Spectrum Child Health

Scientific Advisory

All applicants receive reviewer comments regardless of award.  Prior to submission or resubmission, applicants to any CHRI funding program may request a meeting with a reviewer for scientific and protocol development advice.  To request a meeting with a reviewer please contact Spectrum Child Health Administration [spectrumchildhealth]

Review and Selection Criteria

Members of the Child Health Research Institute and former award recipients are invited to participate as reviewers.  Separate review panels are convened for each of the Child Health Research Institute (CHRI) funding programs.  Each review panel has a Panel Chair or two Co-chairs.  There may be more than one panel within each program depending on the number of applications received and reviewers available for any particular cycle.  The Review and Selection Criteria for CHRI funding programs follow an NIH model.  Each proposal is assigned at least two reviewers.

Reviewers who have met with applicants prior to submission or resubmission for scientific advice are automatically recused from those applicants’ proposals.  Other conflicts of interest are considered.  Reviewers are not assigned to proposals for which they are listed and/or identified as a mentor, co-investigator, or collaborator.  Reviewers are also not assigned to applicants in the same division and/or department.

Reviewers provide written comments and a score on each proposal assigned.  Scoring is based on the NIH 1-9 scale.  Panels meet 6 to 8 weeks after the submission deadline.  Final scores from the review meetings determine the ranking of proposals.  A separate Funding Committee, including the respective program directors and panel chairs, determines funding cutoff for each cycle.  The cutoff score varies each cycle depending on the applicant pool and the availability of funds.

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