
Dr. Levitt's research program develops theory, methods, and tools to design organization structures and governance regimes for project and matrix organization structures in construction and other project-based industries.

There is currently a huge, unmet demand for civil infrastructure projects --roads, railroads, ports, airports, water and sanitation systems-- in both developing and developed countries. Projects to develop and operate civil infrastructure increasingly involve private, public and NGO participants from multiple countries, resulting in clashes between participants' values, cultural norms and laws that can create high institutional costs, and attendant delays.

Dr. Levitt's current research, conducted through the Global Projects Center (GPC), which he founded and directs, is aimed at developing new financing, governance and organizational approaches to enhance the long-term financial, environmental and social sustainability of these critically needed, but institutionally challenging, projects. In recognition of this work, he was appointed by Governor Schwarzenegger as a Commissioner of the California Public Infrastructure Advisory Commission (PIAC) in 2008 and served as a Commissioner of PIAC from 2008-2013.

Dr. Levitt founded and serves as Academic Director of the Stanford Advanced Project Management (SAPM) executive education certificate program. SAPM has awarded more than 6,000 certificates to mid-career professionals in a wide variety of industry sectors since its inception in 1999.

Dr. Levitt was elected a Distinguished Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Academic Appointments

Administrative Appointments

  • Chair, Stanford Faculty Senate and Steering Committee (2012 - 2013)

Honors & Awards

  • Commitment to Life Award, National Safe Workplace Institute (1987)
  • Computing in Civil Engineering Award, American Society of Civil Engineers (2000)
  • Dean's Award for Industry Education Innovation, School of Engineering, Stanford University (2002)
  • Peurifoy Construction Research Award, American Society of Civil Engineers (2006)
  • Elected Distinguished Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (2008)
  • Pathfinder Award, Engineering Project Organization Society (2010)

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Distinguished Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (2010 - Present)
  • Chair, Engineering Project Organizations Society (2012 - Present)

Professional Education

  • B.Sc. Cum Laude, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, Civil and Environmental Engineering (1971)
  • MS, Stanford University, Civil and Environmental Engineering (1973)
  • PhD, Stanford University, Civil and Environmental Engineering (1975)


  • Yan Jin, John Kunz, Raymond Levitt, Marc Ramsey, Carlos Rivero and Charles Thaeler. "United States Patent US 8099312 B2 Project Management System and Method", Jan 12, 2012

Current Research and Scholarly Interests

* Toward an Integrated, Lifecycle Governance Framework for Delivering Civil Infrastructure Systems: National Science Foundation; (Collaborative Grant with Virginia Tech)

* To what extent, and how, do formal and informal aspects of Integrated Project Delivery approaches increase systemic innovation in complex building projects: Jointly funded by Center for Integrated Facility and Global Projects Center.

* Comparing US and Chinese Approaches for Infrastructure Development Abroad: Smith-Richardson Foundation (Collaborative grant with Stanford Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law)

2015-16 Courses

Stanford Advisees

All Publications

  • Opportunism-Focused Transaction Cost Analysis of Public-Private Partnerships JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING Ho, S. P., Levitt, R., Tsui, C., Hsu, Y. 2015; 31 (6)
  • Semiautomated Scaffolding Planning: Development of the Feature Lexicon for Computer Application JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Kim, J., Fischer, M., Kunz, J., Levitt, R. 2015; 29 (5)
  • Balancing act: Government roles in an energy conservation network RESEARCH POLICY Peterman, A., Kourula, A., Levitt, R. 2014; 43 (6): 1067-1082
  • Sharing of Temporary Structures: Formalization and Planning Application AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION Kim, J., Fischer, M., Kunz, J., Levitt, R. 2014; 43: 187-194
  • A method to automate look-ahead schedule (LAS) generation for the finishing phase of construction projects AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION Dong, N., Fischer, M., Haddad, Z., Levitt, R. 2013; 35: 157-173
  • Organizational Barriers to Productivity and Innovation in Large-Scale, U.S.-Based Photovoltaic System Construction Projects JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Yuventi, J., Levitt, R., Robertson, H. 2013; 139 (10)
  • Organizing in the context of global project-based firm-The case of sales-operations interface INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT Turkulainen, V., Kujala, J., Artto, K., Levitt, R. E. 2013; 42 (2): 223-233
  • The impact of relational contracting on flexibility in health care projects Bygballe, L. E., Levitt, R. E. 2013
  • Encouraging knowledge sharing in engineering firms—part II: game theory analysis and firm strategies Engineering Project Organization Journal Levitt, Raymond, E., Wang, Chuan‐Min, A., Ho, S., Ping, Javernick-Will, A. 2013; 1 (3): 22‐31
  • A roadmap for navigating voluntary and mandated programs for building energy efficiency ENERGY POLICY Peterman, A., Kourula, A., Levitt, R. 2012; 43: 415-426
  • Encouraging knowledgesharing in engineering firms—part I: incentives, disincentives, and the impacts of firm context Engineering Project Organization Journal Levitt, Raymond, E., Wang, Chuan‐Min, A., Ho, S., Ping, Javernick‐Will, A. 2012; 4 (2): 231‐239
  • Using Simulation to Study, Design and Invent Organizations: invited Point of View Paper Journal of Organizational Design Levitt, Raymond, E. 2012; 3 (1): 58‐63
  • Toward a Unified Theory of Project Governance: Economic, Sociological and Psychological Supports for Relational Contracting. Engineering Project Organization Journal: Special Issue on Social and Management Science Foundations of Project Organization Research Henisz, W., J., Levitt, R., E., Scott, W., R. 2012; 1‐2 (2): 37-55
  • Editorial: Special Issue on Fundamentals of Social and Management Science for Engineering Project Organizations Engineering Project Organization Journal Levitt, Raymond, E. 2012; 1‐2 (2): 1‐3
  • Designing Project Organizations as Engineers Design Bridges Journal of Organizational Design Levitt, Raymond, E. 2012; 2 (1): 14‐41
  • Rules vs. results: Sources and resolution of institutional conflicts on Indian metro railway projects in Global Projects: Institutional and Challenges Mahalingam, A., Levitt, R., E., Scott, W., R. edited by Scott, W., R., Levitt, R., E., Orr, R., J. Cambridge University Press. 2011: 113‐134
  • Beyond 'one size fits all': how local conditions shape PPP‐enabling field development Engineering Project Organization Journal Jooste, S. F., Levitt, Raymond, E., Scott, D. 2011; 1 (1): 11‐25
  • Knowledge Management Research through Computational Experimentation in Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management Nissen, M., E., Levitt, R., E. edited by Swartz, D., e’eni, D. 2011; Second Edition.: 728‐737
  • Global Projects: Institutionaland Political Challenges. edited by Scott, W., Richard, E., Raymond, Levitt, J., Ryan, Orr Cambridge University Press. 2011
  • Project Management 2.0 Engineering Project Organization Journal Levitt, Raymond, E. 2011; 3 (1): 197‐210
  • Toward Project Management 2.0 Levitt, R., E. 2011
  • Project Governance Regimes for Global Infrastructure Construction Projects Scott, W., R., Levitt, R., E., Kourula, A., Henisz, W. 2011
  • Innovation in Modular Industries:Implementing Energy‐Efficient Innovations in US Buildings Levitt, R., E., Sheffer, D. 2011
  • To Talk or to Fight? Effects of Strategic, Cultural and Institutional Factors on Renegotiation Approaches in Public-­‐Private Concessions in Global Projects: Institutional and Challenges Chan, H., Levitt, R. edited by Scott, W., R., Levitt, R., E., Orr, R., J. Cambridge University Press. 2011: 310‐350
  • Local embeddedness of firms and strategies for dealing with uncertainty in global projects in Global Projects: Institutional and Challenges Orr, R., J., Levitt, R., E. edited by Scott, W., R., Levitt, R., E., Orr, R., J. Cambridge University Press. 2011: 183‐246
  • Multinational Teams incorporating Freelance Expatriates in the Construction Industry: Case Studies of High‐Speed Railways in China and Taiwan Engineering Project Organization Journal Chi, C. S., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2011; 3 (1): 169‐181
  • Site fights: Explaining opposition to pipeline projects in the developing world in Global Projects: Institutional and Challenges McAdam, D., Schaffer‐Boudet, H., Davis, J., Orr, R., J, Scott, W., R., Levitt, R., E. edited by Scott, W., R., Levitt, R., E., Orr, R., J. Cambridge University Press. 2011: 279‐309
  • Global Projects, distinguishing features, drivers and challenges in Global Projects: Institutional and Challenges Orr, R., Scott, W., R., Levitt, R., E., Arto, K., Kujula, J. edited by Scott, W., R., Levitt, R., E., Orr, R., J. Cambridge University Press. 2011: 15‐51
  • Global projects: Strategic perspectives SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT Ainamo, A., Artto, K., Levitt, R. E., Orr, R. J., Scott, W. R., Tainio, R. 2010; 26 (4): 343-351
  • "Site Fights": Explaining Opposition to Pipeline Projects in the Developing World1 SOCIOLOGICAL FORUM McAdam, D., Boudet, H. S., Davis, J., Orr, R. J., Scott, W. R., Levitt, R. E. 2010; 25 (3): 401-427
  • Understanding and Managing Three-Dimensional/Four-Dimensional Model Implementations at the Project Team Level JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Hartmann, T., Levitt, R. E. 2010; 136 (7): 757-767
  • Introduction to Special Issue of Global Project Governance JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Levitt, R. E., Chinowsky, P. S. 2010; 136 (4): 400-401
  • Global Dimension of Robust Project Network Design JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Wong, K., Unsal, H., Taylor, J. E., Levitt, R. E. 2010; 136 (4): 442-451
  • Mobilizing Institutional Knowledge for International Projects JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Javernick-Will, A., Levitt, R. E. 2010; 136 (4): 430-441
  • Dynamic information retrieval and allocation flows in project teams with discontinuous membership EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Shumate, M., Ibrahim, R., Levitt, R. 2010; 4 (6): 556-575
  • The Diffusion of Energy Saving Technologies in the Building Industry: Structural Barriers and Possible Solutions. CRGP Sheffer, Dana, A., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2010
  • Organizational Research Generator for Simulation in the Military. CRGP Levitt, R. E., Chachere, J., Ramsey, M. 2010
  • How Industry Structure Retards Diffusion of Innovations in Construction: Challenges and Opportunities. CRGP Sheffer, Dana, A., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2010
  • Capacity, Legitimacy, and Interest: Toward a Framework for PPP Program Success Jooste, Stephan, F., Levitt, R., E., Scott, W., R. 2010
  • Understanding and Managing 3D/4D Model Implementations at the Project Team Level ASCE J. Of Construction Engineering and Mgt. Hartmann, T., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2010; 7 (136): 757-767
  • Information Management and the Management of Projects in Oxford Handbook of Project Management Whyte, J., Levitt, R. edited by Morris, P., Pinto, J., Söderlund, J. Oxford University Press.. 2010: 1
  • Site fights’: Explaining opposition to pipeline projects in the developing world. Sociological Forum McAdam, D., Boudet, H., S., Davis, J., Orr, R., J., Scott, W., R., Levitt, R. 2010; 3 (25): 401–427
  • Governance Challenges of Infrastructure Delivery: The Case for Socio-Economic Governance Approaches Levitt, Raymond, E., Henisz, W., Scott, W., Richard, Settel, D. 2010
  • Collective Effect of Strategic, Cultural, and Institutional Factors on Concession Renegotiations Chan, H., Levitt, et al., R. 2010
  • NIMH-­‐SCOR: A Pioneering Center at Stanford Research on the Sociology of Organizations Levitt, Raymond, E. edited by Schooonhoven, K., Dobbin, F. Emerald Press. 2010: 221‐232
  • Project network fra conoscenza e innovazione Viaggio per Itaca: Antologia tra cultura e organizzione — Scritti dedicati a Gianfranco Dioguardi Taylor, J., Levitt, R. edited by Angeli, F. publishe. 2010: 335‐348
  • The Collaboratory for Research on Global Projects (CRGP): Structure, Philosophy and Activities Project Perspectives Levitt, Raymond, E., Orr, Ryan, J. 2010; 32: 12‐14
  • Overview of The Virtual Design Team (VDT): A Computational Model of Project Teams Project Perspectives Levitt, Raymond, E. 2010; 32: 42‐47
  • Acquiring Local Knowledge for International Projects Journal of Construction Engineering & Management, ASCE Javernick‐Will, Amy, N., Levitt, R. E. 2010; 11 (35): 339‐346
  • How industry structure retards diffusion of innovations in construction Sheffer, D., A., Levitt., R., E. 2010
  • Expatriation Strategies of Freelance Expatriates for Project-Based Industries: Case Studies of High‐Speed Railways in China and Taiwan Chi, S., Levitt, R. 2010
  • Simulating Learning Dynamics in Project Networks JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Taylor, J. E., Levitt, R., Villarroel, J. A. 2009; 135 (10): 1009-1015
  • The Global Dimension of Robust Project Network Design Journal of Construction Engineering & Management, ASCE Wong, K., Unsal, H., Taylor, John, E., Levitt, R. E. 2009; 4 (136): 442‐451
  • Acquiring Local Knowledge for International Projects. Javernick‐Will, A., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2009
  • Normative and Cognitive institutional Supports for Relational Contracting. CRGP Henisz, Witold, J., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2009
  • Knowledge as a contingency Variable for Organizing Knowledge management solutions Javernick‐Will, A., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2009
  • Expatriation Strategies for Project‐Based Industries Chi, S., Levitt, R. 2009
  • Acquiring Local Knowledge for International Projects. Javernick‐Will, A., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2009
  • Strategic and Cultural Drivers of Renegotiation Approaches in Infrastructure Concession Agreements. Chan, H., Levitt, R. edited by Chinowsky, P., Levitt, R. 2009
  • The impacts of Infrastructure PPPs on Public sector Capacity Jooste, Stephan, F., Levitt, R., E. 2009
  • Streams of shared knowledge: computational expansion of knowledge-flow theory KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT RESEARCH & PRACTICE Nissen, M. E., Orr, R. J., Levitt, R. E. 2008; 6 (2): 124-140
  • Executing Your Strategy: How to Break it Down and Get it Done William, M., Levitt, Raymond, E., Morgan, M. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA. 2008
  • Infrastructure Construction Projects in Transnational Contexts Levitt, Raymond, E., Orr, Ryan, J., Scott, W., Richard 2008
  • Mobilizing Knowledge for International Projects Javernick‐Will, A., Levitt, Raymond, E., Scott, W., Richard 2008
  • CEM research for the next 50 years: Maximizing economic, environmental, and societal value of the built environment JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Levitt, R. E. 2007; 133 (9): 619-628
  • Institutional theory as a framework for analyzing conflicts on global projects JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Mahalingam, A., Levitt, R. E. 2007; 133 (7): 517-528
  • Safety issues on global projects JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Mahalingam, A., Levitt, R. E. 2007; 133 (7): 506-516
  • Designing quality into project organizations through computational organizational simulation JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMPUTING AND ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Thomsen, J., Kunz, J. C., Levitt, R. E. 2007; 17 (1): 1-27
  • Innovation Alignment and Project Network Dynamics: An Integrative Model for Change Project Management Journal Taylor, John, E., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2007; 3 (38): 22‐35
  • The Virtual Design Team and Quantum™: Comparison of project organization models Fishman, I., Levitt, R. 2007
  • Strategic Execution Mastery Levitt, Raymond, E. 2007
  • Flight Simulate Your Project Organization Levitt, Raymond, E. 2007
  • Aligning Innovations to Design and Construction Networks Taylor, John, E., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2007
  • The Virtual Design Team and Checkit™: Comparison of project organization models Fishman, l., Levitt, R. 2007
  • The Research Challenges of Finding Better Governance Structures to Plan and Execute Multi‐national, Multi‐sectoral, Long Lived Projects. Levitt, Raymond, E. 2007
  • Strategic Execution Mastery Levitt, Raymond, E. 2007
  • Hypothesis Testing of Edge Organizations: Empirically Calibrating an Organizational Model for Experimentation MacKinnon, Douglas, J., Ramsey, M., Levitt, Raymond, E., Nissen, Mark, E. 2007
  • Enhanced Governance to Deliver Civil Infrastructure for a Billion New People: An Opportunity for Research on Leadership and Management of Construction Levitt, Raymond, E. 2007
  • Designing Quality into Project Organizations through Computational Organizational Simulation. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce Thomsen, J., Kunz, John, C., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2007; 1 (17): 1‐27
  • Simulating Learning in Interorganizational Networks: The Insidious Role of Task Interdependence and Relational Instability on System‐level Learning Taylor, John, E., Levitt, Raymond, E., Villaroel, A. 2006
  • Knowledge Management Research through Computational Experimentation Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management Nissen, M., E., Levitt, R., E. edited by Schwartz, D., G. 2006: 51‐80
  • Embeddedness, Emergent Uncertainty and Strategies for Foreign Markets Orr, Ryan, J., Levitt, R aymond, E. 2006
  • Knowledge Flow Dynamics in Project‐based Industries: Implications for Innovation, Productivity and Strategy Taylor, J., E., Levitt, R., E. 2005
  • Knowledge as Inventory: Near‐Optimizing Knowledge and Power Flows in Edge Organizations (Phase One) MacKinnon, D., J., Levitt, R., E., Nissen, M., E. 2005
  • Impact of Multiple Normative Systems on Organization Performance of International Joint Ventures Horii, T., Jin, Y., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2005
  • Cultural Clashes in International Infrastructure Development Projects: Which Cultures Matter? Mahalingam, A., Levitt, Raymond, E., Scott, W., Richard 2005
  • Modeling Systemic Innovation in Design and Construction Networks Center for Integrated Facility Engineering Taylor, J., Levitt, R. 2005
  • Discontinuity in organizations: Knowledge flow behaviors in sequential workflow processes. CRGP Ibrahim, R., Shumate, M., Levitt, R., Contractor., N. 2005
  • Discontinuity in organizations: Impacts of knowledge flows on organizational performance. CRGP Ibrahim, R., Levitt, R., Ramsey., M. 2005
  • Aligning Innovations to Networks: The Global Challenge Taylor, J., Levitt, R. 2005
  • Understanding and Mitigating Challenges on Global Projects: The.Role of the Freelance Expatriate Mahalingam, A., Levitt, R. 2005
  • Modeling and Analyzing Cultural Influences on Project Team Performance Journal of Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Horii, T., Jin, Y., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2004; 4 (10): 305‐321
  • Understanding and Managing Systemic Innovation in Project-­‐based Industries. Innovations: Project management research 2004 Taylor, J., E., Levitt, R., E. edited by Slevin, D., P., Cleland, D., I., Pinto, J., K. Newtown Square. 2004: 83-99
  • Innovation, Interfaces and Market Structure: Cases from the USA and Finland Taylor, John, E., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2004
  • Can You Accelerate Your Project Using Extreme Collaboration? A Model Based Analysis Chachere, J., Kunz, J., Levitt, R. 2004
  • Organization Design Using Genetic Programming KHosraviani, B., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2004
  • Anticipating the effects of adaptive behavior on technology implementation using simulation modeling Cain, C., H., Levitt, R., E., Goldstein, M., K. 2004
  • Agent‐Based Modeling of Knowledge‐Flows: Illustration from the Domain of Information Systems Design Nissen, M., E., Levitt, R., E. 2004
  • Computational Modeling of Organizations Comes of Age Journal of Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Levitt, Raymond, E. 2004; 2 (10): 127‐145
  • Bridging the Innovation Gap in Project‐based Industries Center for Integrated Facilities Engineering Taylor, J., Levitt, R. 2004
  • Understanding and Managing the Effects of Institutional Differences on Global Projects Levitt, Raymond, E., Horii, T., Mahalingam, A., Orr, R., Taylor, John, E. 2004
  • Organization Design Optimization Using Genetic Programming. KHosraviani, B., Levitt, Raymond, E., Koza, John., R. edited by Keijzer, M. 2004
  • Modeling and Analyzing Cultural Influences on Team Performance through Virtual Experimentation Horii, T., Jin, Y., Levitt, R. 2004
  • Challenges on Global Projects—An Institutional Perspective Mahalingam, A., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2004
  • Anticipating the effects of adaptive behavior on technology implementation using simulation modeling Cain, C., H., Levitt, R., E., Goldstein, M., K. 2004
  • A New Model for Systemic Innovation Diffusion in Project‐based Industries Taylor, John, E., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2004
  • The Virtual Team Alliance (VTA): Extending Galbraith's Information‐processing Model to Account for Goal Incongruency Journal of Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Thomsen, J., Levitt, Raymond, E., Nass, Clifford, I. 2004; 4 (10): 349‐372
  • Agent‐Based Modeling of Knowledge Dynamics Journal of Knowledge Management Research and Practice Nissen, M., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2004; 3 (2): 169‐183
  • Observation, Theory, and Simulation of Integrated Concurrent Engineering: Grounded Theoretical Factors and Risk Analysis Using Formal Models in Project Risk Management Principles and Practices Chachere, J., Kunz, J., Levitt, R. 2004: 1
  • Interaction value analysis: When structured communication benefits organizations ORGANIZATION SCIENCE Nasrallah, W., Levitt, R., Glynn, P. 2003; 14 (5): 541-557
  • Distributed coordination of project schedule changes using agent-based compensatory negotiation methodology AI EDAM-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN ANALYSIS AND MANUFACTURING Kim, K. S., Paulson, B. C., Levitt, R. E., Fischer, M. A., Petrie, C. J. 2003; 17 (2): 115-131
  • Realism and control: Problem-based learning programs as a data source for work-related research INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION Zolin, R., Fruchter, R., Levitt, R. E. 2003; 19 (6): 788-798
  • The Impact of Rating Systems on Subcontracting Decisions - A Transaction Cost Analysis Center for Integrated Facility Engineering Ekström, Martin, A., Björnsson, Hans, C., Kunz, John, C., Levitt, Raymond, E., Nass, Clifford, I. 2003
  • Concepts and Tools to Design Project Organizations Levitt, Raymond, E. 2003
  • Management and Leadership Education for Civil Engineers: Teaching Virtual Design and Construction for Sustainability Kunz, John, C., Levitt, Raymond, E., Fischer, M. 2003
  • Model Comparisons: Docking ORGAHEAD and SimVision Louie, M., A., Carley, K., M, Haghshenass, L., Kunz, J., C., Levitt, R., E. 2003
  • Dynamic Models of Knowledge‐Flow Dynamics Nissen, Mark, E., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2003
  • Computational Modeling of Organizations Comes of Age Levitt, Raymond, E. 2003
  • Trust in Cross‐Functional Teams Journal of Information and Organizations Zolin, R., Hinds, Pamela, J., Fruchter, R., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2003
  • The Virtual Design Team (VDT): A multi-agent analysis framework for designing project organizations INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTEGRATION OF KNOWLEDGE INTENSIVE MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS Levitt, R. E., Nissen, M. E. 2003: 115-120
  • Representing work spaces generically in construction method models JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Akinci, B., Fischer, M., Kunz, J., Levitt, R. 2002; 128 (4): 296-305
  • Formalization and automation of time-space conflict analysis JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Akinci, B., Fischen, M., Levitt, R., Carlson, R. 2002; 16 (2): 124-134
  • Modeling 21st Century Project Teams: Docking Workflow and Knowledge Network Computational Models Center for Integrated Facility Engineering Palazzolo, E., Ghate, A., Dandi, R., Mahalingam, A., Contractor, N., Levitt, R. 2002
  • Toward Simulation Models of Knowledge‐Intensive Work Processes Center for Integrated Facility Engineering Nissen, M., Levitt, R. 2002
  • Dynamic Models of Knowledge‐Flow Dynamics Center for Integrated Facility Engineering Nissen, M., Levitt, R. 2002
  • The Effects of Project Extranet Software on Project‐wide Communication Patterns Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, Stanford University Mortensen, M., Kunda, G., Triesch, M., Levitt, R. 2002
  • Integrated and Automated Project Processes in Civil Engineering: Experiences of the Center for Integrated Facility Engineering at Stanford University. (Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, Stanford University, Technical Report # 132,) Kunz, J., Fischer, Haymaker, M., J., Levitt, R. 2002
  • Design Your Project Organization as Engineers Design Bridges. Center for Integrated Facility Engineering Levitt, R., Kunz, J. 2002
  • When Information Flow in Project Organizations Becomes Turbulent: Toward an Organizational Reynolds Number Levitt, Raymond, E., Fyall, M., Bjornsson, P., Hewlett, W. I., Casebolt, T. 2002
  • Trust in Cross‐Functional, Global Teams Center for Integrated Facility Engineering Zolin, R., Hinds, P., Fruchter, R., Levitt, R. 2002
  • An Interaction Value Perspective on Firms of Differing Size Journal of Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Nasrallah, Walid, F., Levitt, Raymond, E. 2001; 2 (7): 113‐144
  • Hierarchies and Transactive Memory Systems: Crafting a Model of Flexible Exception Handling Lambert, M., C., John, Kunz, E., Raymond, Levitt 2001
  • Representing Work Spaces Generically in Construction Method Models. Journal of Construction Engineering and Mgt. Akinci, B., Kunz, M. F., Levitt, R. 2001; 4 (128): 296‐305
  • Hierarchies and Transactive Memory Systems: Crafting a Model of Flexible Exception Handling Lamber, M., Kunz, John, C., Levitt, R. E. 2001
  • Computational Enterprise Models: Toward Analysis Tools for Designing Organizations Coordination Theory and Collaboration Technology Levitt, Raymond, E., Jin, Y., Oralkan, G., Kunz, J., Christiansen, T. edited by Olson, G., M., Malone, T., W., Smith, J., B. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2001: 623‐650
  • Modeling Flexible Exception Handling in High‐Technology Project Organizations Lambert, M., E., Raymond, Levitt, C., John, Kunz 2001
  • Modeling Flexible Exception Handling in High-Technology Project Organizatio Lamber, M., Levitt, R. E. 2001
  • Integrated and Automated Project Processes in Civil Engineering: Experiences of the Center for Integrated Facility Engineering at Stanford University. Kunz, John, C., Fischer, Martin, A., Haymaker, John, R., Levitt, R. E. edited by Songer, A., Chinowsky, P. 2001
  • Simulating Work Processes and Organizations to ‘Engineer’ Strategic Projects Kunz, John, C., Rivero, C., Levitt, R. E. 2000
  • Simulating project work processes and organizations: Toward a micro-contingency theory of organizational design MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Levitt, R. E., Thomsen, J., Christiansen, T. R., Kunz, J. C., Jin, Y., Nass, C. 1999; 45 (11): 1479-1495
  • Modeling and simulating coordination in projects JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMPUTING AND ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Christensen, L. C., Christiansen, T. R., Jin, Y., Kunz, J., Levitt, R. E. 1999; 9 (1): 33-55
  • Computational Emulation Modeling of Organizations: State of the Art and State of Practice Levitt, Raymond, E. 1999
  • A Trajectory for Validating omputational Emulation Models of Organizations Journal of Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Thomsen, J., Levitt, Raymond, E., Kunz, John, C., Nass, Clifford, I., Fridsma, Douglas, B. 1999; 4 (5): 385‐401
  • Concurrent Engineering of Facility Schedule and Project Organization International Journal of Computer‐Integrated Design and Construction, Special Issue on Construction Process Reengineering Kunz, John, C., Fischer, Martin, A., Kim, Jennifer, S., Nasrallah, W., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1999; 2 (1): 35‐45
  • The virtual design team COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM Kunz, J. C., Christiansen, T. R., Cohen, G. P., Jin, Y., Levitt, R. E. 1998; 41 (11): 84-91
  • Diversity and Popularity in Organizations and Communities Journal of Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Nasrallah, W., Glynn, P., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1998; 4 (4): 347‐372
  • Toward analysis tools for the engineering process Levitt, R. E. CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS. 1998: 77-78
  • A Proposed Trajectory of Validation Experiments for Computational Emulation Models of Organizations CIFE Thomsen, J., Levitt, Raymond, E., Kunz, John, C., Nass, Clifford, I. 1998: 33
  • A Proposed Trajectory of Validation Experiments for Computational Emulation Models of Organizations Levitt, Raymond, E., Thomsen, J., Kunz, J. 1998
  • The Virtual Design Team: A Computational Simulation Model of Project Organizations Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery Kunz, John, C., Christiansen, Tore, R., Cohen, Geoff, P., Jin, Y., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1998; 11 (41): 84-91
  • Designing Quality into Project Organizations through Computational Organizational Simulation CIFE Thomsen, J., Kunz, John, C., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1998: 43
  • The Virtual Team Alliance (VTA): An Extended Theory of Coordination in Concurrent Product Development Projects CIFE Thomsen, J., Fischer, Martin, A., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1998: 44
  • Toward Analysis Tools for the Engineering Process Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design gn, Analysis and Manu Levitt, Raymond, E. 1998; 12: 77‐88
  • The Virtual Team Alliance (VTA): Extending Galbraith's Information‐Processing Model to Account for Goal Incongruency CIFE Thomsen, J., Levitt, Raymond, E., Nass, Clifford, I. 1998: 37
  • The Haztimator knowledge-based (expert) system: Providing design and time/cost estimates for hazardous waste remediation ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS Staudinger, J., Oralkan, G. A., Levitt, R. E., Roberts, P. V. 1997; 16 (2): 82-87
  • Intervention studies using the virtual design team Kunz, J. C., Levitt, R. E., Thomsen, J. IEEE. 1997: 4483-4487
  • Simulating the Effects of Goal Incongruency on Project Team Performance. Fourth Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering Thomsen, J., Kwon, Y., Kunz, J., C., Levitt, R., E. 1997: 643‐650
  • The Virtual Design Team: Designing Organizations and Work Processes like we Design Bridges and Chips IEEE Workshop on Electronic Design Processes E., Raymond, Levitt 1997
  • Concurrent Engineering of Facility, Schedule and Project Organization for Retrofit Projects. International Conference on Construction Process Reengineering.CPR‐97 Kim, J., S., Fischer, M., A., Nasrallah, W., Kunz, J., C., Levitt, R., E. 1997: 647‐658
  • Promoting or Discouraging Conflict in Engineering Project Teams, Insights from a Computational Organization Design Perspective Workshop on Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Levitt, R., E., Thomsen, J., Kwon, Y., K. 1997: 26‐28
  • Modeling and simulation in enterprise integration - A framework and an application in the offshore oil industry CONCURRENT ENGINEERING-RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS Christensen, L. C., Christiansen, T. R., Jin, Y., Kunz, J., Levitt, R. E. 1996; 4 (3): 247-259
  • Support for integrated value-based maintenance planning IEEE EXPERT-INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS & THEIR APPLICATIONS Kunz, J. C., Jin, Y., Levitt, R. E., Lin, S. D., TEICHOLZ, P. M. 1996; 11 (4): 35-44
  • CE4: Concurrent engineering of product, process, facility, and organization CONCURRENT ENGINEERING-RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS Kunz, J. C., Luiten, G. T., Fischer, M. A., Jin, Y., Levitt, R. E. 1996; 4 (2): 187-198
  • A computational organizational approach to modeling an engineering design team Thomsen, J., Kwon, Y. J., Kunz, J. C., Levitt, R. E. AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS. 1996: 275-280
  • The Virtual Design Team, Modeling High Velocity Project Teams in Construction and Product Development E., Raymond, Levitt 1996
  • Analysis of an Agile Organization: Use of the Virtual Design Team Organization Analysis Tool Conference on Agile and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Kunz, J., Jin, Y., Levitt, R. 1996
  • The Virtual Design Team: A putationalModel of Project Organizations Journal of Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Jin, Y., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1996; 3 (2): 171‐195
  • Organizational Analysis and Design Tools: State of the Art First International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory E., Raymond, Levitt 1996
  • Modeling a Product Development Team: The Case of the Lockheed Launch Vehicle Program. Third Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering Thomsen, J., Kwon, Kunz, J., C., Levitt, R., E. 1996
  • Process modeling for design-build project management Jin, Y., Christiansen, T., Levitt, R. E., Teicholz, P. AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS. 1996: 642-648
  • The Virtual Design Team (VDT): Concurrent design of facility products, processes and organizations Levitt, R. E., Christiansen, T. R., Cohen, G., Jin, Y., Kunz, J. C. AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS. 1996: 268-274
  • Approaches to simulating organizational behavior of concurrent design teams Jin, Y., Levitt, R. E. AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS. 1996: 281-287
  • ME210-VDT: A managerial framework for measuring and improving design process performance. Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L. J., Levitt, R. E., Baudin, C. I E E E. 1995: 448-454
  • The Virtual Design Team: Modeling Organizational Behavior of Concurrent Design Teams Journal of Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturi Jin, Y., Levitt, Raymond, E., Christiansen, T., Kunz, John, C. 1995; 9 (2): 145‐158
  • The Virtual Design Team: A Computer Simulation Framework for Studying Organizational Aspects of Concurrent Design Simulation Jin, Y., Levitt, Raymond, E., Christiansen, T., Kunz, John, C. 1995; 64 (3): 160‐174
  • Computational organization analysis for designing concurrent engineering teams Jin, Y., Levitt, R. E. AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS. 1995: 1090-1097
  • The ''virtual design team'': Toward a ''finite engineer method'' for analyzing the organizational structure of concurrent engineering teams Levitt, R. E. SOC MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS. 1994: 123-124
  • The Virtual Design Team: A Computational Model of Engineering Design Teams Jin, Y., E., Raymond, Levitt, Christiansen, T. 1994
  • The ‘Virtual Design Team’: Simulating How Organization Structure and Information Processing Tools Affect Team Performance Computational Organization Theory Levitt, R., E., Cohen, G., P., Kunz, J., C., Nass, C., I., Christiansen, T., Jin, Y. edited by Carley, K., M., Prietula, M., J. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. 1994: 1
  • Whatever happened to CAE? Bridging the Generations L., Clive, Dym, E., Raymond, Levitt 1994
  • The Virtual Design Team: A Computer Simulation Framework for Studying Organizational Aspects of Concurrent Design 1994 International Conference on Simulation in Engineering Education Jin, Y., E., Raymond, Levitt, Christiansen, T. 1994
  • The Virtual Design Team: A Computational Simulation Model of Project Organizations CIFE Working Paper #29, Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, Stanford Univeristy, Stanford , Caifornia Levitt, Raymond, E., Christiansen, Tore, R., Cohen, Geoff, P., Jin, Y., Kunz, John, C., Nass, Clifford, I. 1994
  • Modeling Organizational Change in Response to Information Technology CIFE Working Paper #26, Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California Oralkan, Gaye, A., Jin, Y., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1994
  • Model‐Based Planning: Scaled‐Up Construction Application ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering Winstanley, G., Chacon, Michael, A., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1993; 7 (2): 199‐217
  • The Haztimator ‐ Knowledge‐Based Time and Cost Estimating of Hazardous Waste Remediation Projects CIFE Working Paper #23, Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA Oralkan, Gaye, A., Staudinger, J., Levitt, Raymond, E., ROberts, Paul. 1993
  • Model‐Based and Interactive Planning for Predictive Plant Maintenance Management Fifth International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering Jin, Y., Levitt, R., E. 1993: 1830‐1837
  • The Management of Design: A Design Notification Scheme for Distributed AEC Framework Tiwari, S., Howard, H., C., Levitt, R., E. 1993
  • Using an Organizational Model to Predict Effects on Design Team Productivity AAAI 93 Workshop on Design Kunz, J., C., Cohen, G., P., Levitt, R., E. 1993
  • i‐AGENTS: Modeling Organizational Problem Solving in Multi‐Agent Teams Intelligent Systems in Accounting Jin, Y., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1993; 2: 247‐270
  • Construction Safety Management E., Raymond, Levitt, Samelson, Nancy, M. edited by Wiley, J. E. 1993
  • The Virtual Design Team: Simulating How Organization Structure and Information Processing Tools Affect Team Performance CIFE Technical Report #83, Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California Levitt, Raymond, E., Cohen, Geoffrey, P., Kunz, John, C., Nass, Clifford, I., Christiansen, T., Jin, Y. 1993
  • The Virtual Design Team: A Computer Simulation Framework for Studying Organizational Aspects of Concurrent Design CIFE Working Paper #24, Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA Jin, Y., Levitt, Raymond, E., Christiansen, T. 1993
  • An integrated project planning environment Intelligent Systems Engineering Winstanley, G., Chacon, Michael, A., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1993; 2 (2): 91‐106
  • Modeling Effects of Organizational Structure and Communication Tools on Design Team Productivity AAAI 93 Workshop on Organizational Modeling Kunz, J., C., Cohen, G., P., Levitt, R., E. 1993
  • The Conceptimator: An Expert System for Conceptual Cost Estimating of Building Foundations Center for Integrated Facility Engineering , ineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA Tauber, Ellen, R., Levitt, R., E., Oralkan, G., A., Reinberg, F., C., Walsh, T., J. 1992
  • Design of Project Plans from Fundamental Knowledge of Engineering Systems, Jin, Y., Kunz, J., C., Levitt, R., E., Winstanley, G. 1992
  • The Virtual Design Team: Using Computers to Model Information Processing and Communication in Organizations CIFE Working Paper #16, Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA Levitt, Raymond, E., Cohen, G., P., Kunz, J., C., Nass, C., I. 1992
  • Site Layout Modeling: How Can Artificial Intelligence Help? ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management Tommelein, I., D., Levitt, R., E., Hayes‐Roth, B. 1992; 118 (3): 594‐611
  • The SightPlan Model for Site Layout ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management Tommelein, I., D., Levitt, R., E., Hayes‐Roth, B. 1992; 118 (4): 749‐766
  • Altering the SightPlan Knowledge‐based Systems Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design Tommelein, I., D., Hayes‐Roth, B., Levitt, R., E. 1992; 6 (1): 19‐37
  • SightPlan Experiments: Alternate Strategies for Site Layout Design ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering Tommelein, I., D., Levitt, R., E., Hayes‐Roth, B., Confrey, T. 1991; 5 (1): 42‐63
  • Knowledge‐Based Support for Concurrent, Multidisciplinary Design Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering Levitt, Raymond, E., Dym, Clive, L., Jin, Y. 1991
  • An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Project Planning under Uncertainty Project Management Journal Kartam, N., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1991; 22 (2): 7‐11
  • The Virtual Design Team: An Object‐oriented Model of Information‐sharingin Project Design Teams ASCE Construction Congress, Expert Systems Symposium in Computer‐integrated Design and Construction Cohen, G., P., Levitt, R., E. 1991
  • An Open-­‐Architecture Approach to Knowledge-­‐based CAD Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design Mishelevich, D., J., Katajamaki, M., Karras, T., Lehtimaki, H., Axworthy, A., Riitahuhta, A., Levitt, R. E. edited by Christopher, T., Sriram, D. Academic Press. 1991: 109‐157
  • Knowledge‐based Systems in Engineering Dym, C., E., Levitt, Raymond McGraw‐Hill Book Co.. 1991
  • Knowledge‐based Support for Management of Concurrent, Multidisciplinary Design Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design Levitt, Raymond, E., Jin, Y., Dym, Clive, L. 1991; 5 (2): 77‐95
  • Extending Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Hierarchical Pla ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering Kartam, N., A., Levitt, R., E., Wilkins, D., E. 1991; 5 (4): 464‐477
  • Automating Engineering Design with Design ++ Nikkei Artificial Intelligence Levitt, R., E., Axworthy, A., Katajamaki, M. 1991: 118‐127
  • Expert Systems in Construction Engineering and Management: State of the Art The Knowledge Engineering Review Levitt, Raymond, E., Kartam, Nabil, A. 1990; 5 (2): 1-29
  • Knowledge‐based Planning Systems: An Engineering Perspective Levitt, R., E. 1990
  • PMAPM: An Object‐oriented Project Model for A/E/C Process with Multiple Views Stanford University Center for Integrated Facility Engineering Technical Report Ito, K., Law, Kincho, H., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1990
  • Intelligent Planning of Construction Projects ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering Kartam, Nabil, A., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1990; 4 (2): 155‐176
  • A Centralized Approach for Representing and Resolving Interactions among Multi‐agent Tasks while Planning Hierarchically Kartam, N., A., Levitt, R., E., Wilkins, D., E. 1990: 250‐256
  • Merging Artificial Intelligence with CAD: Intelligent, Model-based Engineering Stanford University Center for Integrated Facility Engineering Technical Report Levitt, Raymond, E. 1990
  • Perspective: Why Safety Leadership Must Come from on Top Faces: The Toll of Workplace Death on American Families Levitt, Raymond, E. National Safe Workplace Institute Press. 1989: 95‐96
  • The Stanford Computer Science Video Journal: Artificial Intelligence Research Lectures SIGHTPLAN: An Expert System for Laying Out the Temporary Equipment on a Construction ite Levitt, Raymond, E. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. 1989: 1
  • SightPlan: A Blackboard Expert System for Constraint‐based Spatial Reasoning about Construction Site Layout Technical Report #20, Center for Integrated Facility Engineering , Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University CA Levitt, Raymond, E., Tommelein, Iris, D., Hayes‐Roth, B., Confrey, T. 1989
  • SightPlan: An Artificial Intelligence Tool to Assist Construction Managers with Site Layout D., Iris, Tommelein, E., Raymond, Levitt, Hayes‐Roth, B. 1989
  • Computerized Construction Scheduling Waugh, L., M., Levitt, R., E. 1989
  • Linking Knowledge‐Based Systems to CAD Design Data with an Object‐Oriented Building Product Model report funded by Center for Integrated Facility Engineering (Stanford University) Ito, K. Y., Levitt, Raymond, E., Darwiche, A. Stanford University, NSF #MSM 8716608 and USA CERL, published as CIFE Working Paper #17, Stanford University. 1989: 1
  • Using the BB1 Blackboard Control Architecture in the SightPlan System for the Design of Construction Site Layouts videotape discussion and software demonstration , Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, Stanford University Levitt, R., E., Tommelein, I., Hayes‐Roth, B., Confrey, T. 1989
  • Computer Integration: Reducing Fragmentation in the AEC Industry ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering Howard, H., C., Levitt, R., E., Paulson, B., C., Pohl, J., G., Tatum, C., B. 1989; 3 (1): 18‐32
  • Planning and Execution in Uncertain Domains Kartam, Nabil, A., E., Raymond, Levitt 1989
  • An Object‐Oriented Approach for Scheduling of Construction Projects Axworthy, A., E., Raymond, Levitt 1989
  • A Least‐Commitment Approach to Planning Construction Projects with Repeated Cycles of Operation A., Nabil, Kartam, E., Raymond, Levitt 1989
  • An Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems A., Nabil, Kartam, Barbara, Levitt, E. 1988
  • OARPLAN: Generating Project Plans by Reasoning about Objects, Actions and Resources Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing Darwiche, A., Levitt, Raymond, E., Hayes‐Roth, B. 1988; 2 (3): 169‐181
  • Sistema Esperto per la Sicurezza delle Costruzioni Performance: Management in Edilizia, Italy, Gennaio/Febbraio/Marzo Levitt, Raymond, E. 1987: 67‐82
  • Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Automated Planning and Scheduling E., Raymond, Levitt, C., John, Kunz, A., Nabil, Kartam 1987
  • Safety—Accident Prevention E., Raymond, Levitt 1987
  • Using Expert Systems for the Layout of Temporary Facilities on Construction Sites D., Iris, Tommelein, E., Raymond, Levitt, Hayes‐Roth, B. edited by Lansley, P., R., Harlow, P., A. 1987
  • Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Support Project Management Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing Levitt, Raymond, E., Kunz, John, C. 1987; 1 (1): 3‐24
  • Expert Systems in Construction: Work in Progress ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering Ashley, David, B., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1987; 1 (4): 303-311
  • New Directions in Construction Engineering and Management Paulson, Boyd C., Jr., E., Raymond, Levitt 1987
  • AI in Project Management ‐ Initial Attempts E., Raymond, Levitt 1987
  • Expert Systems in Construction Expert Systems for Civil Engineers Levitt, Raymond, E. edited by Maher, M., L. ASCE, New York. 1987: 85-112
  • Using Expert Systems for the Layout of Temporary Facilities on Construction Sites Knowledge Systems Laboratory Report Tommelein, Iris, D., Levitt, Raymond, E., Hayes‐Roth, B. 1987
  • SightPlan: An Expert System for the Layout of Temporary Facilities on a Construction Site Knowledge Systems Laboratory Report Tommelein, Iris, D., Johnson, M., V., Hayes‐Roth, B., Jr., Levitt, R., E. 1987
  • The State of the Art of Exper Systems in Construction Expert Systems in Construction: State of the Art Levitt, Raymond, E. edited by Maher, M. L. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, Champaign, Illinois. 1986: 21-25
  • Contingent Analysis for Project Management Using Multiple Worlds C., John, Kunz, Bonura, T., E., Raymond, Levitt, J., Marilyn, Stelzner 1986
  • HOWSAFE: A Microcomputer‐Based Expert System to Evaluate the Safety of a Construction Firm Levitt, R. E. edited by Celal, K. N., Maher, M. L. 1986
  • Implementation of a Knowledge‐Based Seismic Risk Evaluation System on Microcomputers Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Miyasato, G., H., Dong, W., M., Levitt, R., E., Boissonnade, A., C. 1986; 1 (1): 29‐35
  • Seismic Risk Analysis Systems Miyasato, G., H., Dong, W., M., Levitt, R., E., Boissonnade, A., C., Shah, H., C. edited by N., Shah, Kostem, Maher, M. L. 1986
  • Problems in the Organization of Very Large Projects Gruppo di Ricerca sul Management (G.R.M.) Levitt, Raymond, E. 1985
  • A Knowledge-Based System for Updating Engineering Project Schedules E., Raymond, Levitt, C., John, Kunz edited by Dym, C., L. 1985
  • Research Areas for the Application of Knowledge‐Based Expert Systems to Construction Engineering and Management White Paper for the National Science Foundation Workshop on the Development of New Research Directions in Computerized Applications to Construction ngineering and Management Studies Levitt, Raymond, E. edited by Jr, C., William Ibbs 1985: 89‐97
  • Using Knowledge of Construction and Project Management for Automated Schedule Updating Project Management Journal Levitt, Raymond, E., Kunz, John, C. 1985; XVI (5): 57‐76
  • Resolving the Regulatory Dilemma for Major Utility Projects The Stanford Engineer Levitt, Raymond, E., Tatum, C., B. 1985; 8 (2): 10‐15
  • The Stanford Seminar on Corporate Directorship Stanford University, Department of Civil Engineering Levitt, R., E. edited by Levitt, Raymond, E., Gelatt, M. 1984: 1
  • Superprojects and Superheadaches: Balancing Technical Economies of Scale Against Management Diseconomies of Size and Complexity Project Management Journal Levitt, Raymond, E. 1984; 15 (4): 82‐89
  • Organization and Governance in Construction International Journal of Project Management Reve, T., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1984; 2 (1): 17‐25
  • Organizational Adaptation to Small Computers G., Henry, Irwig, E., Raymond, Levitt 1984
  • The Construction Executive Program: Stanford University's Aid to Managers The Military Engineer Katz, Glenn, L., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1984: 364‐367
  • Evaluation of the Line Foreman Safety Training Course Sandford University, Department of Civil Engineering Levitt, Raymond, E., Samelson, Nancy, M., Bretxa, J., Mummy, G., Waugh, L. 1984
  • Boondoggles Can Be Prevented Engineering News‐Record Caspe, M., Levitt, Raymond, E., Parker, Henry, W. 1984; 212 (26): 24
  • The Impact of Owner‐ Engineer Risk‐Sharing on Design Conservatism ASCE J.of Professional Issues in Engineering Levitt, Raymond, E., Logcher, Robert, D., Qaddumi, Nabil, H. 1984; 4 (110): 157‐168
  • Organization and Control of Engineering Design Firms ASCE Engineering Issues Logcher, Robert, D., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1982; EI1 (105): 7‐14
  • Open Shop Movement in Directions in Managing Construction Levitt, Raymond, E., Barrie, Donald, S. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1981: 279-299
  • Organization of Work in Construction Human Factors /Ergonomics for Civil Engineers and Construction Managers Levitt, Raymond, E. New York: Wiley Interscience. 1981: 217-277
  • Improving Construction Safety Performance: The User's.ROle Stanford University, Department of Civil Engineering Levitt, Raymond, E., Parker, Henry, W., Samelson, Nancy, M. 1981
  • Employer and Owner Associations in Directions in Managing onstruction Levitt, Raymond, E., B., Joel, Leighton New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1981: 253‐277
  • Union and Open Shop Construction: Compensation, Work Practices, and Labor Markets Bourdon, Clinton, C., Levitt, Raymond, E. Lexington Books, D. C. Heath and Co.. 1980
  • A Quantitative Method for Analyzing the Allocation of Risks in Transportation Construction MIT, Department of Civil Engineering Levitt, Raymond, E., Ashley, David, B., Logcher, Robert, D., Dziekan, Michael, W. 1979
  • A Quantitative Method for Analyzing the Allocation of Risks in Underground Construction E., Raymond, Levitt 1979
  • Cost Impacts of Prevailing Wage Laws in Construction ASCE Journal of the Construction Division Levitt, Raymond, E., C., Clinton, Bourdon 1979; CO4 (10): 281‐288
  • Options for the Design and Construction of Mass Transit Facilitie prepared for US Department of Transportation, UMTA, MIT, Department of Civil Engineering Levitt, Raymond, E., Logcher, RObert, D., Ashley, David, B., Wolahan, J., M. 1979
  • A Comparison of Wages and Labor Management Practices in Union and Non-Union Construction MIT., Department of Civil Engineering Bourdon, Clinton, C., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1978
  • Improved Designs for Tunnel Supports U.S. Department of Transportation Einstein, Herbert, H., Levitt, Raymond, E. 1978
  • Cooperative Control Systems for Improving Construction Productivity prepared for National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life , of Working Life, MIT, Department of Civil Engineering Levitt, Raymond, E., Logcher, Robert, D., Burns, R., H. 1978
  • The Effect of Top Management on Safety in Construction Stanford Department of Civil Engineering Levitt, Raymond, E. 1975
  • Legal Aspects of Scheduling Techniques for Contractors Stanford University, Construction Institute Levitt, R. E. 1974