Stanford University
Our Team
Current Researchers
Nicholas Bauch
Nicholas Bauch is Geographer-in-Residence at the Spatial History Project at Stanford University. He is a cultural geographer whose work brings digital techniques to bear on the art of landscape interpretation. He is author of A Geography of Digestion (forthcoming, University of California Press), and Enchanting the Desert (forthcoming, Stanford University Press). A recent experimental project is a kinetic sculpture he built called The Irreproducibility Machine. He holds a Ph.D. in Geography from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Joel Beinin

Joel Beinin is the Donald J. McLachlan Professor of History and Professor of Middle East History at Stanford University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1982, his M.A. from Harvard in 1974, and his B.A. from Princeton in 1970. From 2006 to 2008 he served as Director of Middle East Studies and Professor of History at the American University in Cairo. In 2002 he served as president of the Middle East Studies Association of North America. Beinin’s research and writing focus on the social and cultural history and political economy of the modern Middle East and North Africa, primarily Egypt, Israel/Palestine, and Tunisia. He has written or edited eleven books. The latest is Workers and Thieves: Labor Movements and Popular Uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt (Stanford University Press, 2015). 

Waitman Beorn
Holocaust Geographies Collaborative
Waitman Beorn is the Louis and Frances Blumkin Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies and assistant professor of History at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.  He is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and earned his PhD in History from the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill.  Waitman’s first monograph, Marching into Darkness: The Wehrmacht and the Holocaust in Belarus, focuses on the local participation of the German Army in the Holocaust in Belarus. It traces a progression of ever-increasing complicity in the Nazi genocidal project. Waitman has held Fulbright and Guggenheim Dissertation Fellowships and his work has been published in Holocaust and Genocide Studies and Central European History. He continues to center his research on the local experience of the Holocaust.
Ethan Blue
Ethan Blue is a Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Western Australia. Though his previous work concentrated on the history of American prisons (Doing Time in the Depression: Everyday Life in Texas and California Prisons, NYU Press, 2012), he is collaborating with CESTA researchers to map the history US “Deportation Special” trains.
Cecil Brown
Cecil Brown’s undergraduate education was at Columbia University in Comparative Lit (German and French). He has a M.A in English Literature from the University of Chicago; and a PhD in Folklore, African American Literature, and Narrative Theory from UC Berkeley. He is a novelist and folklorist. He directed the first hip-hop conference in 2002 at U C Berkeley. He co-produced the first conference on the cell phone (“Cell Phone Justice”) and “Swinging and Flowing the Digital Divide” both sponsored by CITRIS (the Center for Information Technology Research for in The Interest of Society).
Ian Caine

Ian Caine is an Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of Texas at San Antonio. His design, research, and teaching explore the form, processes, and impacts of urban sprawl. His work with the Spatial History Project involves the creation of an interactive chronology that examines the suburban expansion of San Antonio, Texas.

Caine’s urban designs have received recognition in multiple international competitions including the Dry Futures competition in California, the Build-a-Better-Burb competition in New York, and Rising Tides competition in San Francisco. At the architectural scale, he has designed and contributed to multiple AIA-award winning projects. His designs and writing have been featured in numerous publications including Log, Metropolis P/O/V, The Architect’s Newspaper, Arqa, Competitions, and Terrain, and received additional coverage in popular press outlets such as The Discovery Channel, Texas Public Radio,, and the San Francisco Chronicle.

Caine holds a SMArchS degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He also earned a B.A. in Political Science and M.Arch from Washington University.

Giovanna Ceserani
Director, Travelers on the Grand Tour Project

Giovanna Ceserani, Associate Professor of Classics at Stanford, works on the intellectual history of Classics in the modern age. The Grand Tour Project emerged from her research on eighteenth-century travel to classical lands, on the history of archaeology, and on the place of both the classical ideal and classical remains in the culture and politics of the time. The mining of digital technologies to address historical questions, and the transforming of these results into historiographical argument and narrative continues to be a most rewarding aspect of this project for her. See more about her research and publications at

Gordon Chang
Co-Director, Chinese Railroad Workers Project
Gordon Chang is Professor of History, Olive H. Palmer Professor in Humanities; Director, Center for East Asian Studies, Stanford University. His research focuses on the history of America-East Asia relations and on Asian American history.  He is affiliated with the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, the American Studies Program, International Relations Program, and the Center for East Asian Studies.  He is particularly interested in the historical connections between race and ethnicity in America and foreign relations, and explores these interconnections in his teaching and scholarship.  He is a recipient of both Guggenheim and ACLS fellowships, and has been a three-time fellow at the Stanford Humanities Center.
Jon Christensen
Jon Christensen is a principal investigator for Crowdsourcing for Humanities Research. He is directing a project crowdsourcing a new environmental history of the San Francisco Bay Area with museums, libraries, archives, and other partners as part of the Year of the Bay in 2013. He also has directed the Critical Habitat project, which has examined the spatial history of ideas, narratives, science, and practices of conservation across multiple spatial and temporal scales in the American West. And he coordinated Tooling Up for Digital Histories, a collaboration between the Spatial History Project and the Computer Graphics Lab at Stanford University and others to compile, test, create, and share new tools for digital and spatial research in the humanities.
Tim Cole
Holocaust Geographies Collaborative
Tim Cole is Professor of Social History at the University of Bristol. He received his PhD in Geography from the University of Cambridge. His books on social and cultural histories and historical geographies of the Holocaust are Images of the Holocaust/Selling the Holocaust (Duckworth/Routledge 1999); Holocaust City (Routledge 2003) and Traces of the Holocaust (Continuum 2011). Tim is also a co-editor of Militarized Landscapes (Continuum 2010) which includes research undertaken during an AHRC-funded research grant into comparative environmental histories of militarized landscapes. Tim is currently writing a spatial history of the Holocaust.
Stuart Dunn
Stuart Dunn is a Lecturer in Digital Humanities at King's College London. He is archaeologist with wide ranging interests in digital methods and spatial humanities. His current projects include spatial narrative theory, Cypriot cultural heritage and the archaeology of movement. Stuart gained a highly interdisciplinary PhD on Aegean Bronze Age chronology from the University of Durham in 2002, conducting fieldwork and research visits in Melos, Crete and Santorini. Having developed research interests in GIS, he subsequently became a Research Assistant on the AHRC’s ICT in Arts and Humanities Research Programme, and in 2006, moved to King's to become a Research Associate at the Arts and Humanities e-Science Support Centre, after which he became a Lecturer. Stuart leads numerous projects in the area of visualisation, GIS and digital humanities. You can find his blog at
Dan Edelstein
Dan Edelstein is professor of French at Stanford University, whose primary area of research is the Enlightenment and the French Revolution. He is also a PI on the Mapping the Republic of Letters project at Stanford. At the Lab, he will be working on mapping and analyzing early-modern correspondence networks.
Luciano Figueiredo
Luciano is Associate Professor at the Federal Fluminense University (UFF) in Rio de Janeiro.  For more than twenty years now he has been studying rebellions in Portuguese America with an emphasis on political discourse and Iberian political culture.

During his recent post-doctoral stint at Stanford Professor Figueiredo has attempted to examine rebellions in British and Portuguese America in light of issues raised by special history and digital humanity.
Professor Figueiredo received his PhD at the University of São Paulo in 1996, defending a dissertation dealing with fiscal policies and rebellion in colonial Brazil.  He was awarded a Lampadia Foundation grant as a visiting research fellow at Brown University and studied at Boston College with a scholarship from the Fulbright Commission.  The work undertaken at those institutions led to comparative studies of rebellions in British and Portuguese America.   

He is a Research of the Brazilian National Council of Research and a member of Companhia das Índias the Nucleus of Colonial Iberian History in the Early Modern Era at the UFF. He is the author of Rebeliões no Brasil colônia (Rio de Janeiro, 2005), a number of other books and numerous articles in academic journals.  He is also the founder and editor of the website Impressões Rebeldes that posts documents and discussions relating to political conflict in Brazilian history.

Shelley_Fisher Fishkin
Shelley Fisher Fishkin
Co-Director, Chinese Railroad Workers Project
Shelley Fisher Fishkin is Joseph S. Atha Professor of Humanities, Professor of English, and Director of American Studies, Stanford University. She has taught at Stanford since 2003. She is the author, editor, or co-editor of over forty books, and has published over one hundred articles, essays and reviews, many of which have focused on issues of race and racism in America, and on recovering previously silenced voices from the past.  Her books have won two “Outstanding Academic Title” awards from Choice, an award from the the National Journalism Scholarship Society, and “Outstanding Reference Work” awards from Library Journal and the New York Public Library.   She holds a Ph.D. in American Studies from Yale. Before coming to Stanford, she was chair of the American Studies Department at the University of Texas at Austin.
Zephyr Frank
Director, CESTA and Spatial History Project
Zephyr Frank is Professor of History and the Director of the Program on Urban Studies.  He is also the founding Director of the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA).  His research interests focus on Brazilian social and cultural history, the study of wealth and inequality, and the digital humanities.
Frederico Freitas
Frederico Freitas is a Ph.D. candidate in Latin American History studying the environmental and spatial history of the Southern Cone in the twentieth century. His research focuses on two bordering national parks in Argentina and Brazil. Frederico’s goal is to contrast the divergent histories of environmental and social change at each side of the border. Besides being a historian, Frederico also has over a decade of experience in art direction for print media and motion graphics, which now inspires him to explore new forms of historical narratives through visual media.
Simone Gigliotti
Holocaust Geographies Collaborative
Simone Gigliotti is a Senior Lecturer in the History Program at Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand. Her research interests include histories and journeys of displacement in twentieth-century Europe (Germany, Spain, Italy), and the application of spatial and transnational approaches to analyses of historical experience. She is co-editor, with Berel Lang, of The Holocaust: a Reader (Blackwell 2005), and author of The Train Journey: Transit, Captivity, and Witnessing in the Holocaust (Berghahn Books 2009) and many journal articles and book chapters on Holocaust representation, Central European refugee diasporas, and survivor testimonies.
Alberto Giordano
Holocaust Geographies Collaborative
Alberto Giordano is Professor and Chair of the Department of Geography at Texas State University in San Marcos. He holds a PhD in Geography from Syracuse University, an MA in Geography from the University of California at Santa Barbara, and a BA in Geography from the University of Padua in Italy. Before pursuing an academic career, he worked in the map publishing sector and in the GIS field as a consultant for private companies and public agencies in Italy and internationally. His most recent work has focused on the geography of the Holocaust and genocide, spatial applications of forensic anthropology, and historical GIS. He is the author of one book (in Italian) on quality control in GIS and of several publications in GIScience, historical cartography, and hazards geography. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the 2009 edition of the Goode’s World Atlas.
Deborah Gordon
Deborah Gordon is a Professor in the Department of Biology at Stanford. Her research on the collective organization of ant colonies includes studies of the long-term demography and behavior of harvester ant colonies in Arizona; the factors that determine the spread of the invasive Argentine and in northern California; and the ecology of arboreal ants and ant-plant mutualisms in tropical forests in Central America. She is author of two books, Ants at Work (2000) and Ant Encounters:Interaction Networks and Colony Behavior (2010). She has been awarded the Gores Teaching Award from Stanford and fellowships from Guggenheim and the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences.
Jonathan Greenberg
Jonathan Greenberg is Scholar in Residence at the Daniel Martin Gould Center for Conflict Resolution at Stanford Law School, and Director of its Martin Luther King, Jr. Project. This project explores Dr. King’s intellectual genealogy, the strategic dynamics of key municipal and national direct action campaigns under his leadership, and the meaning and evolution of his legacy, with attention to geographical, textual and visual design concerns aligned with CESTA’s research focus and methods.  Jonathan’s interdisciplinary scholarship is published in a wide range of academic volumes and journals.  He teaches as a Lecturer at Stanford Law School and at Stanford University’s Program in Public Policy.
Ben Hein
Lead Researcher
Benjamin P. Hein is completing a PhD in modern European and gobal history at Stanford. He is interested in the histories of transatlantic migration, industrialization, and the political economy of modern capitalism. Benjamin has worked at CESTA since spring 2015 as the principal investigator of the “Geographies of Capital” project. Using historical records of European banks, this project traces the geographical evolution of the region’s sprawling network of stock exchanges during the peak period of industrialization, 1860-1914. Before coming to Stanford, Benjamin studied history and economics at Emory University where he wrote a thesis exploring identity politics among German and Polish coal miners in Germany's Ruhr Valley.
Allyson Hobbs
Allyson Hobbs is an assistant professor of American and African American history at Stanford. Currently, she is at work on a book manuscript that examines the phenomenon of racial passing in the United States from the late eighteenth century to the present. Allyson’s book is tentatively titled A Chosen Exile: A History of Racial Passing in American Life. The focus of her second book project will be migration, a different form of “crossing over” than passing and a major theme in African American and American history. The Great Migration was a watershed in African American life: over the course of six decades (1910-1970), six million black southerners left the South in search of more meaningful experiences of freedom. She hopes to offer a different angle of vision on the migration by bringing to light the places where migrants slept, ate, got haircuts, and danced along the way. She plans to recreate their routes, keeping the following questions in mind: how did the experience of migrating create, nurture, and solidify African American identities? What fractures, contradictions, and tensions within African American identities did the migration bring into relief? What kinds of resources did African Americans draw upon to navigate the constraints of Jim Crow America on the road?
Anna Holian
Holocaust Geographies Collaborative
Anna Holian is Associate Professor of Modern European History at Arizona State University. She received her PhD in Modern European History from the University of Chicago in 2005. Her work with the Holocaust Geographies research project focuses on Italy. She is engaged in two book projects on the theme of the cultural and social reconstruction of Europe after the Second World War. “Somewhere in Europe: Children and the Legacy of National Socialism in Postwar Film” explores how postwar European filmmakers addressed one of the critical issues of the day, “war children.” The second project, “Jewish Space in Postwar Germany,” employs spatial history as a new window onto the reconstruction of Jewish life in early postwar Germany. She is the author of Between National Socialism and Soviet Communism: Displaced Persons in Postwar Germany (University of Michigan Press 2011). She also co-edited a special issue of the Journal of Refugee Studies on “The Refugee in the Postwar World, 1945-1960.”
Paul Jaskot
Holocaust Geographies Collaborative
Paul Jaskot is professor of art history at DePaul University. He is a specialist in the history of modern art and architecture, with a particular research focus on how National Socialist policies, ideologies and practices have affected cultural production in 20th-century Germany.  In addition to his collaborative work with Anne Kelly Knowles, he is the author of numerous essays on the political function of architecture in the modern period as well as the books The Architecture of Oppression: The SS, Forced Labor and the Nazi Monumental Building Economy and, most recently, The Nazi Perpetrator: Postwar German Art and the Politics of the Right.  Jaskot is also the Co-Director of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation Summer Institute on Digital Mapping and Art History (2014). From 2014-2016, he will be the Andrew W. Mellon Professor at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery of Art.
Nicholas Jenkins
Nicholas Jenkins writes about and teaches 20th-century culture and literature, especially poetry. After receiving his B.A. from Oxford, Jenkins came to the United States as a Harkness Fellow. He did postgraduate work at Columbia and was then employed as an editor and writer at ARTnews magazine in New York. He received a D.Phil. from Oxford and, after teaching in the Harvard English Department for two years, where he co-directed the "Modernism in its Contexts" seminar at the Center for Literary and Cultural Studies, he joined the Stanford English Department in 1998. Jenkins is currently completing two projects: a critical edition of W.H. Auden's The Double Man (1941) and a book, under contract to Harvard University Press, called The Island: W.H. Auden and the Making of a Post-National Poetry. Using Auden's work of the 1930s and 1940s as a case study, the volume describes a mid-twentieth-century shift from lyrics of poetic nationalism to a poetics of lyric cosmopolitanism. (An essay on this theme: "Writing without 'Roots': Auden, Eliot and Post-National Poetry" was recently published in the collection "Something We Have That They Don't": British and American Poetic Relations Since 1925.) Jenkins has edited a Lincoln Kirstein Reader and co-edited and contributed to three volumes of Auden Studies. He is Series Editor of the Princeton University Press's "Facing Pages" translation series, and he regularly contributes essays and reviews to periodicals that include the London Review of Books, the Times Literary Supplement, New York Times Book Review, the New Republic, the New Yorker, and theYale Review. A recepient of fellowships from the ACLS and from the Stanford Humanities Center, Nicholas Jenkins is Co-Chair of the W.H. Auden Society and Literary Executor of the poet, scholar and ballet impresario Lincoln Kirstein.
Toby Jones

Toby C. Jones is an associate professor of history at Rutgers University. He has lived and worked extensively in the Middle East, including several years in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. During 2008-2009 he was a fellow at Princeton University's Oil, Energy, and the Middle East project. From 2004 to early 2006 Jones worked as the Persian Gulf political analyst for the International Crisis Group. His research interests focus on the environment, energy, and the history of science and technology. He is the author of Desert Kingdom: How Oil and Water Forged Modern Saudi Arabia (Harvard University Press, 2010) and is currently working on two new books, America's Oil Wars (under contract at Harvard University Press) and Running Dry: Essays on Environmental Crisis (under contract with Rutgers University Press). He has written for the International Journal of Middle East Studies, Journal of American History, Middle East Report, Raritan Quarterly Review, The Nation, The Atlantic, the London Review of Books, the New York Times, and elsewhere. Jones is a member of the Editorial Committee at Middle East Report and Director of Rutgers' Center for Middle Eastern Studies.

Anne Knowles
Holocaust Geographies Collaborative
Anne Knowles is Professor and Chair of the Geography Department at Middlebury College. She received her PhD and MSc in Geography from University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is the author of Calvinists Incorporated: Welsh Immigrants on Ohio’s Industrial Frontier (University of Chicago Press 1997) and Mastering Iron: The Struggle to Modernize an American Industry, 1800-1868 (University of Chicago Press 2013), which is partly based on an HGIS of the industry. Formerly a professional book editor, Anne edited two of the first essay collections on HGIS: Past Time, Past Place: GIS for History (ESRI Press 2002) and Placing History: How Maps, Spatial Data, and GIS Are Changing Historical Scholarship (ESRI Press 2008). In 2012 her work was recognized by the American Ingenuity Award for Historical Scholarship from Smithsonian magazine.
Michael Levin
Spatial Documentarian
Michael Levin is a documentary filmmaker and specialist in media for community development. He produced the documentary Dreams of a City: Creating East Palo Alto for Stanford University Libraries and the Committee on Black Performing Arts. The film has been widely used on campus as background for students working in the community and as a critical education tool for East Palo Alto community organizations, schools and municipal government. Other accomplishments during 15 years of work in East Palo Alto include being Executive Director of the youth social enterprise, working at local organizations Plugged In and Free at Last, helping to launch a youth video program at JobTrain, helping bring the UN Association Film Festival to East Palo Alto, and curating and programming the East Palo Alto 20th Anniversary Film Festival. He holds a BA in Communication from UC Santa Cruz and a Masters in Communication (Documentary Film Production) from Stanford University.
Ana Minian
Ana Raquel Minian is an Assistant Professor in the Department of History and the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CCSRE).

Her current book project explores the late-twentieth-century history of Mexican undocumented migration to the United States, the growth of migrant communities, and bi-national efforts to regulate the border. It uses over two hundred oral history interviews, government archives, migrant correspondence, privately held organizational records and personal collections, pamphlets and unpublished ephemera, and newspapers and magazines collected in Washington D.C., Chicago, the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, Michoacán, Zacatecas, and Mexico City. As the first sustained history of transnational Mexican migration from 1965 to 1986, this work addresses audiences interested in U.S. and Latin American political history, Latina/o history, and Migration Studies. Minian is also working on a project on the United Farm Workers (UFW) union and another on Guatemalan transmigration through Mexico and into the United States.
Franco Moretti
Director, Literary Lab
Author of Signs Taken for Wonders (1983), The Way of the World (1987), Modern Epic (1995), Atlas of the European Novel 1800-1900 (1998), Graphs, Maps, Trees (2005), The Bourgeois (2013), and Distant Reading (2013). Chief editor of The Novel (2006). Has founded the Center for the Study of the Novel and the Literary Lab. Writes often for New Left Review, and has been translated into over twenty languages.
Tom Mullaney
Lead Researcher
Tom Mullaney is Associate Professor of Chinese History at Stanford. He is the author of Coming to Terms with the Nation: Ethnic Classification in Modern China and principal editor of Critical Han Studies: The History, Representation and Identity of China’s Majority. His second book project, tentatively titled The Chinese Typewriter: A Global History, examines China’s development of a modern, nonalphabetic information infrastructure encompassing telegraphy, typewriting, word processing, and computing. This project has received three major awards and fellowships, including the 2013 Usher Prize, a three-year National Science Foundation fellowship, and a Hellman Faculty Fellowship. The book is nearing completion. Tom is excited to partner with CESTA as he commences work on a new project on modern China.
Clayton Nall
Clayton Nall is an Assistant Professor of Political Science.  His research explains how policies that manipulate geographic space change American elections, issue politics, and public policy.  Clayton's book manuscript, The Road to Division: How the American Highway System Segregates Communities and Polarizes Politics, examines how the largest public works project in US history created Republican suburbs, increased the urban-suburban political divide, broke apart political networks in urban neighborhoods, and polarized issue politics.  The dissertation version of this manuscript won the Harvard Department of Government’s Toppan Prize for best dissertation in political science and the American Political Science Association's William Anderson Award for the best dissertation in the general field of federalism or intergovernmental relations, state and local politics.  Clayton's other research projects encompass public policy, causal inference, political geography, and American political development.

Eunice Nodari
Eunice Nodari is Associate Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Florianópolis - UFSC – Brazil, and Visiting Scholar at CESTA – August 2015 to February  2016 (fellowship from CNPq- Brazil). For more than 15 years, Prof. Nodari has been doing research in Environmental History. Main subjects: Transformation of landscapes in Southern Brazil: devastation of Araucaria Forests; environmental disasters; process of migrations and agriculture. She has published in specialized journals, edited collections, book chapters, and books monographs on nature and society in southern Brazil. Nodari is a leading environmental historian in Latin America. She is a Fellow Researcher in Productivity by National Research Council, Brazil – since 2010; Advisor – Master and Ph.D. students in the Graduate Program in History and the Graduate Program in Interdisciplinary Humanities. Nodari is a member of the American Society for Environmental History, the European Society for Environmental  History and Sociedad Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Historia Ambiental and Associaçao nacional de História. One of the organizer of the Simposio Internacional de Historia Ambiental e Migrações, the main meeting of environmental historians in Brazil.

Thomas Nygren
Thomas Nygren is Postdoctoral Scholar in Digital Humanities, funded by the Wallenberg foundation, currently studying Human Rights Education in history and the impact of digital media on knowledge production in history and education. With a background in contemporary world history, historiography and education his work centers around analyzing different uses of history. In Sweden, he is Senior Lecturer in Education in the Department of Education, Uppsala University, and researcher at HUMlab, Umeå University.
Sarah Ogilvie
Digital Humanities Co-ordinator
Sarah Ogilvie co-directs Stanford's Digital Humanities Minor and is Digital Humanities Co-ordinator at the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA) and the Stanford Humanities Center. She also teaches in the Linguistics Department. She is a linguist and lexicographer with interests in technology and the digital humanities. She came to Stanford from Silicon Valley where she worked in software for Amazon Kindle. She was born in Australia and has a BSc in computer science and pure mathematics from the University of Queensland, an MA in Linguistics from Australian National University, and a DPhil in Linguistics from Oxford University. She was Alice Tong Sze Research Fellow at Cambridge University, and Reader in Linguistics and Director of the Australian National Dictionary Centre at the Australian National University, before moving to the Bay Area in 2012. Her books include Words of the World: a global history of the Oxford English Dictionary (Cambridge University Press, 2013) and (edited with Mari Jones) Keeping Languages Alive: documentation, pedagogy, and revitalization (Cambridge University Press, 2014).
Andrew Robichaud
Andrew Robichaud is a Ph.D. candidate in U.S. History. He specializes in environmental history and is working on a dissertation that examines the history of animals and human-animal relationships in America. Click here to view his online publication "Trail of Blood."
Jonathan Rodden
Jonathan Rodden is a professor in the political science department at Stanford who works on the comparative political economy of institutions. He has written several articles and a pair of books on federalism and fiscal decentralization. His most recent book, Hamilton’s Paradox: The Promise and Peril of Fiscal Federalism, was the recipient of the Gregory Luebbert Prize for the best book in comparative politics in 2007. He frequently works with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund on issues related to fiscal decentralization.

He has also written papers on the geographic distribution of political preferences within countries, legislative bargaining, the distribution of budgetary transfers across regions, and the historical origins of political institutions. He is currently writing a series of articles and a book on political geography and the drawing of electoral districts around the world.

Rodden received his PhD from Yale University and his BA from the University of Michigan, and was a Fulbright student at the University of Leipzig, Germany. Before joining the Stanford faculty in 2007, he was the Ford Associate Professor of Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Maria J._Santos
Maria J. Santos
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Maria J. Santos joined the Spatial History Project at the beginning of 2012. She is a postdoctoral fellow with the Spatial History Project and the Bill Lane Center for the American West. She recently completed a postdoctoral period at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at the University of California Berkeley, and has a PhD in Ecology from the University of California Davis, a Masters in Environmental Science and Policy from Northern Arizona University, and a Bachelor's in Wildlife Biology from the University of Lisbon in Portugal. Prior to joining the Spatial History Project, Maria researched spatial and temporal dynamics of wildlife species and their habitat, and how these may or not be affected by land use/land cover and climate changes using Geographic Information Systems, remote sensing and statistical methods. During her research she has been awarded a Fulbright fellowship, several fellowships from the Portuguese government, and funding from US agencies such as the Army Corps of Engineers, NASA, NCSE, etc. Maria brings this expertise allied with a passion for using historical data to address ecological questions, embracing the multi-disciplinarity in the sciences on her research at the Lab.
Jane Shaw
Professor Shaw works on the history of modern Christianity, with a particular focus on Britain and the USA. She is especially interested in the impact of lived religion (or religious practice) on intellectual history, which she explored in her book Miracles in Enlightenment England (Yale 2006). Her more recent work is on the late 19th and early 20th century and explores the relationship between gender, modernity and religion. In 2001, she discovered the archives of a millenarian group that had flourished in 1920s and 30s Britain, and that research led to her book Octavia, Daughter of God: The Story of a Female Messiah and her Followers (Yale 2011), which won the San Francisco Book Festival History Prize. She is currently writing about the revival of interest in mysticism in the early twentieth century, and its relationship to the flight from institutional religion in that period. She is also working on a project on empathy, the arts and social change with the actress and playwright Anna Deavere Smith.

Edith Sheffer
Edith Sheffer is an Assistant Professor of modern European history at Stanford university. Interested in the global consequences of everyday actions, she is the author of Burned Bridge: How East and West Germans Made the Iron Curtain (Oxford Univ. Press, 2011). Her current book, Inventing Autism under Nazism: The Surveillance of Emotion and Child Euthanasia in the Third Reich, examines Hans Asperger’s creation of the autism diagnosis in Nazi Vienna, situating it within the context of efforts to define the national community and the murder of disabled children. Related research at the Spatial History Project, Forming Selves: The Creation of Child Psychiatry from Red Vienna to the Third Reich and Abroad, traces the transnational growth of the field of child development.
Gregory Simon
Gregory Simon is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado Denver and the principal investigator for the Vulnerability-in-Production Project. Focusing on the 1991 Tunnel Fire in Oakland CA, this interdisciplinary project explores notions of vulnerability as a historical process marked by geographic interconnectedness, risk momentum, environmental change and wealth accumulation. Gregory was a Post Doctoral Fellow in Stanford's Lane Center for the American West from 2007-2009.
Jim Tice
Professor of Architecture Jim Tice at the University of Oregon, is a Research Fellow at Studium Urbis, an international study center in Rome devoted to the study of the city’s urban history. As a teacher, scholar and architect, he has devoted 25 years to the study of Italian architecture and urbanism. He has co-authored two books on architecture one of which uses computer generated visualization techniques to reveal architectural principles. He has earned awards for work that is national and international in scope. His most recent projects include research and publication of two interactive websites with Erik Steiner, the "Interactive Nolli Map Website" that was honored with the NorthWest Academic Computing Consortium Award for outstanding project of the year and "Imago Urbis: Giusepe Vasi''s Grand Tour of Rome" that was the result of a major research grant from the Getty Foundation. Most recently he was awarded an American Council of Learned Societies Digital Fellowship for his continuing study of Rome from antiquity to the present.
Lea VanderVelde
Lea VanderVelde is the Josephine R. Witte Professor of Law at the University of Iowa College of Law and a Guggenheim Fellow in Constitutional Studies. She is the principal investigator for The Law of the Antebellum Frontier project. This collaborative project seeks to digitally analyze the legal and economic mechanisms at work on the American frontier or the early 1800s. Understanding these mechanisms reflects upon how empires expand and how American expansion shaped American identity and the constitutional amendments after the civil war. Professor VanderVelde has been conducting research in this field for the last fifteen years.
Richard White
Former Director
Richard White is the Margaret Byrne Professor of American History at Stanford University and is the principal investigator for the Shaping the West project. This project explores the construction of space by transcontinental railroads in North America during the late nineteenth-century. Professor White has been conducting this research for the last twelve years.
Daryle Williams
Daryle Williams, Associate Professor of History at the University of Maryland, is Principal Investigator for The Broken Paths of Freedom, a historical study of the geographies of enslavement, emancipation, and liberty traversed by approximately fourteen-thousand Free Africans [africanos livres] illicitly introduced into the Brazilian empire between 1821 and 1856. Williams has authored Culture Wars in Brazil: The First Vargas Regime, 1930-1945 (2001), winner of the American Historical Association's John Edwin Fagg prize, as well as several articles and book chapters on nineteenth- and twentieth-century Brazilian cultural history. Faculty Page
Brandon Wolfe-Hunnicutt

Brandon Wolfe-Hunnicutt is an Assistant Professor at California State University Stanislaus. His current research focuses on the intersection of U.S. foreign policy, international business history, and Middle East studies. His is currently working on a book tentatively titled, Oil and the Limits of American Power in Iraq: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Nationalization of the Iraq Petroleum Company, 1958-1975. The book analyzes the U.S. foreign policy response to the 1958 Free Officers’ Revolution in Baghdad. He argues that the change of government in Iraq posed a significant challenge to the prevailing international political economy of oil, and that American policymakers sought to contain this threat by promoting a modernization process that would preserve private industry control over Iraqi oil fields. He concludes that the ultimate nationalization of the Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC) in 1972 undermined the structure of the world oil industry and set the stage for a reordering of the global economy.

Wolfe-Hunnicutt is also beginning a new project on the history of what President Eisenhower described as the “military-industrial complex.” He is particularly interested in analyzing the role that arms manufactures play in the American political economy, and the way that particular defense contractors have influenced U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East.

Spatial History