Stanford University Risk Management Department


Release From Liability Agreement

The parties to this Release Agreement (“Agreement”) are _______________________________ (“Pilot”) and The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University (“Stanford”).

Pilot is a private pilot and from time to time may voluntarily choose to personally pilot a private aircraft in connection with Stanford business (as defined in Administrative Guide Memo 36.7). Pilot is aware that flying is a hazardous activity and hereby voluntarily agrees to accept and assume any and all risks, known and unknown, of injury, property damage and liability related to private pilot activities. In consideration of Stanford allowing Pilot to use a private aircraft for travel on University business, Pilot hereby releases Stanford its officers, trustees, affiliates, successors, employees and agents (“Stanford Releasees”) from any and all actions, claims, or demands that Pilot or Pilot’s assignees, heirs, or legal representatives, may make from any and all claims that may arise from such pilot activities.

This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of California. The venue for any action arising out of this Agreement shall be the County of Santa Clara, State of California.

This Agreement is the only, sole, entire and complete agreement of the parties relating in any way to this subject matter. No statements, promises or representations have been made by any party to any other, or relied upon, and no consideration has been offered, promised other than as may be expressly provided herein.

This Agreement supersedes any earlier written or oral understandings or agreements between the parties.

Pilot acknowledges that she/he has read this Agreement and that she/he understands its meaning and effect.

Date: _______________ Pilot: _________________________

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Stanford University
Department of Risk Management
Juniper Modular
215 Panama St., Bldg. D
Stanford, CA 94305-6207


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Last modified: Monday, 25-Mar-2013 15:21:49 PDT
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