Dropout Prevention Campaign Success

In the 16 months since the Dropout Prevention Campaign’s April 1, 2008 launch, there has been  increasing nationwide attention on the dropout crisis facing America’s schools. View details and a video highlighting the campaign.

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Parent Engagement Toolkit Online

Annie E. Casey Foundation and America's Promise Alliance developed a toolkit to engage parents in dropout prevention to help ensure success for all children.

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Grad Nation Guidebook

Grad Nation Guidebook

America's Promise Alliance recently commissioned Grad Nation, a new tool comprising the best evidence-based practices for keeping young people in school paired with suggestions for effectively preparing them for life after high school. Learn More

Apply to be Recognized as a Promise Place

Apply to be designated a Promise Place and receive national visibility from America's Promise Alliance. A Promise Place can be an organization or location that provides all Five Promises to young people.

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Saving Our Futures

Saving Our Futures is an online curriculum that teaches young people in middle and high school about financial responsibility.

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Featured Communities' goal: improve graduation rates

A Featured Community represents a local collaboration or group of partnerships engaging leadership from corporate, philanthropic, government, community-based, and education sectors, as well as the civic community.

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Leadership of Colin and Alma Powell

Five Promises

