Experimental Station 14-1

Beamline 14-1 is a bending magnet beamline, available 50% to general users. It is dedicated for  monochromatic, high-throughput macromolecular crystallography and optimized for SAD and MAD experiments. It can be run in a full remote access mode.  It is equipped with a Rayonix MX325 CCD detector. For aditional information about the experimental capabilities, see http://smb.slac.stanford.edu/index.shtml.

Supported Techniques
Macromolecular Crystallography
Multi wavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD)
Single wavelength anomalous diffraction (SAD)
Main Scientific Disciplines
Structural Molecular Biology
Beam Line Specifications


Bending Magnet

Source Bending magnet, side station

  Energy Range Resolution ΔE/E Spot Size Flux
Focused 6.0-13.0 keV ~3 x 10-4 H: 0.05-0.1
W: 0.07-0.15
1.3 x 1011

See also: BioSync 14-1


Mirror: Flat collimating Rh coated mirror, toroidal focussing mirror

Monochromator: Si (111) double crystal



Detector: MARmosaic 325 CCD, sample to detector distance: 95 to 650 mm,  maximum vertical offset: 60 mm

Goniometer: Huber kappa diffractometer

Cryo Capability: Oxford Cryojet

Sample Environment

Ambient pressure. 

Sample temperature: 100K - room temperature.

Data Acquisition and Analysis

The beamline control GUI Blu-ice is installed at all the beamlines. Web-ice provides an interface for diffraction image viewing and automated autoindex and data collection strategy calculation.

Other supported software installed in the alpha servers accessible from all the beamlines include mosflm, HKL2000 and XDS. MAD/SAD scripts, developed at SSRL, are also available to facilitate on-line structure solution. The graphics package COOT is installed on the local beamline computers.


Beam Line Phone
650-926-5141. Support cell phone: 650-307-4151
Beam Line Contact
Beam Line Engineering Notes

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