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CDE Education Data News, Issue 7

Education Data News for California school districts Issue 7 for Fall 2008.

Newsletter Highlights

Time is Running Out: Register Now to Receive Funding to Prepare for CALPADS!

By Nancy Sullivan, Special Project Administrator, CSIS

The California School Information Services (CSIS) Best Practices Cohort Project provides funding to help eligible local educational agencies (LEAs) prepare for the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System CALPADS). When CALPADS is implemented in 2009-10, all LEAs will be required to submit individual-level student and teacher data to this system. The list of eligible LEAs (XLS; Outside Source) and the amount of funding each LEA may receive if they participate is accessible from the Best Practices Cohort Project (Outside Source). The minimum funding available is $15,000 per LEA and for larger LEAs the funding is $8.51/student.

Many eligible LEAs have joined the project and are reporting that it is helping them improve their data management practices and identify what they need to do to get ready for CALPADS. However, some eligible LEAs have yet to register for the project and time is running out! Several of the deliverables for the project are time specific, so join now to ensure you have enough time to complete all of the CALPADS readiness tasks and receive all of the funding available to your LEA.

To register, visit the Best Practices Cohort Project (Outside Source) and:

  1. Scroll down to the Letter of Intent section, complete the Letter of Intent, and submit it to CSIS as instructed on the form.
  2. Scroll down to the W-9 Information section, complete the W-9 form, and fax it to Tamie Triplett at 661-636-4647.

LEAs wanting more information about the project should visit the BP Cohort Project (Outside Source) and download the Frequently Asked Questions (PDF; Outside Source).

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Completing the Fall Submission — It is More Than Sending Data to CSIS

By Nancy Sullivan, Special Project Administrator, CSIS

All local educational agencies (LEAs) are required to complete a fall data submission, either the Annual Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) Maintenance or Fall State Reporting, through the California School Information Services (CSIS).

Everyone involved - LEA leaders as well as those doing the work - need to recognize that maintaining the SSIDs involves more than simply sending data files to Sacramento by the December 12, 2008 deadline. Resources need to be allocated to support submission and data reconciliation activities, as well as resolution of SSID anomalies.

As LEAs work on submitting data to CSIS, they need to take steps to ensure a record is sent for all students enrolled on October 1, 2008 as well as previously enrolled students who exited prior to October 1, 2008. LEAs are strongly encouraged to submit data for all students and all schools no later than November 17, 2008. Best practice is to submit data for one school, analyze the results, and apply lessons learned before sending up data for additional schools. For example, if the student’s primary language was missing for all students, this problem should be corrected for all of the LEA’s records before more data is sent. Likewise, if there were three consistent problems identified with the first school’s data, the LEA should resolve all three in all records before sending more data to CSIS. Please do not correct errors one at a time and resubmit. This wastes your time and negatively impacts CSIS’ ability
to provide quality technical assistance to all LEAs.

In terms of reconciling data, LEAs are strongly encouraged to generate reports no later than December 1, 2008. Doing so should allow sufficient time to reconcile enrollment, graduate, dropout, and No Child Left Behind (NCLB) category enrollment counts before the December 12, 2008 deadline.

Remember that certification of the submission means the Superintendent or designee has reviewed and is certifying the accuracy of enrollment, dropout, graduate, and NCLB category counts. Many LEAs have previously not devoted sufficient attention to the accuracy of NCLB category counts. Time also needs to be allocated to SSID anomaly resolution. Multiple identifier (MID) anomaly resolution is an ongoing process and is available to LEAs throughout the school year. Exit Reason Discrepancy (ERD) and Concurrent Enrollment (CCE) anomalies are school year specific and use Information Day, October 1, 2008, as the point of reference for the 2008-09 school year. ERDs and CCEs are dependent on updated statewide data. Visibility into CCEs and ERDs prior to the December 12th deadline may result in LEAs spending resources on researching and resolving anomalies that will eventually be resolved through the completion of the Annual SSID Maintenance or State Reporting submission. As a result, CSIS has disabled the CCE and ERD functionality and is asking that all LEAs focus on submitting and certifying their data by the December 12th deadline. LEAs will be notified in December when CCE and ERD functionality has been activated and will then need to devote resources to resolving these anomalies. Some LEAs may be able to resolve their anomalies before the winter break; others will need to spend time doing so in January.

Maintaining the integrity of the statewide student identifiers takes time. Data needs to be sent to CSIS, errors must be investigated and resolved, counts need to be reconciled and corrections made if necessary, and finally anomalies need to be addressed. LEA leaders need to ensure resources are allocated to complete all of this work and those doing the work need to be sure they avail themselves of the training and online resources CSIS (Outside Source) makes available.

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OPUS - New Web Application Simplifies SIF & CDIF Collection

By Karl Scheff, Educational Demographics Administrator, CDE

The California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) School Information Form (SIF) and County/District Information Form (CDIF) are being collected for the first time through the Online Public Update for Schools (OPUS-CBEDS) Web application. OPUS-CBEDS is a Web application that has replaced the SIF/CDIF Data Entry Assistant (DEA) software that was used last year. Similar to the SIF/CDIF DEA, the OPUS-CBEDS Web application contains formatted data entry screens, the ability to import and export data, built-in edit checks, and the capability to print school and district forms and reports.

The most significant difference between the SIF/CDIF DEA software used last year and the new Web-based OPUS-CBEDS application is that the OPUS-CBEDS application only requires a Web browser, user ID and password to use. The SIF/CDIF DEA software used last year required a software installation from CD to the user’s local machine and an internet connection to upload data after the data entry is completed on the local machine. Changing to the Web-based OPUS-CBEDS application allows CDE to easily provide software enhancements without requiring the user to download new versions of the software.

The release of the OPUS-CBEDS Web application was delayed until October 15, 2008. Because of this delay, the deadline for completing the SIF/CDIF data submission through OPUS-CBEDS was moved to November 14, 2008. As this is the first year of implementation, the application does not include all the reports previously provided with the SIF/CDF DEA software. As time permits, additional reports will be added to the OPUS-CBEDS application.

An OPUS-CBEDS Web based training, which demonstrates the Web application through screen shots and audio narration, is posted on the CBEDS Instructional Materials Web page. An instruction guide [Note, the preceding Web address is no longer valid.] for using OPUS-CBEDS is also available. CBEDS staff will be available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to answer questions on OPUS-CBEDS or provide assistance with the CBEDS data collection.

A unique OPUS-CBEDS user login and password was provided to CBEDS coordinators. Coordinators simply use a Web browser to navigate to the OPUS-CBEDS login page to access and report SIF/CDIF data.

Data may also be imported into the OPUS-CBEDS application. To view the file specifications for importing SIF/CDIF data into the OPUS-CBEDS Web application, visit the CBEDS-OPUS Web Application and Resources Web page and refer to the OPUS-CBEDS File Layout (DOC; 609KB; 26pp. [Note, the preceding Web address is no longer valid.). CBEDS-OPUS Frequently Asked Questions and OPUS-CBEDS project development updates [Note, the preceding Web address is no longer valid.] are also available on this Web page.

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Anomaly Detection and Resolution Update

By Martha Friedrich, Director of Client Service, CSIS

In April 2008, CSIS deployed the Anomaly Detection and Anomaly Resolution (ADAR) functionality in DataGate. The Exit Reason Discrepancy (ERD) anomaly was the first of the three anomaly types to roll out. In June 2008, CSIS activated the remaining two anomaly types, Concurrent Enrollment (CCE) and Multiple Identifier (MID). LEAs were very engaged in addressing their anomalies, as the ADAR module was heavily used in the summer. CSIS trained over 711 LEAs. The State had a total of 626,506 anomalies on June 14, 2008. But the hard work of LEAs cut this number by half, resulting in a total of 309,718 anomalies on September 14, 2008. The Best Practices Cohort Project played a big role in preparing LEAs for anomaly resolution. Best Practice LEAs recognized the importance of resolving their anomalies, not just because it was one of their deliverables, but because they value data quality. There is still more to do and the work must continue on a regular basis to minimize incorrect SSID assignments converted to CALPADS and to improve accuracy of the longitudinal data.

LEA feedback on the anomaly activity was very positive. LEAs expressed satisfaction with the user interface and the ease of resolving MID anomalies. Requiring a training prerequisite in order to gain access to the ADAR module was viewed positively by LEAs. Finally, LEAs built partnerships and learned to work in cooperation with one another to resolve anomalies.

Anomaly resolution is an ongoing activity for LEAs. CSIS detects MID anomalies on a weekly basis and publishes a Statewide Student Identifier Anomalies report with LEA totals for each anomaly type. The report is presented by county and can be found on the CSIS Web page (Outside Source).

MID anomalies are not date specific, whereas the ERD and CCE are reflective of a point in time – Information Day. LEAs were able to resolve 2007-08 ERDs and CCEs until September 26, 2008. The 2008-09 ERDs and CCEs will use October 1, 2008 as the point of reference. CSIS will activate access to the 2008-09 ERDs and CCEs once statewide enrollment data is more complete; it is estimated this will occur in December once the majority of LEAs submit and certify their Annual SSID Maintenance.

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SEIDS are Sprouting on the PAIF!

By Paula Mishima, Special Projects Administrator, CDE

The foundation of the California Longitudinal Teacher Integrated Data Education System (CALTIDES) will be the Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) required of all credentialed personnel working in California’s K-12 public schools.

The Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) has disseminated SEIDs to all county offices, and counties have disseminated or made SEIDs available to their respective LEAs. The fruits of these labors are beginning to sprout, as LEAs are currently submitting SEIDs on the fall 2008 CBEDS Professional Assignment Information Form (PAIF).

SEIDs are required on the PAIF but it is recognized that some lifetime credential holders who are not in CTC’s database do not yet have a SEID. The CTC is working to convert these credential holders from microfilm and completion on the project in time for CALPADS implementation.

If your LEA still has not received your SEIDs, contact the credential analyst at your county office of education. In addition, the SEIDs are now available from the CTC Web page (Outside Source). Access to the SEID lookup is restricted to Credential Information Guide (CIG) users and requires the same username and password for login. If you do not already have access to the CIG, you may obtain the login information by contacting the Commission by e-mail at

Once the SEID is being used by COEs and LEAs in state reporting, the CDE will be able to relieve LEAs from reporting the teacher credential information provided annually on the PAIF.

The procurement of a vendor to build and implement CALTIDES is underway. The CALTIDES team is currently reviewing draft technical proposals submitted by vendors. The selection of a vendor is scheduled for July 2009, and commencement of the CALTIDES contract in January 2010. The current implementation date for CALTIDES is the fall of 2011.

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CALPADS Still on Track for 2009-10 Implementation

By Paula Mishima, Special Projects Administrator, CDE

Steady progress continues to be made on the development of the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement
Data System (CALPADS). In October 2008, the CALPADS team released a near final draft of the CALPADS File Specifications (CFS) to the student information system (SIS) vendors and LEAs with custom SIS systems. The release was followed by conference calls to solicit input on the document. The CFS includes general information about the submissions along with the actual file formats, which include element name, description, definition, and input validation rules. Based on the input received, the CALPADS team clarified how LEAs will be required to update and correct the data and re-released the document on October 31, 2008. Look for a message from the CALPADS listserv for the location of this document. If you have not subscribed to the CALPADS-LEA listserv, just send an e-mail message to

The CDE and CSIS are proceeding with Webcast sessions that provide an overview of the data elements in the CFS. The sessions provide an orientation to the file formats and highlight the major changes in how data will be collected in CALPADS. One change that will be highlighted is the implementation of the new federal requirements for collecting and reporting race and ethnicity data. The CDE strongly encourages SSID-only LEAs and State Reporting LEAs [Note, the preceding Web addresses are no longer valid.] to attend one of these Webcast trainings.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is still scheduled for the spring of 2009. The CDE is soliciting LEAs interested in participating in the CALPADS Pilot UAT. The CDE hopes to have a pilot group of approximately 120 LEAs representing California’s diversity. LEAs will be able to submit data either through a batch submission of data in the form of standardized flat files or through online data entry via a dedicated, Web-based portal. CALPADS will also provide the option for LEAs to submit student enrollment data using School Interoperability Framework (SIF) compliant data objects. If your LEA is interested in being in the CALPADS Pilot UAT group, please submit a contact name, the name of your LEA, SIS product and version used by your LEA, and anticipated submission type, to the CALPADS e-mail address,

The CDE will be accepting requests through the end of this calendar year, and will select the pilot group by January 2009.

The CALPADS team will be providing more detailed information in November on the use of SIF for the enrollment file. Using SIF will partially automate and thereby reduce the everyday workload LEAs face enrolling and exiting students from CALPADS. In late November, the CALPADS team will provide LEAs with a description of the support the state will provide LEAs to take advantage of this opportunity.

Finally, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell is finalizing a letter to all local superintendents re-questing their leadership and support for the transitional activities required to support the implementation of CALPADS. This letter will be posted on the CALPADS Web page.

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Overview Sessions for CALPADS File Specifications

By Brandi Jauregui, Analyst, CDE

The California Department of Education (CDE) and CSIS provided several overview sessions to local educational agencies on the CALPADS file specifications released in mid-October.

The sessions provided information on the following:

  • Which data files are required for state reporting,
  • When those data are required to be reported,
  • Significant changes and rationale for the change,
  • Collections retiring due to collection in CALPADS, and
  • Local implications and preparing for CALPADS implementation.

The sessions were delivered in both onsite and Web-Ex format. The Web-Ex presentation may be downloaded from CSIS (Outside Source).

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New Federal Requirements for Collecting Race & Ethnicity on Students & Staff

By Marsha Devine, Consultant, CDE

Beginning in the 2009 school year, schools and district will be required to collect race and ethnicity information on students and staff using a two-part question:

  1. The first part asks whether or not the respondent is Hispanic or Latino.
  2. The second part of the question asks the race of the respondent.

New federal aggregate reporting categories will also be used based on this new way of collecting information. For more information visit the following Web pages:


Check out the CSIS Web page (Outside Source) for recorded Web-Ex information.


Send your questions to Marsha Devine at, subject line, “Race Ethnicity Federal Guidance.”

Race & Ethnicity Definitions

  • Hispanic or Latino: A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
  • American Indian or Alaska Native: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains a tribal affiliation or community attachment.
  • Asian: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
  • Black or African American: A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
  • White: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

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Questions:  CALPADS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738
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