Robert E. McGinn
Email: mcginn [at] stanford [dot] edu Administrative Assistant: Marilynn Rose |
Research Interests
- Technology and contemporary society
- Ethical issues in science, technology, and engineering
- Ethics and public policy
Selected Publications
- Robert E. McGinn. (2013) “Discernment and Denial: Nanotechnology Researchers’ Recognition of Ethical Responsibilities Related to Their Work.” Nanoethics. 2: 93-105.
- Robert E. McGinn. (2010) “Ethical Responsibilities of Nanotechnology Researchers: A Short Guide.” Nanoethics. 4: 1-12.
- Robert E. McGinn. (2010) “What Is Different, Ethically, About Nanotechnology? Foundational Questions and Answers.” Nanoethics. 4: 115-128.
- Robert E. McGinn. (2008) “Ethics and Nanotechnology: Views of Nanotechnology Researchers.” Nanoethics. 2: 101-131.
- Sandip Tiwari, Robert E. McGinn. (2008) “The Art of the Invisible: Achievements, Social Benefits, and Challenges of Nanotechnology” Pp. 93-101 in eds. Frontiers of Knowledge. Madrid: Fundación BBVA.
- Robert E. McGinn. (2003) “Mind the Gaps’: An Empirical Approach to Engineering Ethics, 1997-2001.” Science and Engineering Ethics. 9: 1-26.
- Robert E. McGinn. (2001) Denver, CO: American Water Works Association.
- Robert E. McGinn. (1999) Expectations and Experiences of Ethical Issues in Engineering: A Survey of Stanford Engineering Students and Practicing Engineers. Online Ethics Center For Engineering and Science.
- Robert E. McGinn. (1997) “Optimization, Option Disclosure, and Problem Redefinition: Derivative Moral Obligations of Engineers and the Case of the Composite-Material Bicycle.” Professional Ethics. 6: 5-25.
- Robert E. McGinn. (1995) “The Engineer’s Moral Right to Reputational Fairness.” Science and Engineering Ethics. 1: 217-230.
- Robert E. McGinn. (1994) “Technology, Demography, and the Anachronism of Traditional Rights.” Journal of Applied Philosophy. 11: 57-70.
- Robert E. McGinn. (1993) “The Built Environment: Recent Developments, Issues, and Policy Initiatives.”
- Robert E. McGinn. (1991) Science, Technology and Society. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Research Projects
Current Projects
- Ethical Issues in Nanotechnology Workplaces
Completed Projects
- Ethics and Nanotechnology: Mapping the Views of the NNIN Community
- MS&E 182: Work, Technology & Society
- MS&E 197 Ethics and Public Policy