Parking & Transportation Services
July 2013 edition


You are receiving this Parking & Transportation Services (P&TS) eUpdate as a member of the Stanford community. We believe the content of this message will be of interest to you as a parking permit holder and/or user of alternative transportation. We also want to share information with you to help Stanford meet certain transportation-related goals in the General Use Permit1 and SUMC Project:Renewal and to help create a more sustainable Stanford.

Visit our website at for more information.


1) BART strike impacts Bay Area commuters
Increased traffic and bridge back-ups

2) Explore transportation alternatives
Free transit and bicycle commute planning assistance and carpool ridematching available

3) Consider rewards and incentives for sustainable transportation
Carpooling, taking transit, biking or walking could improve health and save money

1) BART strike impacts Bay Area commuters

Increased traffic and bridge back-ups

Labor contracts for both BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) and AC Transit expired on June 30. BART’s unions implemented a work stoppage today, affecting an estimated 400,000 daily BART commuters. As BART riders turned to other transportation options, commuters throughout the Bay Area, especially the East Bay, were impacted by increased traffic and higher demand on other transit services. At this time, AC Transit is operating its normal service while their contract negotiations continue.

For updates and information, please use these resources:

For assistance, please contact or 650.736.9923.


2) Explore transportation alternatives

Free transit and bicycle commute planning assistance and carpool ridematching available

All commuters are encouraged to consider these options during the BART strike and in advance of a potential AC Transit strike:

For assistance, please contact or 650.736.9923.


3) Consider rewards and incentives for sustainable transportation

Carpooling, taking transit, biking or walking could improve health and save money

Whether you try alternative transportation in response to the BART strike or in advance of a potential AC Transit strike, you may discover the many rewards for leaving a solo commute behind.

Contact us at or 650.736.9923. We’ll be glad to help you discover a better commute and the rewards available to you.


1 It is important for Parking & Transportation Services to communicate parking and alternative-transportation information to the campus. Under the 2000 General Use Permit (campus growth plan approved by Santa Clara County), the campus has a goal of "no net new peak-hour commute trips" over the life of the permit and must accommodate campus growth with a limited number of new parking spaces. Failure to achieve this goal will result in the university being faced with costly mitigation measures.


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