EE284 -
Introduction to Computer Networks
This course introduces the basic concepts and principles underlying packet-based networks, including circuit switching & packet switching, structure of computer networks, types of computer networks. In addition, examples of standard technologies and protocols are given to illustrate the concepts.
Topics Include
- Layered protocol architecture, OSI reference model, and the internet architecture
- The physical layer: Theoretical basis for data communications, signaling and modulation, multiplexing, transmission media, physical interfaces and protocols
- The data link layer: Error control, cyclic redundancy check, the sliding window flow control mechanism, performance considerations, bit-oriented data link control protocols (HDLC)
- MAC layer bridging and spanning tree protocol
- The network layer: addressing, services (datagram, virtual Circuit), routing algorithms (Bellman Ford, Dijkstra), congestion control, the internet protocol (IP)
- The transport layer: UDP, TCP, TCP congestion control
- The application layer: FTP
This course is only available on the Stanford campus. No online delivery.Prerequisites
CS 140 or equivalent.