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2011 Timeline of Activities

Program activities and dates for the California Distinguished Schools Program for 2011.

Program Activities Tentative Dates

2010 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Report posted on the California Department of Education (CDE) AYP Web page [] and 2010 Growth Academic Performance Index (API) Report posted on the CDE API Web page [].

August 2010
2011 California Distinguished Schools Program announcement letter from the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) e-mailed to principals of middle and high schools and to district and county superintendents. September
2011 Distinguished Schools eligibility criteria posted on the CDE California Distinguished Schools Program Web page []. October
List of schools eligible to apply posted on the CDE California Distinguished Schools Program Web page. November
2011 Distinguished MIddle and High School Applications posted on the California Distinguished Schools Program Web page. November
Technical assistance workshops for California Distinguished Schools Program Coordinators at county offices of education (COEs). November
Deadline for submission of 2011 Distinguished Middle and High School Applications. December 17
Legal compliance/complaint screening of applicant schools conducted by the CDE. December - May
Evaluation of 2011 Distinguished Middle and High School Applications conducted by local educators under the direction of the CDE. January 10-12, 2011

List of nominees submitted to the SSPI for approval.

COEs notified of final evaluation results. COEs coordinate the preliminary notification to districts and schools. February
Notification of evaluation results letters e-mailed to school principals by the CDE. February
Revised 2010 AYP Report, including data corrections, posted on the AYP Web page. Revised 2010 API Report, including data corrections, posted on the API Web page. February
Confirmation of eligibility based on updated 2010 AYP and 2010 API information. February
Site validations conducted by COEs and the CDE. February - March
Announcement of 2011 Distinguished Middle and High Schools by the SSPI. April
Awards ceremony registration packets e-mailed to principals of 2011 Distinguished Middle and High Schools. April
2011 Distinguished School Awards Ceremony. May 20, 2011
Questions:   Awards Team | | 916-319-0800
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