Foreign Activity Operations Guide

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Foreign Bank Account Reporting

The U.S. Treasury Department requires any U.S. person who has a financial interest in or signatory authority over a financial account in a foreign country, where accounts exceed $10,000 at any point during a calendar year, to report such accounts on the Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Account (TD F 90-22.1). The University centrally reports the relevant corporate accounts of which it is aware. Faculty/investigators or other Stanford employees should report any University business-related foreign bank or financial account to which they may be a signatory to Global Business Services.

University employees should familiarize themselves of the requirements for any personal financial accounts. An IRS 1040 Schedule B form must be filed by the signatory for any foreign bank account, regardless of the balance amount in the account. See also the section regarding establishing foreign bank accounts.

For any questions or concerns about U.S. regulatory matters, submit a help request to Global Business Services.