Health Threatening Emergencies (ex. Fire Explosion, Serious Injury, or other Immediate Danger)

In the event of an imminent or actual health-threatening emergency (threatening local or public health, safety, or welfare; or the environment outside the immediate area):

  1. CALL 9-911 (286 in School of Medicine) for the Fire Department.
  2. Alert people in the vicinity, activate local alarm systems.
  3. Evacuate the area.
  5. Once personal safety is established, call EH&S at 725-9999 (or in the School of Medicine, x286) and proceed with local notifications, below.

If Personnel Exposed:

  1. Remove exposed/contaminated individual(s) from area, unless unsafe to do so because of (a) medical condition of victim(s), or (b) potential hazard to rescuer(s).
  2. In all instances, immediately notify SU Emergency 9-911 if immediate medical attention is required. At the School of Medicine, call 286.
  3. Notify EH&S to report the potential exposure by calling 5-9999 (or in the School of Medicine, x286).
  4. Administer First Aid as appropriate.
  5. Flush contamination from eyes/skin using the nearest emergency eyewash /shower for a minimum of 15 minutes. Remove any contaminated clothing.
  6. Take copy of MSDS(s) of chemical(s) to hospital with victim.