Bio-related majors night photos!

Juniors and seniors with backgrounds ranging from CS and bioengineering to human biology and chemical engineering answered questions about choosing majors and being premed during a panel this evening. Check out photos from the event!

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Illumina: Next Generation Sequencing

Come hear how Illumina is unlocking the power of genomics to improve human health!  
When: Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2014 
Where: Clark Center, Room s360 (3rd floor, walk through Peet’s Coffee)
Tech Talk: 3:15pm  
Illumina Info Session: 5:30pm 
~Dinner will be served ~

BioE Undergraduate Coordinator Office Hours

Have questions about research, classes, or 4-year plans? Not sure about what courses to take this year? Want to learn more about BioE from juniors and seniors in the major?

Come to the first BioE Undergraduate Coordinator Office Hours for the quarter! Tomorrow, Maya Anjur-Dietrich, will be around to answer questions and chat!

There’ll be awesome snacks so feel free to drop by anytime.

Event details:
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Shriram 108