User 'To Do' List after Beam Time is Assigned

□ Review Checklists, Check-In Procedures & Advance Requirements for Foreign Nationals

Prior to traveleing to SLAC, review checklists for propsal spokesperson/lead contacts, collaborators, updated user check-in procedures and changes for SLAC access/badging. Ensure that URA knows who plans to visit SLAC to participate in your experiment. There are additional requirements for foreign nationals from certain countries. SSRL hosts will be assigned and visits will be coordinated with DOE through the Foreign Access Central Tracking System (FACTS). Advance approval is required for users who were born in, are citizens of, or have had afffiliations with Cuba, Iran, Sudan or Syria.

□  Review Safety of Scheduled Experiments & Complete Training

Identify potential safety issues on proposals and beam time support requests (BTSR). If there are any potential hazards with your samples, materials you are using, or overall set up you may be contacted by the safety office depending on the degree of the hazard indicated. If you have any questions about potential hazards related to the substances/equipment you plan to use at LCLS, contact the safety officer.

Experiments dealing with the following hazards should contact the safety office before making plans to visit SSRL as advance notifications or additional approvals may be necessary:

  • Class 2 biohazards, animal and human subject use
  • Lasers (class 3r & 4)
  • Radioactive materials
  • Dry nanomaterials use

If you want to bring hazardous equipment or substances to SSRL and have not previously indicated this on either your proposal or beam time request (BTR), contact the safety officer immediately.  Additionally, any changes you may wish to make to your proposal or BTR must be reviewed and approved by the safety office in advance.  Late changes that involve potential hazards may not be possible.

The experiment information you provide is used by the Safety Office to review safety, potential hazards, mitigations, and appropriate training as well as to generate a Safety Checklist for your experiment which will be reviewed, completed and posted at the beam line before your experiment begins.

LCLS users must complete several safety training courses online BEFORE traveling to SLAC.

□ Complete User Agreements

Before user experiments begin, a User Agreement must be executed by the appropriate institutional officer(s) at your institution. A single User Agreement covers all experimenters from that institution (User Institution = "user"). The Department of Energy has implemented standard user agreements for Non-Proprietary User Agreement and for Proprietary Research. We have very little flexibility to modify the agreement template. Find the tempate agreements and a list of user insitituions with valid agreements.  Proprietary Research requires a separate agreement and advance payment on a full-cost recovery basis.

□ Establish or Confirm User Financial Accounts

Each user group should establish a user financial account to procure gases, chemicals, supplies or services to support your experiment at SLAC’s user facilities as well as to cover the costs of sending samples, dewars, or other equipment between SLAC and your institution. See details and instructions on the User Financial Account webpage.


□ Order Chemicals, Gases, Cryogenics

Please note that users are not allowed to bring chemicals or gases to SLAC.

LCLS stocks small quantities of rare gases (helium, neon, argon, krypton) for use as calibration standards. In addition, liquid nitrogen and nitrogen boil-off gas are available in small quantities. We also stock ethanol and acetone in our labs for use as cleaning solvents.

Any other chemical or gas that is needed for an LCLS experiment (including liquid helium or large quantities of liquid nitrogen used for refrigeration) must be purchased through SLAC's online chemical ordering system for delivery to SLAC in time for the experiment. Users are expected to pay for these chemicals through their user financial accounts. Please communicate with the appropriate instrument area manager at least 4 weeks prior to your scheduled beam time to order specialty gases, chemicals or other supplies.

Gases and cryogenics can be charged to your user fiinancial account. Contact your LCLS Instrument Scientist or Area Manager for details.  

□ Coordinate Equipiment Modifications

We understand that equipment may need to be made or modified for experiments at LCLS. Generally, straightforward requests for work requiring less than two man-hours may be done by LCLS staff at no charge to the user. However, more complicated requests that require labor from SLAC shops will be charged to users through their user financial accounts. Please communicate with the appropriate instrument scientists as early as possible for help to scope and coordinate this type of work.

□ Establish or Confirm Computer Accounts, Set Up & Access Electronic Logbook (eLog)

All persons using SLAC computers or accounts are responsible for understanding and complying with the SLAC cyber security requirements.

Obtaining a SLAC computer account and accessing LCLS experiment elogs to participate in proposal data collection and analysis is a multi-step process:

1. LCLS users must a) be registered in the user portal, b) have a SLAC ID #, c) agree to the ‘Use of SLAC Information Resources, and d) complete SLAC cyber security training.

2.  The proposal spokesperson or their designee must identify collaborators who need a SLAC UNIX account when they submit their beam time support request (BTSR).

 3. LCLS users, whom the proposal spokesperson has authorized on their BTSR, then log into the user portal with their email address (request a password if needed). Click the link from the Welcome page, Review/Request LCLS Unix Account, or mouse over to "User Information" in the navigation bar, and a pulldown menu appears.  Select "Computer Accounts", then click on "Request LCLS Unix Account" (NOTE: this will only work after the BTSR has been submitted and approved, and if the user does not already have a SLAC account. Let us know if you run into any problems.)

4. The experiment spokesperson, or his/her designees, must add (or remove) users to the experiment group through the PCDS Web Portal.  Click on Manage -> POSIX Group under the Experiment tab.

Tips for Troubleshooting Problems with your Computer Account:

1)      Change Password  (including expired passwords):
2)      Reset Password (if you don’t remember your password, during business hours e-mail (for off-hour emergencies, )
3)      Cannot View Experiment (if you can login to Experimental Portal, but cannot see your Experiment), contact your Spokesperson (for off-hour emergencies,

Coordinate Shipments to/from SLAC

See instructions for shipping equipment and samples to or from SLAC. Note: There are new requirements for international shipments and exports. Please coordinate in advance with the LCLS Area Manager.

For information on personally transporting samples or other potentially hazardous materials, contact the safety officer.