The Stanford Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Education

2016 Applications are now open, apply here
Deadline March 14, 2016

Learn more about the program here

Contact Information

Anandi Krishnan, PhD  email

Jessica P. Meyer, MBA email

All KL2 applications must include:

    • Candidate Personal Statement (education, career experience, short- and long-term goals, reasons for applying to the KL2 program and how it will further professional objectives). Limit your response to 800 words.
    • Educational and mentoring plan (description of planned didactic activities, including nature and frequency of interactions with primary research mentor; and how this will enhance your research project) Limit to 400 words.
    • Research Plan
    • Limit the total of the following subsections (excluding references) to 1,600 words:
      • Structured Abstract (title, background, research question, study design, methods, outcome measures, potential implications of work and innovation)
      • Overall Research Question(s) and Specific Aims
      • Background / Significance
      • Preliminary Data (if relevant) and feasibility assessment: If the project is in the early stages of development, describe any strategy to assess feasibility, and address the management of any high risk aspects of the proposed work.
      • Approach / Methods (including key measurements, primary outcome measures and analytic plan)
      • Nature of Originality / Innovation
      • Potential Implications / Contribution of Work
      • Research Timeline, with key progress benchmarks
      • References
    • Current Curriculum Vitae and Transcripts (from college, medical school, and any advanced degree programs).
    • Official Transcripts must be submitted to the Graduate Admissions Office for any masters program applications
    • Signed Letter of Support from the department chair or division chief guaranteeing 75-percent protected time to pursue the educational and research goals of the KL2 program. If the proposed training period is longer than the guaranteed funding period of 2 years, an additional letter of support is required from the department chair or division chief assuring continued funding support for the years that are not supported by the KL2 award. The divisional/departmental letter of support must also attest that the trainee is able to accept KL2 funds toward the entire 75% of their research effort and that they do not hold any concomitant federal support.
    • Research Mentor’s NIH Biosketch.
    • Signed Letter of Recommendation from the prospective research mentor (description of the mentor’s anticipated interactions with the trainee, the research environment, their own qualifications to serve in this role, and list of mentees within 3 years, with their current positions).
    • Two Additional Letters of Recommendation from colleagues with whom the candidate has worked. (One letter could be substituted for the one from the proposed mentor above, if the mentor has worked with the applicant before.)
    • Current and Pending Funding Support Information