gehrke, J., Haas, L. M., Halevy, A. Y., Hellerstein, J. M., Ioannidis, Y. E., Jagadish, H. V., Kossmann, D., Madden, S., Mehrotra, S., Milo, T., Naughton, J. F., Ramakrishnan, R., Markl, V., Olston, C., Ooi, B. C., Re, C., Suciu, D., Stonebraker, M., Walter, T., Widom, J. 2014; 43 (3): 61-70
  • Optimizing Graph Algorithms on Pregel-like Systems. Salihoglu, S., Widom., J. 2014
  • GPS: A Graph Processing System. Salihoglu, S., Widom., J. 2013
  • Logical Provenance in Data-Oriented Workflows 2013 IEEE 29TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ENGINEERING (ICDE) Ikeda, R., Sarma, A. D., Widom, J. 2013: 877-888
  • Logical Provenance in Data-Oriented Workflows. Ikeda, R., Das Sarma, A., Widom, J. 2013
  • DataSift: An Expressive and Accurate Crowd-Powered Search Toolkit. Parameswaran, A., Teh, M., H., Garcia-Molina, H., Widom, J. 2013
  • Optimal Crowd-Powered Rating and Filtering Algorithms. Technical Report Parameswaran, A., Boyd, S., Garcia-Molina, H., Gupta, A., Polyzotis, N., Widom, J. 2013
  • CrowdFill: Collecting Structured Data from the Crowd. Technical Report Park, H., Widom, J. 2013
  • CrowdFill: A System for Collecting Structured Data from the Crowd. Technical Report and Demonstration Proposal Park, H., Widom, J. 2013
  • 3X: A Data Management System for Computational Experiments. Technical Report and Demonstration Proposal Shin, J., Paepcke, A., Widom, J. 2013
  • Query Optimization over Crowdsourced Data. Park, H., Widom., J. 2013
  • An Overview of the Deco System: Data Model and Query Language; Query Processing and Optimization SIGMOD RECORD Park, H., Pang, R., Parameswaran, A., Garcia-Molina, H., Polyzotis, N., Widom, J. 2012; 41 (4): 22-27
  • Provenance-Based Debugging and Drill-Down in Data-Oriented Workflows 2012 IEEE 28TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ENGINEERING (ICDE) Ikeda, R., Cho, J., Fang, C., Salihoglu, S., Torikai, S., Widom, J. 2012: 1249-1252
  • Deco: A System for Declarative Crowdsourcing. Park, H., Pang, R., Parameswaran, A., Garcia-Molina, H., Polyzotis, N., Widom, J. 2012
  • Query Processing over Crowdsourced Data. Technical Report Park, H., Parameswaran, A., Widom, J. 2012
  • Deco: Declarative Crowdsourcing. Parameswaran, A., Park, H., Garcia-Molina, H., Polyzotis, N., Widom, J. 2012
  • CrowdScreen: Algorithms for Filtering Data with Humans. Parameswaran, A., Garcia-Molina, H., Park, H., Polyzotis, N., Ramesh, A., Widom, J. 2012
  • Making Aggregation Work in Uncertain and Probabilistic Databases IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING Murthy, R., Ikeda, R., Widom, J. 2011; 23 (8): 1261-1273
  • RAMP: A System for Capturing and Tracing Provenance in MapReduce Workflows Park, H., Ikeda, R., Widom, J. 2011
  • Provenance-Based Refresh in Data-Oriented Workflows. Ikeda, R., Salihoglu, S., Widom, J. 2011
  • Provenance for Generalized Map and Reduce Workflows. Ikeda, R., Park, H., Widom, J. 2011
  • Human-Assisted Graph Search: It's Okay to Ask Questions. Parameswaran, A., Das Sarma, A., Garcia-Molina, H., Polyzotis, N., Widom, J. 2011
  • Synthesizing View Definitions from Data. Sarma, A., Das, Parameswaran, A., Garcia-Molina, H., Widom, J. 2010
  • Panda: A System for Provenance and Data. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Special Issue on Data Provenance Ikeda, R., Widom., J. 2010; 3 (33): 42-49
  • Panda: A System for Provenance and Data. Ikeda, R., Widom, J. 2010
  • Foundations of Uncertain-Data Integration. Agrawal, P., Sarma, A., Das, Ullman, J., D., Widom, J. 2010
  • Generalized Uncertain Databases: First Steps. Agrawal, P., Widom, J. 2010
  • LIVE: A Lineage-Supported Versioned DBMS SCIENTIFIC AND STATISTICAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT Das Sarma, A., Theobald, M., Widom, J. 2010; 6187: 416-433
  • Representing uncertain data: models, properties, and algorithms VLDB JOURNAL Das Sarma, A., Benjelloun, O., Halevy, A., Nabar, S., Widom, J. 2009; 18 (5): 989-1019
  • Swoosh: a generic approach to entity resolution VLDB JOURNAL Benjelloun, O., Garcia-Molina, H., Menestrina, D., Su, Q., Whang, S. E., Widom, J. 2009; 18 (1): 255-276
  • Trio: A System for Data, Uncertainty, and Lineage. Managing and Mining Uncertain Data Widom, J. edited by Aggarwal, C. 2009
  • STREAM: The Stanford Data Stream Management System. Data Stream Management: Processing High-Speed Data Streams Arasu, A., Babcock, B., Babu, S., Cieslewicz, J., Datar, M., Ito, K., Widom, J. edited by Garofalakis, M., Gehrke, J., Rastogi, R. 2009
  • Continuous Uncertainty in Trio. Agrawal, P., Widom, J. 2009
  • Trio-ER: The Trio System as a Workbench for Entity-Resolution. Technical Report Agrawal, P., Ikeda, R., Park, H., Widom., J. 2009
  • Outerjoins in Uncertain Databases. Ikeda, R., Widom, J. 2009
  • Schema Design for Uncertain Databases. Sarma, A., Das, Ullman, J., D., Widom, J. 2009
  • Confidence-Aware Join Algorithms ICDE: 2009 IEEE 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ENGINEERING, VOLS 1-3 Agrawal, P., Widom, J. 2009: 628-639
  • Databases with uncertainty and lineage Benjelloun, O., Sarma, A. D., Hallevy, A., Theobald, M., Widom, J. SPRINGER. 2008: 243-264
  • Exploiting lineage for confidence computation in uncertain and probabilistic databases 2008 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ENGINEERING, VOLS 1-3 Das Sarma, A., Theobald, M., Widom, J. 2008: 1023-1032
  • Towards Special-Purpose Indexes and Statistics for Uncertain Data. Sarma, A., Das, Agrawal, P., Nabar, S., Widom, J. 2008
  • Towards a Streaming SQL Standard. Jain, N., Mishra, S., Srinivasan, A., Gehrke, J., Widom, J., Balakrishnan, H. 2008
  • A First Course in Database Systems. Ullman, J., D., Widom, J. Prentice Hall. 2008
  • Database Systems - The Complete Book. Garcia-Molina, H., Ullman, J., D., Widom, J. Prentice Hall. 2008
  • Optimization of Continuous Queries with Shared Expensive Filters. Munagala, K., Srivastava, U., Widom, J. 2007
  • Trio-One: Layering Uncertainty and Lineage on a Conventional DBMS. Mutsuzaki, M., Theobald, M., de Keijzer, A., Widom, J., Agrawal, P., Benjelloun, O. 2007
  • The CQL continuous query language: semantic foundations and query execution VLDB JOURNAL Arasu, A., Babu, S., Widom, J. 2006; 15 (2): 121-142
  • Declarative support for sensor data cleaning PERVASIVE COMPUTING, PROCEEDINGS Jeffery, S. R., Alonso, G., Franklin, M. J., Hong, W., Widom, J. 2006; 3968: 83-100
  • A Pipelined Framework for Online Cleaning of Sensor Data Streams Jeffery, S., Alonso, G., Franklin, M., J., Hong, W., Widom., J. 2006
  • Trio: A System for Data, Uncertainty, and Lineage. Agrawal, P., Benjelloun, O., Sarma, A., Das, Hayworth, C., Nabar, S., Sugihara, T., Widom, J. 2006
  • Query Optimization over Web Services. Srivastava, U., Widom, J., Munagala, K., Motwani, R. 2006
  • Estimating Data Stream Quality for Object-Detection Applications. Sarma, A., Das, Jeffery, S., R., Franklin, M., J., Widom, J. 2006
  • A Pipelined Framework for Online Cleaning of Sensor Data Streams (short paper). Jeffery, S., R., Alonso, G., Franklin, M., J., Hong, W., Widom, J. 2006
  • Generic Entity Resolution in the SERF Project. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Special Issue on Data Quality Widom, J. 2006; 2 (29): 13-20
  • An Introduction to ULDBs and the Trio System. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Special Issue on Probabilistic Databases Benjelloun, O., Sarma, A., Das, Hayworth, C., Widom, J. 2006; 1 (29): 5-16
  • Working Models for Uncertain Data. Sarma, A., Das, Benjelloun, O., Halevy, A., Widom, J. 2006
  • ULDBs: Databases with Uncertainty and Lineage. Benjelloun, O., Das Sarma, A., Halevy, A., Widom, J. 2006
  • The Lowell database - Research self assessment COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM Abiteboul, S., Agrawal, R., Bernstein, P., Carey, M., Ceri, S., Croft, B., DeWitt, D., Franklin, M., Molina, H. G., Gawlick, D., Gray, J., Haas, L., Halevy, A., Hellerstein, J., Ioannidis, Y., Kersten, M., Pazzani, M., Lesk, M., Maier, D., Naughton, J., Schek, H., Sellis, T., Silberschatz, A., Snodgrass, R., Ullman, J., Weikum, G., Widom, J., Zdonik, S. 2005; 48 (5): 111-118
  • Adaptive caching for continuous queries ICDE 2005: 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ENGINEERING, PROCEEDINGS Babu, S., Munagala, K., Widom, J., Motwani, R. 2005: 118-129
  • Trio: A System for Integrated Management of Data, Accuracy, and Lineage. Widom, J. 2005
  • Operator Placement for In-Network Stream Query Processing. Srivastava, U., Munagala, K., Widom, J. 2005
  • Content-Based Routing: Different Plans for Different Data. Bizarro, P., Babu, S., DeWitt, D., Widom, J. 2005
  • Representing Uncertain Data: Uniqueness, Equivalence, Minimization, and Approximation Technical Report Das Sarma, A., Nabar, S., U., Widom, J. 2005
  • Efficient Monitoring and Querying of Distributed, Dynamic Data via Approximate Replication. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Special Issue on In-Network Query Processing Olston, C., Widom, J. 2005; 1 (28): 11-18
  • Indexing relational database content offline for efficient keyword-based search 9TH INTERNATIONAL DATABASE ENGINEERING & APPLICATION SYMPOSIUM, PROCEEDINGS Su, Q., Widom, J. 2005: 297-306
  • The pipelined set cover problem DATABASE THEORY - ICDT 2005, PROCEEDINGS Munagala, K., Babu, S., Motwani, R., Widom, J. 2005; 3363: 83-98
  • A denotational semantics for continuous queries over streams and relations SIGMOD RECORD Arasu, A., Widom, J. 2004; 33 (3): 6-11
  • Exploiting k-constraints to reduce memory overhead in continuous queries over data streams ACM TRANSACTIONS ON DATABASE SYSTEMS Babu, S., Srivastava, U., Widom, J. 2004; 29 (3): 545-580
  • Characterizing memory requirements for queries over continuous data streams Arasu, A., Babcock, B., Babu, S., McAlister, J., Widom, J. ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY. 2004: 162-194
  • CQL: A language for continuous queries over streams and relations DATABASE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Arasu, A., Babu, S., Widom, J. 2004; 2921: 1-19
  • Mining the Space of Graph Properties. Jeh, G., Widom, J. 2004
  • StreaMon: An Adaptive Engine for Stream Query Processing. Babu, S., Widom, J. 2004
  • Resource Sharing in Continuous Sliding-Window Aggregates. Arasu, A., Widom., J. 2004
  • Memory-Limited Execution of Windowed Stream Joins. Srivastava, U., Widom, J. 2004
  • Flexible Time Management in Data Stream Systems. Srivastava, U., Widom., J. 2004
  • Enabling Privacy for the Paranoids. Aggarwal, G., Bawa, M., Ganesan, P., Garcia-Molina, H., Kenthapadi, K., Mishra, N. 2004
  • Adaptive Ordering of Pipelined Stream Filters. Babu, S., Motwani, R., Munagala, K., Nishizawa, I., Widom., J. 2004
  • Incremental computation and maintenance of temporal aggregates VLDB JOURNAL Yang, J., Widom, J. 2003; 12 (3): 262-283
  • Lineage tracing for general data warehouse transformations VLDB JOURNAL Cui, Y. W., Widom, J. 2003; 12 (1): 41-58
  • Exploiting hierarchical domain structure to compute similarity ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ganesan, P., Garcia-Molina, H., Widom, J. 2003; 21 (1): 64-93
  • STREAM: The Stanford Stream Data Manager. Arasu, A., Babcock, B., Babu, S., Datar, M., Ito, K., Nishizawa, I., Widom, J. 2003
  • Scaling Personalized Web Search. Jeh, G., Widom, J. 2003
  • Query Processing, Resource Management, and Approximation in a Data Stream Management System. Motwani, R., Widom, J., Arasu, A., Babcock, B., Babu, S., Datar, M. 2003
  • An Abstract Semantics and Concrete Language for Continuous Queries over Streams and Relations Arasu, A., Babu, S., Widom., J. 2003
  • Adaptive Filters for Continuous Queries over Distributed Data Streams. Olston, C., Jiang, J., Widom, J. 2003
  • Extended version appeared in SIAM Journal on Computing Feder, T., Motwani, R., Panigrahy, R., Olston, C., Widom, J. 2003; 2 (32): 538-547
  • Monitoring Stream Properties for Continuous Query Processing Srivastava, U., Babu, S., Widom., J. 2003
  • Computing the median with uncertainty SIAM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING Feder, T., Motwani, R., Panigrahy, R., Olston, C., Widom, J. 2003; 32 (2): 538-547
  • Best-Effort Cache Synchronization with Source Cooperation. Olston, C., Widom, J. 2002
  • SimRank: A Measure of Structural-Context Similarity. Jeh, G., Widom, J. 2002
  • Preliminary shorter version Arasu, A., Babcock, B., Babu, S., McAlister, J., Widom, J. 2002
  • Models and Issues in Data Stream Systems. Babcock, B., Babu, S., Datar, M., Motwani, R., Widom, J. 2002
  • Characterizing Memory Requirements for Queries over Continuous Data Streams Arasu, A., Babcock, B., Babu, S., McAlister, J., Widom, J. 2002
  • Continuous queries over data streams SIGMOD RECORD Babu, S., Widom, J. 2001; 30 (3): 109-120
  • Adaptive precision setting for cached approximate values Olston, C., Loo, B. T., Widom, J. ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY. 2001: 355-366
  • Incremental computation and maintenance of temporal aggregates 17TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ENGINEERING, PROCEEDINGS Yang, J., Widom, J. 2001: 51-60
  • A Data Stream Management System for Network Traffic Management. Babu, S., Subramanian, L., Widom., J. 2001
  • Lineage Tracing for General Data Warehouse Transformations. Cui, Y., Widom, J. 2001
  • Run-Time Translation of View Tuple Deletions Using Data Lineage. Technical Report Cui, Y., Widom, J. 2001
  • An algebraic approach to static analysis of active database rules ACM TRANSACTIONS ON DATABASE SYSTEMS Baralis, E., Widom, J. 2000; 25 (3): 269-332
  • TIP: A temporal extension to Informix Yang, J., Ying, H. C., Widom, J. ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY. 2000: 596-596
  • Tracing the lineage of view data in a warehousing environment ACM TRANSACTIONS ON DATABASE SYSTEMS Cui, Y. W., Widom, J., Wiener, J. L. 2000; 25 (2): 179-227
  • WSQ/DSQ: A practical approach for combined querying of databases and the Web Goldman, R., Widom, J. ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY. 2000: 285-296
  • Lore: A database management system for XML DR DOBBS JOURNAL Goldman, R., McHugh, J., Widom, J. 2000; 25 (4): 76-?
  • Temporal view self-maintenance ADVANCES IN DATABASE TECHNOLOGY-DEBT 2000, PROCEEDINGS Yang, J., Widom, J. 2000; 1777: 395-412
  • Lineage Tracing in a Data Warehousing System. Cui, Y., Widom, J. 2000
  • Storing Auxiliary Data for Efficient Maintenance and Lineage Tracing of Complex Views. Cui, Y., Widom, J. 2000
  • Practical Lineage Tracing in Data Warehouses. Cui, Y., Widom, J. 2000
  • Practical Applications of Triggers and Constraints: Successes and Lingering Issues. Ceri, S., Cochrane, R., J., Widom, J. 2000
  • Performance Issues in Incremental Warehouse Maintenance. Labio, W., J., Yang, J., Cui, Y., Garcia-Molina, H., Widom, J. 2000
  • Computing the Median with Uncertainty. Feder, T., Motwani, R., Panigrahy, R., Olston, C., Widom, J. 2000
  • Summarizing and Searching Sequential Semistructured Sources. Technical Report Goldman, R., Widom, J. 2000
  • Implementing Parameterized Range Types in an Extensible DBMS. Technical Report Yang, J., Widom, J., Brown, P. 2000
  • From Semistructured Data to XML: Migrating the Lore Data Model and Query Language. Markup Languages: Theory & Practice Goldman, R., McHugh, J., Widom., J. 2000; 2 (2)
  • Offering a Precision-Performance Tradeoff for Aggregation Queries over Replicated Data. Olston, C., Widom, J. 2000
  • Database System Implementation. Garcia-Molina, H., Ullman, J., D., Widom, J. Prentice Hall. 2000
  • Better Static Rule Analysis for Active Database Systems. ACM Transactions on Database Systems Baralis, E., Widom, J. 2000; 3 (25): 269-332
  • Managing historical semistructured data THEORY AND PRACTICE OF OBJECT SYSTEMS Chawathe, S. S., Abiteboul, S., Widom, J. 1999; 5 (3): 143-162
  • Ozone: Integrating Structured and Semistructured Data. Lahiri, T., Abiteboul, S., Widom, J. 1999
  • Compile-Time Path Expansion in Lore. McHugh, J., Widom, J. 1999
  • Approximate DataGuides. Goldman, R., Widom, J. 1999
  • From Semistructured Data to XML: Migrating the Lore Data Model and Query Language. Goldman, R., McHugh, J. 1999
  • Optimizing Branching Path Expressions. Technical Report McHugh, J., Widom, J. 1999
  • Interactive query and search in semistructured databases WORLD WIDE WEB AND DATABASES Goldman, R., Widom, J. 1999; 1590: 52-62
  • Efficient PCS call setup protocols IEEE INFOCOM '98 - THE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, VOLS. 1-3 Cui, Y. W., Lam, D., Widom, J., Cox, D. C. 1998: 728-736
  • Indexing Semistructured Data. Technical Report McHugh, J., Widom, J., Abiteboul, S., Luo, Q., Rajaraman, A. 1998
  • A Location Management Technique to Support Lifelong Numbering in Personal Communications Services. ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review Lam, D., Cui, Y., Cox, D., C., Widom, J. 1998; 1 (2): 27-35
  • Maintaining temporal views over non-temporal information sources for data warehousing ADVANCES IN DATABASE TECHNOLOGY - EDBT'98 Yang, J., Widom, J. 1998; 1377: 389-403
  • Representing and querying changes in semistructured data 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ENGINEERING, PROCEEDINGS Chawathe, S. S., Abiteboul, S., Widom, J. 1998: 4-13
  • Efficient and flexible location management techniques for wireless communication systems WIRELESS NETWORKS Jannink, J., Lam, D., Shivakumar, N., Widom, J., Cox, D. C. 1997; 3 (5): 361-374
  • Protocols for integrity constraint checking in federated databases DISTRIBUTED AND PARALLEL DATABASES Grefen, P., Widom, J. 1997; 5 (4): 327-355
  • Teletraffic modeling for personal communications services IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE Lam, D., Cox, D. C., Widom, J. 1997; 35 (2): 79-87
  • DataGuides: Enabling query formulation and optimization in semistructured databases PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWENTY-THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VERY LARGE DATABASES Goldman, R., Widom, J. 1997: 436-445
  • Integrating Dynamically-Fetched External Information into a DBMS for Semistructured Data. McHugh, J., Widom, J. 1997
  • Change Management in Heterogeneous Semistructured Databases. Demonstration description Chawathe, S., Gossain, V., Liu, X., Widom, J., Abiteboul, S. 1997
  • The STRIP Rule System for Efficiently Maintaining Derived Data. Adelberg, B., Garcia-Molina, H., Widom, J. 1997
  • On-Line Warehouse View Maintenance. Quass, D., Widom, J. 1997
  • Querying Semistructured Heterogeneous Information. Journal of Systems Integration Quass, D., Rajaraman, A., Ullman, J., D., Widom, J., Sagiv, Y. 1997; 3\4 (7): 381-407
  • Query Optimization for Semistructured Data. Technical Report McHugh, J., Widom, J. 1997
  • Per-User Profile Replication in Mobile Environments: Algorithms, Analysis, and Simulation Results. ACM/Baltzer Journal of Mobile Networks and Applications Shivakumar, N., Jannink, J., Widom, J. 1997; 2 (2): 129-140
  • Lore: A Database Management System for Semistructured Data. ACM SIGMOD Record McHugh, J., Abiteboul, S., Goldman, R., Quass, D., Widom, J. 1997; 3 (26): 54-66
  • Integrating Dynamically-Fetched External Information into a DBMS for Semistructured Data. ACM SIGMOD Record McHugh, J., Widom, J. 1997; 4 (26): 24-31
  • The TSIMMIS Approach to Mediation: Data Models and Languages. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems Garcia-Molina, H., Papakonstantinou, Y., Quass, D., Rajaraman, A., Sagiv, Y., Ullman, J., D., Widom, J. 1997; 2 (8): 117-132
  • The Lorel Query Language for Semistructured Data. International Journal on Digital Libraries Abiteboul, S., Quass, D., McHugh, J., Widom, J., Wiener, J., L. 1997; 1 (1): 68-88
  • The WHIPS prototype for data warehouse creation and maintenance 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ENGINEERING - PROCEEDINGS Wiener, J. L., Gupta, H., Labio, W. J., Zhuge, Y., GARCIAMOLINA, H., Widom, J. 1997: 589-589
  • A location management technique to support lifelong numbering in personal communications services Lam, D., Cui, Y. W., Cox, D. C., Widom, J. IEEE. 1997: 704-710
  • Clustering association rules 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ENGINEERING - PROCEEDINGS Lent, B., Swami, A., Widom, J. 1997: 220-231
  • The Starburst active database Rule System IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING Widom, J. 1996; 8 (4): 583-595
  • Active Database Systems: Triggers and Rules for Advanced Database Processing. Widom, J., Ceri, S. Morgan Kaufmann. 1996
  • LORE: A Lightweight Object REpository for Semistructured Data. Quass, D., Widom, J., Goldman, R., Haas, K., Luo, Q., McHugh, J. 1996
  • Integrity Constraint Checking in Federated Databases. Grefen, P., Widom, J. 1996
  • Efficient and Flexible Location Management Techniques for Wireless Communication Systems. Jannink, J., Lam, D., Shivakumar, N., Widom, J., Cox, D., C. 1996
  • Change Detection in Hierarchically Structured Information . Chawathe, S., Rajaraman, A., Garcia-Molina, H., Widom, J. 1996
  • A System Prototype for Warehouse View Maintenance. Wiener, J., L., Gupta, H., Labio, W., J., Zhuge, Y., Garcia-Molina, H., Widom, J. 1996
  • Integrating Heterogeneous Databases: Lazy or Eager?. ACM Computing Surveys Widom, J. 1996; 4 (28A)
  • A toolkit for constraint management in heterogeneous information systems PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWELFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ENGINEERING Chawathe, S. S., GARCIAMOLINA, H., Widom, J. 1996: 56-65
  • Modeling location management in personal communications services ICUPC '96 - 1996 5TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNIVERSAL PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS RECORD, VOLS 1 AND 2 Lam, D., Jannink, J., Cox, D. C., Widom, J. 1996: 596-601
  • Making views self-maintainable for data warehousing PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED INFORMATION SYSTEMS Quass, D., Gupta, A., Mumick, I. S., Widom, J. 1996: 158-169
  • View Maintenance in a Warehousing Environment. Zhuge, Y., Garcia-Molina, H., Hammer, J., Widom, J. 1995
  • Using Delta Relations to Optimize Condition Evaluation in Active Databases. Baralis, E., Widom, J. 1995
  • User Profile Replication for Faster Location Lookup in Mobile Environments. Shivakumar, N., Widom., J. 1995
  • The TSIMMIS Approach to Mediation: Data Models and Languages. Garcia-Molina, H., Papakonstantinou, Y., Quass, D., Rajaraman, A., Sagiv, Y., Ullman, J., D., Widom, J. 1995
  • Research Problems in Data Warehousing. Widom, J. 1995
  • The Stanford Data Warehousing Project. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Special Issue on Materialized Views and Data Warehousing Hammer, J., Garcia-Molina, H., Labio, W., J., Widom, J., Zhuge, Y. 1995; 2 (18): 41-48
  • Querying Semistructured Heterogeneous Information. Quass, D., Rajaraman, A., Ullman, J., D., Widom, J., Sagiv, Y. 1995
  • Constraint Checking with Partial Information. Gupta, A., Sagiv, Y., Ullman, J., D., Widom, J. 1994
  • Active Database Systems Modern Database Systems: The Object Model, Interoperability, and Beyond Dayal, U., Hanson, E., N., Widom, J. edited by Kim, W. Addison-Wesley. 1994
  • The Tsimmis Project: Integration of Heterogeneous Information Sources. Chawathe, S., Garcia-Molina, H., Hammer, J., Ireland, K., Papakonstantinou, Y., Ullman, J., D., Widom, J. 1994
  • Deriving Incremental Production Rules for Deductive Data. Information Systems Ceri, S., Widom, J. 1994; 6 (19): 467-490
  • Validating Constraints with Partial Information: Research Overview. Widom, J., Gupta, A., Sagiv, Y., Ullman, J., D. 1994
  • An Algebraic Approach to Rule Analysis in Expert Database Systems. Baralis, E., Widom, J. 1994
  • An Overview of Production Rules in Database Systems. The Knowledge Engineering Review Hanson, E., N., Widom, J. 1993; 2 (8): 121-143
  • Managing Semantic Heterogeneity with Production Rules and Persistent Queues. Ceri, S., Widom, J. 1993
  • Deductive and Active Databases: Two Paradigms or Ends of a Spectrum? Widom, J. 1993
  • Local Verification of Global Integrity Constraints in Distributed Databases. Gupta, A., Widom, J. 1993
  • A Denotational Semantics for the Starburst Production Rule Language. ACM SIGMOD Record Widom, J. 1992; 3 (21): 4-9
  • Behavior of Database Production Rules: Termination, Confluence, and Observable Determinism. Aiken, A., Widom, J., Hellerstein, J., M. 1992
  • The Starburst Rule System: Language Design, Implementation, and Applications. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Special Issue on Active Databases Widom, J. 1992; 4 (15): 15-18
  • Production Rules in Parallel and Distributed Database Environments. Ceri, S., Widom, J. 1992
  • Trace-Based Network Proof Systems: Expressiveness and Completeness. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems Widom, J., Gries, D., Schneider, F., B. 1992; 3 (14): 396-416
  • Deriving Production Rules for Incremental View Maintenance. Ceri, S., Widom, J. 1991
  • Implementing Set-Oriented Production Rules as an Extension to Starburst. Widom, J., Cochrane, R., J., Lindsay, B. 1991
  • Deriving Production Rules for Constraint Maintenance. Ceri, S., Widom, J. 1990
  • Set-Oriented Production Rules in Relational Database Systems. Widom, J., Finkelstein, S., J. 1990
  • A Temporal-Logic Based Compositional Proof System for Real-Time Message Passing. Hooman, J., Widom, J. 1989
  • Expressiveness Bounds for Completeness in Trace-Based Network Proof Systems. Widom, J., Panangaden, P. 1988
  • Completeness and Incompleteness of Trace-Based Network Proof Systems. Widom, J., Gries, D., Schneider, F., B. 1987
  • Whiteboards: a Graphical Database Tool. ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems Donahue, J., Widom, J. 1986; 1 (4): 24-41