The Stanford Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Education
High School Student

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Please see the individual resource websites for contact information. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please
contact Bruce D. Koch, PhD  email

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Biomedical research supplies, chemistry analytical labs, microfluidics fabrication, and a machine shop.

Shared Facilities:

Chemistry NMR Facility
  • Description —The NMR Facility for the Stanford University Chemistry Department houses 5 Varian NMR Spectrometers: Inova 300, Varian 400, Mercury 400, Inova 500, Inova 600.
  • Location — Stauffer Chemistry Building
  • Questions — Contact Stephen Lynch  email, (650) 725-0245
  • Website

Chemistry Optics Facility
  • Description — The Optics Facility for the Stanford University Chemistry Department houses 4 Optical Spectroscopy Instruments: Cary 6000i UV/Vis/NIR Spectrometer, Vertex 70 FTIR with RAM II Raman accessory, and two Fluorolog 3 Fluorimeters.
  • Location — Stauffer Chemistry Building
  • Questions — Contact Stephen Lynch  email, (650) 725-0245
  • Website

MCP-SINTN Engineering Shop
  • Description —This shop is dedicated to assisting researchers in the Medical School with their custom instrumentation and equipment needs at an affordable price
  • Location — B133 Beckman Center
  • Questions — Contact David Profitt  email, (650) 723-6478
  • Website
  • Selected References

    Automated sorting of live transgenic embryos. Furlong EM, Proffitt D and Scott MP (2001) Nature Biotechnology 19: 153-156. PubMedID 11175730

    The interaction between excimer laser energy and vascular tissue. Murphy-Chutorian D, Selzer PM, Kosek J, Quay SC, Profitt D, Ginsburg R. (1986) Am Heart J. Oct;112(4):739-45.

Stanford Microfluidics Foundry
  • Description — This facility assists in the design and fabrication of Silicon replica molds and PDMS microfluidic chips.
  • Location — 318 Campus Drive, Clark Center, W090
  • Questions — Contact Emre Araci, PhD  email, (650) 724-7383
  • Website
  • Selected References

    Versatile, fully automated, microfluidic cell culture system. Gómez-Sjöberg R, Leyrat AA, Pirone DM, Chen CS, Quake SR. Anal Chem. 2007 Nov 15;79(22):8557-63.

    Microfluidic large-scale integration: the evolution of design rules for biological automation. Melin J, Quake SR. Annu Rev Biophys Biomol Struct. 2007;36:213-31.

    High-throughput single-molecule optofluidic analysis. Kim S, Streets AM, Lin RR, Quake SR, Weiss S, Majumdar DS. Nat Methods. 2011 Mar;8(3):242-5.