Chemical Engineering Program

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2015-16 Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Program (CHEME-BS, BSH, BASH, or MIN)

  • UG Program Director: Andy Spakowitz -- Shriram Center 129,
  • Student Services: Pamela Dixon, Shriram Center 129,
  • Chair: Eric Shaqfeh,

-- ABET Accreditation Criteria Apply --

Chemical Engineering is a discipline that relates to numerous areas of technology. In broad terms, chemical engineers are responsible for the conception and design of processes for the purpose of production, transformation, and transport of biochemicals, chemicals, energy, and materials. More recently, chemical engineers are increasingly involved in the design of new products that are enabled by emerging process technologies. These activities begin with experimentation in the laboratory and are followed by implementation of the technology to full-scale production. The mission of the Chemical Engineering department at Stanford is to provide professional training, development, and education for the next generation of leaders in chemical sciences and engineering.

The large number of industries that depend on the synthesis and processing of chemicals and materials place the chemical engineer in great demand. In addition to traditional examples such as the chemical, energy and oil industries, opportunities in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, electronic materials and device fabrication, and environmental engineering are increasing. The unique training of the chemical engineer becomes essential in these areas whenever processes involve the chemical or physical transformation of matter. For example, chemical engineers working in the chemical industry investigate the creation of new polymeric materials with important electrical, optical, or mechanical properties. This requires attention not only to the synthesis of the polymer, but also to the flow and forming processes necessary to create a final product. In biotechnology, chemical engineers have responsibilities in the design of production processes and facilities to use microorganisms and enzymes to synthesize new drugs. Chemical engineers also solve environmental problems by developing technology and processes, such as catalytic converters and effluent treatment facilities, to minimize the release of products harmful to the environment.

To carry out these activities, the chemical engineer requires a complete and quantitative understanding of both the scientific and engineering principles underlying these technological processes. This is reflected in the curriculum of the chemical engineering department, which includes the study of applied mathematics, material and energy balances, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, energy and mass transfer, separations technologies, chemical reaction kinetics and reactor design, biochemical engineering and process design. Courses are built on a foundation in the sciences of chemistry, physics, and biology.

The individual student’s mathematics and science course preparation for the chemical engineering major depends on his or her previous background in these areas. Following are six representative sequences or 4-year plans. Recommended plans 1A, 1B, 2, or 3 or alternative math plans 5 and 6 start at different points but all conclude with the same in-the-major depth requirements and completion of degree requirements. Plan 4 is representative of the schedule of courses for students approved for honors research, which requires a minimum of 12 units in addition to the normal requirements for the major.

Representative programs with the recommended engineering math (CME) courses:
#1A Little preparation in math and chemistry: This plan starts with MATH 19, 20, 21, and
CHEM 31A & 31B.
#1B Little preparation in math; strong chemistry: This plan starts with MATH 19, 20, 21 and
#2 No AP math credits, prepared to start with MATH 40 series, then move to CME math series. Strong chemistry preparation; start with CHEM 31X.
#3 AP math credits, prepared to start with the CME math series, which is recommended instead of the MATH 50 series. Start with CHEM 31X.
#4 Same preparation as #3, but with a degree goal of a B.S. with Honors in Chemical Engineering. This departmental Honors Program is by application only; see departmental student services. This plan is for students interested in an in-depth research experience in addition to the normal coursework for the major.

Alternative programs with MATH 50 series courses (require and additional 5 units of math):
#5 No AP math credits, starting with MATH 40 series and continuing preparation with MATH 50 series.
#6 AP math credits for MATH 40 series; start with MATH 50 series.

Our departmental website is at and that of our student chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers is at http://www.stanford. edu/group/aiche/. Our faculty, staff, and students would be glad to talk with you about majoring in Chemical Engineering. If you would like more information about this major, please contact our departmental student services staff in Shriram Center, room 129. Alternatively, you may email Pamela R. Dixon at

Objectives and Outcomes for Chemical Engineering

1. Graduates will be effective in applying the basic chemical engineering principles along with analytical problem-solving and communication skills necessary to succeed in diverse careers including chemical engineering practice and academic research.
2. Graduates will be effective life-long learners especially in a field whose focus areas, tools, and professional and societal expectations are constantly changing.
3. Graduates will be equipped to successfully pursue postgraduate study whether in engineering or in other fields.
4. Graduates will consider the broader context of social, environmental, economic and safety issues and demonstrate high standards of professional and ethical responsibility to become responsible citizens and leaders in the community and in the field of chemical science.

(a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
(b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
(c) An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
(d) An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
(e) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
(f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
(g) An ability to communicate effectively
(h) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context
(i) A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
(j) A knowledge of contemporary issues
(k) An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
(l) The background for admission to engineering or other professional graduate programs

Instructions for Finding Out More About the Chemical Engineering Major

1. Contact Chemical Engineering Student Services. Drop-in visits are encouraged, especially Wed/Thurs/Fri from 2:30 and 4:00 p.m. in Shriram Center, room 129. To make an appointment with the student services administrator, send an email to Pamela R. Dixon at We encourage you to let the department know that you are considering the major so we can give you an opportunity to ask questions and get more information about chemical engineering, our advising program, summer internships, year-round research opportunities, and so forth.
2. Attend the annual ChemE advising symposium, first week of classes, autumn quarter.
3. Attend monthly departmental advising sessions.
4. Meet one-on-one with chemical engineering faculty and/or students.

Chemical Engineering Program Requirements

Mathematics and Science (47-53 Units)

  • MATH 41 Single Variable Calculus 5 units, (Aut) Fr (or AP credit)
  • MATH 42 Single Variable Calculus 5 units, (Aut,Wtr) Fr (or AP credit)
  • CME 100* or Math 51 AND 52 Vector Calculus for Engineers 5 units, (Aut, Spr) Fr, So
  • CME 102* or Math 53 Ordinary Differential Equations for Engineers 5 units, (Wtr, Spr) A,W,S Fr, So
  • CME 104 or 106 Linear Algebra & Partial Diff Eqs for ENGRs 5 units, (Spr);or Intro to Probability and Statistics for Engineers 5 units, Wtr
  • CHEM 31X, Chemical Principles, 5 units (Aut) Fr OR CHEM 31A/B, 10 units, (Aut+Wtr) Fr (or AP credit)
  • CHEM 33 Structure & Reactivity, 5 units, (Wtr, Spr) Fr
  • CHEM 35, Synthetic & Physical Organic Chemistry , 5 units, (A,S) Fr
  • CHEM 131 Organic Polyfunctional Compounds 3 units, A,W So
  • PHYSICS 41, Mechanics, 4 units, (W) So (or AP credit)
  • PHYSICS 43, Electricity & Magnetism, 4 units, (S) So (or AP credit)
  • CME 100 and 102 are the recommended math courses for ChemE majors.

Technology in Society 3-5 units; Select one course from the approved TiS List

Engineering Fundamentals  3 courses minimum

  • ENGR 20, Intro to Chemical Engineering, 3 units, (S), Fr/So (same as CHEMENG 20)
  • ENGR 25B or 25E, Biotechnology or Energy: Chemical Transformations, 3 units, (W), Fr/So
  • ENGR Fundamentals elective from list of approved options; may not use a second version of E 25 as elective

CHE Professional Req'd CHEMENG 10, The Chemical Engineering Profession, 1 unit, (A) Sr

Engineering Depth 59 units -- Note: ENGR Fundamental and Depth combined must equal a minimum of 68 units in order to meet ABET graduation requirements (does not include CHEMENG 10)

  • CHEMENG 100, Chem Process Modeling, Dynamics, & Control, 3 units, (A), Jr
  • CHEMENG 110, Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 3 units, (W), Jr
  • CHEMENG 120A, Fluid Mechanics, 4 units, (W), Jr
  • CHEMENG 120B, Energy & Mass Transport, 4 units, (S), Jr
  • CHEMENG 130, Separation Processes, 3 units, (S), Jr
  • CHEMENG 150, Biochemical Engineering, 3 units, (W), Sr
  • Four electives from the group of options below; may not combine 160 & 162
    • CHEMENG 140 Micro & Nanoscale Fabrication Engineering, 3 units (W), Sr OR
    • CHEMENG 142 Catalysis with Applications in Energy Transformations, 3 units, (S), Sr OR
    • CHEMENG 160, Polymer Science & Engineering, 3 units, (W), Sr OR
    • CHEMENG 162. Polymers for Energy & Environmental Sustainability, 3 units, W
    • CHEMENG 174, Environmental Microbiology I, 3 units, (A), Jr OR
    • CHEMENG 183, Biochemistry II, 3 units, (W), Jr OR
    • CHEMENG 196, Entrepreneurship in Engineering & Science-based Industries 3 units, A, Sr
    • Substitute a 100-level engineering course (see program sheet for details) OR
      Substitute CHEMENG 190 or CHEMENG 190H (see program sheet for details)
  • CHEMENG 170, Kinetics & Reactor Design, 3 units, (S), Sr
  • CHEMENG 180, Chemical Engineering Plant Design, 3 units, (S), Sr
  • CHEMENG 181, Biochemistry I, 3 units, (A), Jr
  • CHEMENG 185A, Chemical Engineering Lab A (WIM), 4 units, (A), Sr
  • CHEMENG 185B, Chemical Engineering Lab B, 4 units (W), Sr
  • CHEM 171, Physical Chemistry 3 units, (S), So
  • CHEM 173, Quantum Chemistry 3 units, (A), Jr
  • CHEM 175, Physical Chemistry 3 units, (W), Jr

Instructions for Declaring a Major in CHEME

  1. Log onto Axess and request to major in Chemical Engineering
  2. Print your unofficial Stanford transcript from Axess
  3. Download a CHEME program sheet in Excel from the Program Sheet page and complete it electronically. You must choose and follow the requirements from a year you were enrolled at Stanford. Enger "AP" instead of a course grade for any course waived due to AP credit.
  4. Save the electronic file for your records; print the PS
  5. Take your unofficial transcript and completed PS to Pamela Dixon, Student Services administrator, in Shriram Center room 129. She is generally available during Wed/Thurs/Fri afternoons, 2:30-4pm. Alternatively, you may go directly to Chemical Engineering student services.
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