Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment


COP21: Informing Climate Agreement »

November 23, 2015

Decades of Stanford Research Underpin Global Climate Talks in Paris

By Leslie Willoughby, Stanford Woods Institute

Terry Root and students

Excellence in Environmental Education »

February 5, 2015

Woods Senior Fellow and undergraduate environmental action class honored for excellence

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stephen Schneider

Honoring Science Communication »

October 20, 2014

Stephen Schneider Award for Climate Science Communication, named in honor of late Stanford climate scientist, goes to Jane Lubchenco

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stephen Schneider

California Gov. Jerry Brown Honors Pioneering Climate Scientist »

October 2, 2014

Stanford's Stephen Schneider inducted into California’s Hall of Fame

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

California Governor to Honor Stephen H. Schneider »

July 18, 2014

Stanford climate expert to be inducted in California Hall of Fame

By Terry Nagel, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Lisa Jackson and Terry Root

Former EPA Chief Calls On Business to Lead Environmental Charge »

April 23, 2014

In Stanford talk, Lisa Jackson says green solutions don’t have to come at expense of economy

By Terry Nagel, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Lisa Jackson to Speak at Stanford »

April 11, 2014

Former EPA administrator and current Apple VP to talk about her journey from the public to the private sector

By Terry Nagel, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Chris Field, David Lobell, Terry Root and Noah Diffenbaugh

Behind the Scenes of an International Climate Report »

March 31, 2014

Stanford Woods Institute Senior Fellow Chris Field has spent five years leading a large team of international scientists as they prepared a major United Nations report on the state and fate of the world's climate....

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute Senior Fellow Terry Root, Nicholas Stern and Governor Jerry Brown

The Cost of Climate Inaction »

December 20, 2013

An event attended by California Governor Edmund Gerald "Jerry" Brown, Jr., winner of climate science prize named for former Stanford Woods Institute senior fellow discusses economics of climate damage

By Danielle Torrent, Climate One

48 Stanford Scientists Sign Global Environmental Consensus Statement »

May 23, 2013

California Governor accepts document endorsed by 520 scientists from 44 countries.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Al Gore Connects Climate Change Inaction to Political Dysfunction »

April 24, 2013

The former vice president and Nobel Peace Prize winner calls for 'passionate' action to reverse the 'degraded' state of democracy

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Al Gore to Speak at Stanford »

March 21, 2013

Former Vice President Al Gore will give a lecture on climate change on Tuesday, April 23, in honor of former Senior Fellow Stephen Schneider, a world-renowned climate scientist who died in 2010.

By Terry Nagel

Chasing Ice Screening and Discussion »

March 11, 2013

Stanford Woods Institute fellows discuss climate change film after showing on campus

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment