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October 27, 2014  | Water in the West  | Insights

It is human nature to fear the unknown.  If you are a water manager, your “fear list” may include earthquakes, climate change, having your water use made public and not least of all, new laws and regulations.  California has a law that is new and complex – the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.  At this point, many summaries of the new legislation have been developed such as...

October 23, 2014  | Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment  | News

California Gov. Jerry Brown joins water experts at Stanford for discussion of policy prescriptions and new research on improving water management

October 22, 2014  | Water in the West  | Insights

On November 4, Californians will go to the polls to vote in the state’s election. The first proposition on the ballot will be the “Water Quality, Supply and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014,” better known as the 2014 Water Bond. It’s been a long path to the ballot for California’s most recent water bond issue. Originally proposed in 2009, the bond has been through several iterations to...

October 13, 2014  | Water in the West  | Insights

  This past Wednesday (October 8) was a busy day for Rosemary Knight, a professor of geophysics in the Stanford School of Earth Sciences and senior fellow, by courtesy, at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment. Her morning began on a quiet stretch of beach along the coast of Monterey Bay. She wasn’t there to surf or whale watch like others, but rather to check in...

September 11, 2014  | Water in the West  | Insights

Above image: from the Water in the West series, "Understanding California's Groundwater" It’s a big year for groundwater in California.  For the first time in California history, the state is close to setting up a comprehensive framework for managing groundwater.  A package of groundwater bills has been passed by the legislature and now awaits the governor’s signature. If signed,...

August 28, 2014  | Water in the West  | Insights

By Melissa Rohde Melissa Rohde is a graduate student researcher with Stanford’s Water in the West Program, where she recently conducted research on groundwater recharge in California for our new website: Understanding California’s Groundwater.  These are her reflections on the recently passed water bond. The legislature is receiving plaudits for its approval of the $7.5 billion water bond...

August 18, 2014  | Water in the West  | Insights

Lessons from Kansas: A More Sustainable Groundwater Management Approach By Burke Griggs   Kansas’ Hydrological Problem and Basic Water Law Over eighty percent of the water used in Kansas is for irrigation, and nearly ninety percent of that water is groundwater, drawn mostly from the Ogallala-High Plains Aquifer. Because most of the Ogallala in Kansas is effectively non-renewable, Kansas...

July 31, 2014  | Stanford News Service  | News

New website, with interactive graphics, illustrates problems caused by California's over-tapped aquifers and offers potential solutions.

July 01, 2014  | Water in the West  | Insights

Last fall, about thirty groundwater managers and land use planners from all over California came together at Stanford to talk about how to improve existing policies and practices between groundwater management and land use planning in the state.  A recent Water in the West report highlights the key outcomes of the workshop, but one crucial takeaway that needs more focus than the report was...

April 10, 2014  | Water in the West, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment  | News

A new Water in the West report, “Before the Well Runs Dry: Improving the Linkage Between Groundwater and Land Use Planning,” identifies opportunities for managing groundwater and land use more coherently in California.
