Spectrum Child Health

Grant & Postdoctoral Support

SPRING DEADLINE: Friday, April 1, 2016 @ 5:00 PM

Forms for Applicants

CHRI/PRF Forms for Recipients

Review Timeline

Award Requirements

Please contact Spectrum Child Health Administration [spectrumchildhealth] with any questions.

Funded by the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health

PRF Cycle Received Avg Score Score < 2.0 % < 2.0 Funded % Funded Total Funding
Jan-07 16 2.2 6 38% 5 31% $134K
Apr-07 13 2.1 5 38% 4 31% $84K
Sep-07 43 2.1 21 49% 10 23% $327K
Mar-08 41 2.0 24 59% 14 34% $448K
Sep-08 58 2.0 28 48% 21 36% $682K
Mar-09 37 2.0 19 51% 12 32% $395K
Oct-09 32 2.0 17 53% 17 53% $523K

NIH 1-9 Scoring Scale

PRF Cycle Received Avg Score Score < 4 % < 4 Funded % Funded Total Funding
Apr-10 44 44 17 39% 15 34% $524K
Oct-10 31 40 18 58% 18 58% $630K
Apr-11 35 40 20 57% 15 43% $525K
Oct-11 23 44 10 43% 12 52% $409K
Mar-12 15 41 7 47% 6 40 $245K
Oct-12 27 38 15 56% 16 59% $660K

The CHRI Grant Support Program is administered under the direction of Dr. Hugh O’Brodovich, Chair of Pediatrics and Physician-in-Chief, LPCH. 


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