The Stanford Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Education

Past Pilot Grant Awards

Therapeutics (SPARK)

Analysis of Gene/Protein Function

SPARK was created as an innovative, cost-effective way to overcome the hurdles associated with translating academic discoveries into drugs or diagnostics that address real clinical needs. » List

Predictives and Diagnostics

Predictives and Diagnostics / SPADA

SPADA, the Stanford Predictives and Diagnostics Accelerator, was established to assist interdisciplinary innovators in research, development and deployment of technologies that improve human health through disease prediction and/or diagnostics. » List

Community Engagement

Community Engagement

The Office of Community Health (OCH) serves as a centralized resource to facilitate communication between students, faculty, and community partners regarding collaborative community health projects. » List

Medical Technologies (Biodesign)

Predictives and Diagnostics / SPADA

Biodesign provides medical technology innovation training to teams of doctors, engineers and business students who identify a medical need, develop an invention to fill it and create a plan for bringing the technology forward into patient care. » List

Population Health Sciences

Analysis of Gene/Protein Function

The Population Health Sciences Initiative is a broad interdisciplinary program that aims to bring together basic and translational scientists to provide resources and facilitate collaborations focused on population-level questions, data and approaches.» List

Clinical Trials Methodology

Analysis of Gene/Protein Function

These projects were funded for two years (11/07 – 10/09). » List

Stanford Health Care Innovation Challenge

Year: 2015. » List

Need Help Getting Started?

Education & Mentoring Program:
   Anandi Krishnan, PhD  email

Research training, events, and workshops:
   Jessica P. Meyer  email
   (650) 498-6140

To find mentors, research jobs, and fellowships, log-in to CAP Network.

Upcoming Events

» Spectrum Training Calendar

» School of Medicine Events

» School of Medicine Seminars and Grand Rounds

» Stanford Biomedical Ethics Events

» Stanford Biodesign Events

» Stanford Biomedical Informatics Research (BMIR) Events