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Shalom! We are an all-star group of full time and part time staff, ranging from Californians to Israelis, who make up the Hillel@Stanford team. Along with our amazing interns and volunteers, we love our jobs making a Jewish home for every student at Stanford. Please feel free to get in touch if you need anything.

Serena Eisenberg

Executive Director

Rabbi Serena has served as the Executive Director at Stanford since 2011, and previously as the Hillel director and associate chaplain at her alma mater, Brown University. Serena was ordained by the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in 2002. Her many fellowships include Wexner, Mandel Leadership Institute, Hartman, Upstart and CLAL Rabbis without Borders. Serena also received a JD/MSW from UC Berkeley, and worked as an advocate and ombudsman in the area of family welfare. Serena has five sons, and loves hiking and adventure, including leading a bar mitzvah trek on Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Jeremy Ragent
Assistant Director

We are excited to share the good news that after completing a dual masters program in Public Administration at USC and Jewish Nonprofit Management at HUC, Jeremy Ragent is returning to Hillel@Stanford to serve as the Assistant Director. During his master’s program, Jeremy gained experience managing development campaigns, writing and securing significant grants, and modernizing operations for a small social action nonprofit. Jeremy previously worked for three years at Hillel from 2010-2013, as an engagement associate and then as a development associate.

Rabbi Daniel Raphael Silverstein
Director of Jewish Life & Learning 

Born and raised in London, Daniel studied literature and social and political sciences at Cambridge University (BA), and international relations at Warwick (MA). He also spent three years in Israel, learning at Yeshivot Ein Tzurim, Shvilei HaTorah and Maale Gilboa. Before studying for the rabbinate at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School, Daniel earned his living as a spoken word artist, MC and creative educator, performing and facilitating for diverse audiences all over the world. Daniel is a co-founder of Lines of Faith, a Muslim-Jewish hip hop and poetry collective that uses performances and creative workshops to challenge prejudice and build meaningful bonds between individuals and communities. Daniel also co-founded Moishe House London. Daniel is an experienced meditation teacher, an enthusiastic practitioner of Tai Chi and is passionate about music, film, and travel. Daniel, his wife, Karin, and their baby, Yonah, are excited to meet and learn from all the amazing people at Stanford. 

Jeffrey Sweet

Camp Kesem Director & Design Jewish Initiative Director

Jeffrey first joined Hillel in 2014 after spending six years in the Jewish community as a Stanford student. When Jeffrey was not working on social action projects within Hillel, he was pursuing a BS in Materials Science and Engineering, an MS in Management Science and Engineering, and working on international health technology projects in Guatemala and Kenya. He loves trying to understand how the world works, from its atoms to complex human organizations. Jeffrey brings his love of creativity, helping others, tikkun olam, and fun to the work he does. He also loves walking, hiking, baking, and playing saxophone, and thinks every one of these activities is more fun to do with a friend.  If you ever want to talk about, well, anything, come find him! His door is always open.

Danielle Tuckerdee-headshot-120x120

Program and Marketing Administrator

A native Floridian, Dee fell in love with California when she first tasted a Hass avocado. While studying journalism and history at the University of Florida, she cultivated a deep connection with Hillel, where she met some of her best friends and discovered previously untapped emotions – such as the rush of tearing down water-damaged walls in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Her career in nonprofits started with the Florida Museum of Natural History at the University of Florida, where she wrote press releases and articles about life on Earth. Dee loves discovering what makes people tick and bringing their stories to life. In her free time, she can be found reading fantasy novels, playing music, or going on adventures with her dog, Henry. She joined Hillel@Stanford in 2015 and is excited to help make it a place where students and young professionals can foster lifelong connections.

Jed Rich

ENGAJ Manager

Jed Rich is an avid fan of soul singer Sam Cooke and comedian Mel Brooks, whose movie, “Robin Hood: Men in Tights,” he can recite virtually verbatim. Jed moved back to the Bay Area from Tel Aviv, where he explored how Jewish ethics can inform social action at BINA Secular Yeshiva, the Museum of the Jewish People, and the Center for the Blind.  Previously, Jed worked as an attorney in a nationwide pro bono case on behalf of U.S. military veterans who served in the Cold War era.  This work earned him pro bono distinction for three straight years at Morrison and Foerster. As a law student, Jed served as an anti-“predatory lending” fellow at Community Legal Services of East Palo Alto and with Stanford’s Jewish Law Students Association.  Jed represented Stanford Law School during its first program in China, meeting with legal, government, and business leaders in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Beijing.  He also externed with the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs.  Prior to law school, Jed studied intensive Mandarin at Tsinghua University.  As an undergraduate, he majored in International Relations and studied abroad in Seville, Spain.  He also earned honors in Ethics in Society for his thesis, “The Ethics of Targeted Killing,” and served as vice president of the student board at Hillel at Stanford. As males in his family have been singing since Russia was czarist (some say it still is), he will hog the microphone at karaoke.  He is the only known living person to have completed the Counter Burger Challenge.  Jed is eager to combine his interests in Judaism, ethics, and global social justice to engage graduate students and young professionals in Silicon Valley in his new role as ENGAJ manager with Oshman JCC and Hillel@Stanford. 

Rebecca Avera

Israel Fellow 

Rebecca is 28 years old. She was born and raised in Haifa along with her five siblings. Her parents moved to Israel from Ethiopia during "Operation Moses" in 1984. At the age of 18 she was drafted to the army and served in the Military Police, working at check points all over the West Bank, preventing terror attacks from get into Israel. After the army, Rebecca decided to grab her destiny and to follow her dream as a Government Diplomacy and Strategy student at IDC in Herzliya. Two years ago, she was privileged to be part of a delegation, with seven other students, to participate in Israel Apartheid Week on campuses throughout South Africa and “Make the Case for Israel”. Rebecca volunteered at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC, and traveled to England to speak to groups, communities, students and individuals about her Jewish identity as Ethiopian Jewish Israeli student. Rebecca is very excited to begin her next adventure as an Israel Fellow at Hillel@Stanford.

Susan Feist

Development Associate 
Part-time: M,T,Th

In late 2010 Susan made aliya from New York to sunny California, where she enjoyed a long career as Marketing and Public Relations Director at two Westchester JCCs. After a short break from work, she decided it was time to look for the perfect job. Along came the opportunity to work at Hillel. Her major responsibilities revolve around thanking all the wonderful people who donate to Hillel, therefore allowing the organization to offer the important and dynamic programs that it does. Outside of the office, Susan can be found hanging out with her grandchildren, walking the Bay Trail, hiking in the hills, practicing yoga and volunteering at the Peninsula SPCA.

Pat Waters

Finance Manager
Part-time: T,W 8-3

Pat joined Hillel@Stanford in 2003, bringing with her many years of experience working in industry, service and university settings. Pat was instrumental in working with contractors in renovating/building the Taube House and the Koret Pavilion. She recently "retired" from her position as Director of Operations, and she is now working two days a week taking care of all of Hillel's financial matters. Pat is a native Californian and attended Eastern Kentucky University. Pat loves long walks on the beach, trying new salad recipes, and watching Dancing With The Stars.

Audrey Samon

Operations Manager
Part-time: M,T,W,Th 9-2

Audrey joined Hillel@Stanford in February 2014. Audrey spent 10+ years in advertising and marketing with several NYC ad agencies, which include Young & Rubicam, Grey and DDB Worldwide.  Audrey is a graduate of Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester. Her degree was in Music Education focusing on voice. Audrey is rather new to California; she and her husband along with two young sons moved here less than three years ago. Audrey enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, being outdoors, swimming and exploring her new surroundings. She is very happy to be part of Hillel@Stanford!

Rich Stoner
Facilities Manager
Part-time: M-F 8-12

Rich is our rock-star Facilities Manager. He works hard in the wee hours of the morning to keep the Taube Hillel House and Koret Pavilion in tip top shape. If you happen to be here that early (maybe you're pulling an all-night study session in the Kopa Cafe), be sure to say hello!


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Taube Hillel House & Koret Pavilion at the Ziff Center for Jewish Life
565 Mayfield Avenue
Stanford, CA 94305-8456
(650) 723-1602