Going Home after Your Visit or Procedure
When your child is discharged from the hospital, we expect to make your return home as easy as possible. Before you leave the hospital, be sure the nurse has given you phone numbers to call if you have questions or concerns once you are home.
- The team will make sure you have the prescriptions.
- The team will also give you discharge instructions for care at home.
You will receive information about when your child can resume normal activities such as returning to school.
Your Child’s Comfort at Home
Your child’s recovery continues at home after you leave us. We want to make sure your child is safe and comfortable during this recovery period. Your surgeon may order medicine for your child to take at home to help control his/her pain until fully healed.
Before leaving the hospital, we want to be sure you understand the plan for pain control. The nurse or physician will review the medicine for pain control before you leave the hospital to go home (prior to discharge).
Questions to ask about care at home:
- Where will I pick up prescriptions?
- When do I start this prescription?
- Who will I call if I am concerned about my child’s pain once we are home?
- How long can we expect this pain to last?
- How long should my child take the medicine for pain?
As your child continues recovery at home, you will follow the pain management plan to keep your child’s pain as low as possible. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s pain, use the phone number given to you by your nurse at the time of discharge to reach a provider.
Click here to print out our helpful guidelines for your next procedure or surgery.