Stanford Seminar - Max Shulaker of Stanford
"From Nanodevices to Nanosystems: The Carbon Nanotube Case Study" - Max Shulaker of Stanford Colloquium on Computer Systems Seminar Series...
Stanford Seminar - Dan Ambrust of Silicon Catalyst
"Realizing the next growth wave for semiconductors -- A new approach to enable innovative startups" - Dan Ambrust of Silicon Catalyst...
Stanford Seminar - Madhav Marathe of Virginia Tech
"Computational Epidemiology: The role of big data and pervasive informatics" - Madhav Marathe of Virginia Tech Colloquium on Computer...
Stanford Seminar - Steve Cousins of Savioke
"Service Robots Are Here" - Steve Cousins of Savioke Colloquium on Computer Systems Seminar Series (EE380) presents the current research...
Stanford Seminar - Katherine Isbister of New York University
"Using Play to Innovate Sociable Wearable and Sensor-based Experiences" - Katharine Isbister shares lessons from real-world experiences...
Stanford Seminar - Awni Hannun of Baidu Research
"Deep Speech: Scaling up end-to-end speech recognition" - Awni Hannun of Baidu Research Colloquium on Computer Systems Seminar Series (...