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Title I, Part A

Title I, Part A federal funds help to meet the educational needs of low-achieving students in California's highest-poverty schools.

Funds are used to support effective, research-based educational strategies that close the achievement gap between high-and low-performing students and enable the students to meet the state's challenging academic standards. Title I-funded schools are either targeted assistance schools or schoolwide program schools.

Waiver Information - Title I, Part A
The LEA waiver application and resources for waiver requests pertaining to statutory and regulatory requirements of Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is available through this link.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Application for Funding Information
This is a letter to County and District Superintendents and Charter Schools that provides information related to the completion of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 Title I, Part A Application for supplemental funds, signed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Academic Achievement Awards
The program identifies and recognizes Title I schools with demonstrated success in significantly closing the achievement gap between high- and low-performing students.

Title I Conference Information

Information is provided about Title I Achieving Schools, Program Improvement schools, local educational agencies, and monitoring of Title I schools.

Committee of Practitioners (COP)
The COP advises the State Board of Education and the California Department of Education (CDE) on Title I, Part A issues.

Comparability Documents


Letters to the field regarding the Title I, Part A Basic Program, including parent involvement and private schools are provided.

Fiscal Information
Information is provided about Title I entitlements, socioeconomic data, and teacher loan cancellation benefits.

Guidance, Regulations, and Policy Letters from the U.S. Department of Education on Title I, Part A (Outside source)
Policy letters; NCLB legislation and regulations; and policy guidance on supplemental services, school and LEA Program Improvement, school choice, preschool, allocation of Title I funds to schools, and other elementary and secondary education issues are available at the USDE Web site.  

Homeless Education
Guidance, information, and assistance to ensure educational rights and protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness are provided.

Innovative Programs (Outside Source)
The Title V Innovative Programs assist local education reform efforts that are consistent with and support statewide reform efforts. They also support state and local efforts to implement promising educational reform programs.

Local Educational Agency Plan
The LEA Plan is required of all LEAs in California that receive funds under the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001.

No Child Left Behind
The State Board of Education and the California Department of Education's homepage for the NCLB. The information serves as a clearinghouse for information on California's ongoing implementation of NCLB.

Parent/Family Involvement
Information for parents and family members about Title I programs.

Preschool Programs
Use of Title I, Part A funds for preschool programs.

Prevention and Intervention Programs for Neglected Children and Youth
Children in a local institution for neglected children and youth or who are attending a community day program for such children are eligible for Title I, Part A services.

Title I Services for Students in Private Schools
Title I requires that an LEA provides eligible private school children with Title I educational services or other benefits that are equitable to those provided to eligible public school children. Title I services for eligible private school children must be developed in consultation with private school officials.

Program Improvement (PI)
All schools and LEAs that do not make Adequate Yearly Progress are identified for Program Improvement under No Child Left Behind. Program Improvement schools and LEAs must implement required program components and interventions. The requirements of Years One through five for schools and Years One through three for LEAs are explained.

School Choice
Students enrolled in PI schools have the option to transfer to schools in the LEA that are not PI, with paid transportation.

Schoolwide Programs (SWP)
To become a SWP school, Title I schools must develop a comprehensive plan that describes how the school will be improved academically so that all students attain proficiency on the state's academic content standards, especially those students farthest away from demonstrating proficiency. Eligible schools are those in which at least 40 percent of the children in the school attendance area are from low-income families.

Supplemental Educational Services
NCLB enables low-income children attending Program Improvement schools in Years two through five to receive supplemental educational services. Supplemental educational services include tutoring or other supplemental academic enrichment activities beyond the regular school day or year. Services are to be high quality, research-based, and designed to improve the students' academic achievement.

Targeted Assistance Schools (TAS)
Title I, Part A funds may be used in TAS only for programs that provide services to children eligible to receive Title I services. These children have been identified by the school as failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet the state's academic content standards.

Technical Assistance
The California Department of Education, collaborates with the Comprehensive Assistance Centers (CAC) and the Regional School Support and Improvement Centers (RSSIC/S4) to provide Title I technical assistance.

Title I, Part A - CalEdFacts
California Department of Education's information and media guide about education in the State of California. For information on other topics, visit the full CalEdFacts.

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