*THREAD ON @StanfordDaily* bear with me, folks
@thejoelstein, Douglas Wilson, Phil Taubman, Art Streiber,@jameshohmann,@marianne_levine,@Ivan_Maisel,@ramonashelburne,@dailytomtaylor,@susanslusser,@nxthompson,@joshhaner,@peterbhatia,@timgrieve, and John Kosner -
Like I said, all-star lineup. You can check out the event livestream here:https://www.youtube.com/user/TSDVideoMultimedia/live …
Over the past 125 years, The Daily has meant different things to different people. To me, it's been the extracurricular into which I've poured more of my time than anything else (yeah, that includes school)...
it's been where I strengthened my skills as a writer, reporter, questioner, and critical thinker, where I found my calling, where I became a journalist...
and it's where I've met some of the brightest and funniest and craziest people on campus, whom I'm lucky to call some of my closest friends, friends I know I'll have for life
@StanfordDaily, thanks for all that you've given me and thousands of people before me. Today's for you. (End thread)
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