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Letter Head: Jack O'Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, California Department of Education

June 15, 2010

Dear California Basic Educational Data System Coordinators:


The California Department of Education (CDE) is preparing for the fall 2010 California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) data collection and informing local educational agencies (LEAs) of the significant dates, changes to the data collection, what the LEA’s CBEDS coordinator’s responsibilities are, and to verify the LEA’s CBEDS coordinator contact information.

CBEDS Data Collection

The CBEDS data collection day is Wednesday, October 6, 2010. On this day each LEA is responsible for collecting aggregate staff, school, and district demographic data. These data are to be submitted through the CBEDS online reporting application by October 29, 2010. The application contains formatted School Information Form (SIF) and County/District Information Form (CDIF) data entry screens, the ability to import and export data, built-in edit checks, and the capability to print school and district forms and reports.

The CBEDS online reporting application will be available for use in early October. The application, Web-based training, as well as other resources will be available on the CDE CBEDS Web page at

October 2010 CBEDS Changes
SIF Change

Beginning this year, participating 2009-10 Alternative Schools Accountability Model (ASAM) schools are to report through CBEDS the number of all students enrolled, unduplicated number of long term students enrolled, number of apportionment days for long term students, and number of days of enrollment for long term students. LEAs with ASAM schools are to work with their ASAM coordinators to report this data. ASAM coordinators are also being notified of this change and are being asked to provide you this data.

If you have any questions regarding the new ASAM data to be collected, please contact Meredith Babcock-Roberson, Education Programs Assistant, Evaluation, Research, and Analysis Office at 916-319-0423 or by e-mail at  

CDIF Change                                                                                                       

Beginning this year, independently reporting charter schools are to submit High School Graduation Requirements (2010-11) as well as Estimated Number of Teacher Hires (2011-12). Therefore, LEAs with independently reporting charter schools should not include these data in district totals.

Additional Changes

Sections of the SIF and CDIF that are no longer collected through CBEDS will be removed from the forms and the remaining sections will be re-ordered. Please note: This will affect the file specifications for those LEAs that import their data. 

CBEDS Coordinator Responsibilities

We ask that each LEA designate a CBEDS coordinator. The coordinator’s responsibilities include distributing materials to schools, holding training sessions, verifying data, and ensuring that data for every school in the LEA (including charter schools reporting through their authorizing agency) are electronically submitted to the CDE by October 29, 2010. The coordinator will also be our point of contact for any questions about the data submitted by the LEA.

Charter schools that elect to report their data independently will be responsible for submitting all data for their charter school directly to the CDE. For more information, please visit the CDE CALPADS Charter Schools Web page at

CBEDS Coordinator Contact Survey

It is important to keep your CBEDS coordinator information current as it will be used to distribute CDE announcements related to the CBEDS data collection. Enclosed with this letter is the 2010 CBEDS Coordinator Contact Survey. If you have changes to the contact information on the survey, please logon to the CDE 2010-11 CBEDS - Online Reporting Application at Enter the user name and password included on the 2010 CBEDS Coordinator Contact Survey and select “Logon.” Select the “Update User Information” option from the Main Menu. You may also update your information by faxing the completed survey to 916-327-0195. All updates are due to the CDE by July 2, 2010. Remember to keep your user name and password for future use.

If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact the Educational Demographics Office, at 916-327-0219 or by e-mail at



Keric Ashley, Director
Data Management Division


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