Daniel Lassiter
Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Stanford University
Research areas:
- Theoretical, experimental, and computational semantics and pragmatics
- Probability and decision theory in formal linguistics
- Computational cognitive science
- Philosophy of language
Contact: danlassiter [at sign] stanford [dot] edu
Research overview
My research focuses on theories of meaning and reasoning, and their role in communication. I use logical, computational, and experimental methods to bring together the insights of linguistic semantics & pragmatics with philosophical and psychological work on reasoning and decision making. Much of my work has focused the use of probabilistic models to illuminate linguistic phenomena such as vagueness, presupposition, implicature, and the lexical semantics of modals and conditionals.
Current teaching
Now published!
Order through OUP here.
- Gradation, scales, and degree semantics
- Measurement theory and the typology of scales
- Previous Work on Graded Modality: Lewis and Kratzer
- Epistemic Adjectives: Likely and Probable
- Certainty and possibility
- Implications for the epistemic auxiliaries
- Scalar goodness
- Ought and should
(You can also find a pre-final draft here.)
In progress/etc.
Bayes nets and the dynamics of probabilistic language
To appear in
Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21.
Review of Y. Winter, Elements of Formal Semantics
To appear in
Journal of Linguistics.
Graded modality
Draft of a survey article.
Must, knowledge, and (in)directness
Natural Language Semantics. [
Preprint] [
Data and analysis code]
Linguistic and philosophical considerations on Bayesian semantics
In M. Chrisman & N. Charlow (eds.),
Deontic Modals, OUP.
A rational speech-act model of projective content
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. [with C. Qing and N. Goodman]
Embedded implicatures as pragmatic inferences under compositional lexical uncertainty (w/
R.Levy, and
Journal of Semantics. [
Preprint] [
experiment, data, and model code]
Adjectival vagueness in a Bayesian model of interpretation (w/
Synthese. [
Journal version]
How many kinds of reasoning? Inference, probability, and natural language semantics (w/
Cognition. [
Preprint] [
Data, etc.]
Probabilistic Semantics and Pragmatics: Uncertainty in Language and Thought (w/
Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory — 2nd edition, ed. C. Fox & S. Lappin. [
Link to book website]
Unless: An experimental approach (w/
Prerna Nadathur)
Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 2014.
Adjectival modification and gradation
Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory — 2nd edition, ed. C. Fox & S. Lappin. [
Link to book website]
The weakness of must: In defense of a Mantra
Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 24.
[Superseded by "
Must, knowledge, and (in)directness".]
Modality, scale structure, and scalar reasoning
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly. [
Epistemic comparison, models of uncertainty, and the disjunction puzzle
Journal of Semantics.
Context, scale structure, and statistics in the interpretation of positive-form adjectives
Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 23. (w/
Conditional antecedents provide no evidence for a grammatical theory of scalar implicature
Draft, 11/19/13. Comments welcome.
Presuppositions, provisos, and probability
Semantics & Pragmatics 5(2):
and modal interveners in degree constructions
Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 22.
with epistemic modals in stochastic λ-calculus
Draft, w/
N.Goodman. Comments
How many kinds of reasoning? Inference, probability, and natural language semantics
Proceedings of the 34th Annual
Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. (w/
Measurement and Modality: The Scalar Basis of Modal Semantics
Ph.D. dissertation, NYU Linguistics, 2011
Nouwen's puzzle and a scalar semantics for obligations, needs, and desires
Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT)
Vagueness as probabilistic linguistic knowledge
In R. Nouwen et al. (eds.),
Vagueness in Communication.
Anaphoric properties of which and the syntax of appositive relatives
NYU Working Papers in Linguistics.
Gradable epistemic modals, probability, and scale structure
Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT)
20, 2010.
Algebraic Structure of Amounts: Evidence from Comparatives
In T. Icard & R. Muskens (eds.),
Interfaces: Explorations in Logic, Language, and
Where is the Conflict between Internalism and Externalism? A Reply to Lohndal and Narita
Biolinguistics 4(3): 138-148.
Explaining a restriction on the scope of the comparative operator
Penn Working Papers in Linguistics.
Semantic Normativity and Coordination Games: Social Externalism Deflated
Croatian Journal of Philosophy 10(10): 37-56.
Symmetric Presupposition Satisfaction is Mid-Sentence Presupposition Correction
Presented at the ESSLLI workshop
New Directions in the Theory of Presupposition organized by N. Klinedinst & D. Rothschild.
Externalism, Language Variation, and Sociolinguistic
Accommodation (2008)
Mind and Language. [
Edited volume: Daniel Lassiter and Marija Slavkovik (eds).
New Directions in Logic, Language, & Computation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.
7415. Springer, 2012 (250pp).