"The world has lost a truly great man..." Paul McCartney on George Martin: http://www.paulmccartney.com/news-blogs/news/paul-mccartney-on-george-martin … pic.twitter.com/dDE5cm2F0a
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"The world has lost a truly great man..." Paul McCartney on George Martin: http://www.paulmccartney.com/news-blogs/news/paul-mccartney-on-george-martin … pic.twitter.com/dDE5cm2F0a
LeBron was introduced by the LeBron James kid at the Sacramento Kings game. (via @SacramentoKings) http://vine.co/v/iHiOmHdiE02
All smiles because it's #GreysAnatomy day! #TGIT pic.twitter.com/ru8s4yF1Pd
A trip to #Mars will challenge bones. Scans to study my bone health after a #YearInSpace to help solve the problem. pic.twitter.com/zeEOaseSpa
I'm told QB Brock Osweiler has agreed to a deal in principle with the Houston #Texans.
What is your favorite game in the Super Mario Bros. series? #MAR10Day pic.twitter.com/py5ZuEc3GS
I understand people are angry & frustrated. Anger can motivate us, but it shouldn't define us. Anger is not a plan. https://amp.twimg.com/v/cdaeb6ab-9fa9-4e94-af08-38260773863f …
Here is Cookie Monster with a puppy to get you through your day pic.twitter.com/eSt5jZkrfn
Kobe. LeBron.
The two match up for a final time tonight on TNT. #TBT pic.twitter.com/Au11XPz6iT
The Witcher developer has announced a new game... for release this year http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/03/10/the-witcher-developer-plans-to-release-an-unannounced-game-in-2016 … pic.twitter.com/fBe85AkvBv
#AlphaGo wins match 2, to take a 2-0 lead!! Hard for us to believe. AlphaGo played some beautiful creative moves in this game. Mega-tense...
Tom Brady officially signs two-year, $41M extension (via @RapSheet): http://on.nfl.com/1paILwG pic.twitter.com/Pi4IxzQfL1
Yes, Muslims voted for a Jewish candidate. No, pundits shouldn't be surprised http://huff.to/1nzMO4h pic.twitter.com/FpzcLJ0Y4Z
Help me identify the racist Trump supporter who repeatedly punched this protestor in the face last night. CRIMINAL! https://amp.twimg.com/v/8d2bf6ff-f09d-4d0c-ba30-de1578315823 …
Obama approval rating hits three-year high http://politi.co/1pzzm1W | AP photo pic.twitter.com/PggPf75aqf
Visualization shows total sea level change between 1992 and 2014, based on Earth observing satellite data. https://amp.twimg.com/v/6cf9919b-2fc6-4145-b869-0d30c85786dd …
Breaking: Apple announces iPhone and iPad event for March 21st http://www.theverge.com/2016/3/10/11193940/apple-spring-iphone-ipad-event-march-21-let-us-loop-you-in … pic.twitter.com/IdZF3sjSnE
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